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Briefing on the consultation into the feasibility of the Unique Learner Number. Launch Date: 1 st December 2003 Closing Date: 5 th March 2004 Primary audience: Post 16 Stakeholders, partners and providers in particular, Data Managers, Planning Managers and Funding and Finance Managers.
Briefing on the consultation into the feasibility of the Unique Learner Number • Launch Date: 1st December 2003 • Closing Date: 5th March 2004 • Primary audience: • Post 16 Stakeholders, partners and providers • in particular, Data Managers, Planning Managers and Funding and Finance Managers • This presentation is best viewed as a PowerPoint slide show, however, it can be viewed onscreen or in hardcopy format. DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
Developing the case for the Unique Learner Number DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
What is the unique learner number? • The unique learner number is currently a concept • In practice it would replace the plethora of other ‘unique’ numbers and identifiers • Providing one single learner number that would be used across the learning sectors DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
What’s the case for the unique learner number? • There are currently a wide range of ‘unique’ identifiers across the sector which have been developed to meet specific needs and requirements • These identifiers do not effectively support data sharing between partners or across the sectors • This creates bureaucratic and complex systems and has an adverse impact on learners, providers and stakeholders DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
When will the Unique Learner Number be introduced? • No decisions have been made • However, with a view to improving public services, some stakeholders are keen to move ahead quickly DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
What’s been done so far? • DfES, with the support of all the key Post-16 stakeholders has undertaken a feasibility study • This study found that there was a “positive” case for the unique learner number - but many issues to understand and resolve • Key issues relate to the nature and type of unique learner number service, and the related costs and benefits • This Consultation Exercise is part of the process of understanding these key issues DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
What is the unique learner number service? • This refers to the potential wider application and operation of the unique learner number • The feasibility studysuggested that the impacts and potential benefits of the unique learner number will arise less from the single identifier than from the improved services the number might support • The study suggested that there might be four levels to the unique learner number service– starting with a basic/ foundation service, and potentially building up to a fully integrated learner focussed service DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
What are the four levels to the unique learner number service? • Level 1 – a personal identifier recognised across the sector and attached to all personal learning-related record data • Level 2 - a common keyfor linking and exchanging records and data between providers and service agencies • Level 3 – an enabler for a national learning database providing access to past experience, achievements and entitlements • Level 4 – an integrated learner system for managing all learner records including applications, registrations and tracking of progress/ achievements DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
What are the perceived benefits of the unique learner number? • These will depend upon the nature and level of service in operation. In addition, the perception of benefits is likely to vary from one organisation to another • However, the key drivers behind the unique learner number are: • to deliver more learner-focussed services and support – leading to improved access, increased participation and success rates • to reduce bureaucracy – allowing resources to be released from administration to improve value for money and delivery • to deliver more effective sharing of data and information – supporting learner tracking and credit accumulation DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
What more do we need to know about benefits? • How benefits and impacts might differ from one organisation, institution or sector to another • More about the nature, range and type of benefits that will arise, and any related costs or savings, at the different service levels - we don’t want to deliver benefits at a disproportionate cost! DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
What are the perceived costs? • There will be costs around the setting up, issuing and ongoing maintenance of the unique learner number • There will also be costs associated with changes to current data collection and management systems and processes DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
What more do we need to know about costs? • We also want to understand how and why costs and savings vary from one organisation, institution or sector to another • We want to understand the nature, range and type of costs that will arise, alongside any benefits and savings DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
How will the costs of introducing and maintaining the unique learner number be met? • These decisions can only made once we have a better understanding of the costs and benefits across the sectors • In principle, it seems reasonable that costs should be shared amongst stakeholders, partners, and providers • Any changes to the national infrastructure might be met by key national stakeholders and partners • Whereas changes to a provider’s internal systems might be met through the routine processes of update and development DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
How would the unique learner number be implemented? • If a decision was made to proceed, a project implementation plan would be developed with full consultation across the sectors • The plan would be subject to the Government’s “Gateway Processes” to ensure that the project is: • soundly based, and subject to regular reviews and checks at critical phases, before moving on to subsequent phases • A key element of this would be ensuring that providers are able to build and develop their systems and processes in line with the agreed implementation plan DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
Will the unique learner number be a totally new number? • This is still subject to consideration • However, there are some advantages in basing it on an existing number e.g. issuing/ reissuing infrastructure is already in place • Important considerations in these cases include: data protection issues, population coverage and the trigger/ mechanisms for issuing the number e.g. to overseas students DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
How and when will the unique number number be issued? • This is still subject to detailed consideration • However, stakeholders have indicated a strong preference for a number that is issued to all young people during Year 10 i.e. age 15 • For the remainder of the population it is likely that the number would be issued during their first engagement in learning after “going live” DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
What will the unique learner number actually look like? • This is still subject to consideration, although there is a clear view that the number should be known and held by the learner • It has been suggested that the unique learner number might be held on some type of smart card, similar to the Connexions Card – this is being considered DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
Will the unique learner number allow access to retrospective information? • This has been raised as an issue by some stakeholders who want access to reliable historical data series • Some providers, however, have expressed concern about any burdens that might be imposed in creating or transferring such data • Issues such as this will be considered in a ‘sister’ project to consider the feasibility of a data warehouse DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
How does the unique learner number fit with the proposed ID cards? • The unique learner number is being developed in response to calls from stakeholders to introduce more effective and less burdensome learner focussed information systems • There is not a direct or immediate link • There is a clear sense of urgency to improve the way we use data and information to provide a better service to learners – the ID card is on a much longer timescale • Ultimately, the unique learner number may link to the ID card. On this basis close liaison is taking place across government DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
What are the next steps? • Stakeholders, partners and providers are invited to respond to the issues outlined in this Consultation Exercise by 05/03/2004 • Responses will be considered by the cross-sector Project Board, and key findings placed on the MI Across Partners’ website by 30/04/2004, along with proposals for next steps DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004
Contacts • Enquiries on the consultation process to: • DfES, Consultation Unit • 01928 794888 (Phone) • 01928 794311 (Fax) • consultation.unit@dfes.gsi.gov.uk • Please send responses to: consult.ULN@dfes.gsi.gov.uk • Enquiries on the policy content to: • Steve Robinson • 0114 259 4472 (Phone) • 0114 259 3984 (Fax) • Steve.robinson@dfes.gsi.gov.uk DfES/MIAP Unique Learner Number Consultation: 1st December 2003 - 5th March 2004