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ISU SEMASA DALAM PEMBANGUNAN MANUSIA (FEM 4000) KREDIT: 3(1+2),PERJUMPAAN BERSEMUKA 1 - PROGRAM PJJSEMESTER PERTAMA 2011-2012 INSTRUCTOR: SITI NOR BINTI YAACOB, PhD. OFFICE: TINGKAT 1 BLOK A, FEM CONTACT NO: 03-89467088/012-2841844 E-MAIL: sitinor@putra.upm.edu.my ADDRESS: Jab. Pembangunan Manusia & Pengajian Keluarga, Fakulti Ekologi Manusia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor. SITINOR/FEM4000/KEDUA 2010-2011
SINOPSIS KURSUS: Perbincangan tentang isu semasa berkaitan pembangunan manusia dalam pelbagai konteks. Pelajar menganalisis dan membentang seminar tentang isu terpilih ke arah peningkatan kualiti kehidupan.
TAJUK KULIAH • Pengenalan kepada isu semasa dalam pembangunan manusia • Overview pelbagai konteks pembangunan manusia • Panduan pengumpulan maklumat tentang isu terpilih • Kaedah menganalisis isu pembangunan manusia • Teknik menyediakan kertas kerja • Teknik pembentangan kertas kerja • Penggunaan teknologi dalam pembentangan kertas kerja
AMALI • Pelajar memilih tajuk, menjalankan kajian perpustakaan atau lapangan, menulis laporan dan seterusnya membentangkan kertas kerja
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN Pelajardapat: • Mengenalpastiisusemasadanutamadalampembangunanmanusia • Menganalisispelbagaiisupembangunanmanusiamengikutkonteks • Membincangkanisutertentukearahpeningkatankualitihidupmanusia
RUJUKAN Darcey, J. (1991). Human Development Across Lifespan. Dubuque: Brown Publishers. Kamarudin Ngah (1990). Kaedah Penyelidikan. Petaling Jaya: Penerbit Fajar Bakti. Pearsell, T. E. (2001). The Elements of Technical Writing. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Penslar, R. L. (1995). Research Ethnics: Case Materials. Bloomington: Indiana University. Roze, M. & Maxwell, S. (2002). Technical Communication in the Age of Internet. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Veit, R., Gould, C., & Clifford, J. (1990). Writing, Reading, and Research. New York: MacMillan. Watson, W., Pardo, L., & Tomovic, V. (1989). How to Give an Effective Seminar. Toronto: Stoddart.
TUGASAN INDIVIDU 1 & 2: PENULISAN KERTAS KERJA 1 (30%) DAN PEMBENTANGAN SEMINAR (40%) Bagi tugasan 1 dan 2, pelajar perlu menulis kertas kerja dan membentangkannya dalam seminar pada Perjumpaan Bersemuka Kedua. Tema bagi seminar ini ialah “Pembangunan Manusia dalam Era Globalisasi: Isu dan Cabaran”. SITINOR/FEM4000/KEDUA 2010-2011
Subtema seminar adalah seperti berikut: (i) Sosial dan Kekeluargaan (ii) Ekonomi dan Kewangan (iii) Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (ICT) (iv) Kesihatan (v) Alam Sekitar. SITINOR/FEM4000/KEDUA 2010-2011
Tulis kertas kerja dalam Bahasa Malaysia atau Bahasa Inggeris antara 20-25 muka surat (langkau dua). Bentang kertas kerja yang ditulis semasa Perjumpaan Bersemuka Kedua. Anggaran masa pembentangan adalah 30 minit bagi setiap pelajar. Selepas bentang, baiki kertas kerja dan hantar 2 minggu sebelum peperiksaan akhir. Setiap pelajar boleh memilih isu-isu ini sebagai tajuk atau beri tajuk lain yang berkaitan bagi tugasan 1 dan tugasan 2. SITINOR/FEM4000/KEDUA 2010-2011
Subtema (i): SOSIAL & KEKELUARGAAN Ibu Bapa bawah Umur Bunuh Diri Rogol Buang Bayi Pemerdagangan Manusia Mat Rempit/Lumba Haram Dadah Pelacur Gangsterism 10. Rompak 11. Curi 12. Culik 13. Simbahan Asid 14. Lari dari Rumah 15. Transexual 16. Penderaan 17. Keganasan Rumahtangga 18. Kepincangan Institusi Keluarga 19. Sumbang Mahram SITINOR/FEM4000/KEDUA 2010-2011
Subtema (ii):EkonomidanKewangan Kenaikan Harga Barang Inflasi Ketidaksamaan Ekonomi antara Bandar dan Luar Bandar Kemiskinan Pengangguran Pinjaman (rumah, kereta) PTPTN Ceti Haram-Along SITINOR/FEM4000/KEDUA 2010-2011
Subtema (iii): ICT Social Network Pembangunan ICT Pengalahgunaan Internet Ketagihan Internet Trend SMS SITINOR/FEM4000/KEDUA 2010-2011
Subtema (iv): Kesihatan HIV Penuaan Merokok Obesiti Denggi Makanan Kesihatan Kos Perubatan Meningkat Kekurangan Doktor SITINOR/FEM4000/KEDUA 2010-2011
Subtema (v): AlamSekitar Global Warming Kitar Semula Bencana Alam Pencemaran Alam Sekitar Kehausan Petroleum Kebersihan Bandar SITINOR/FEM4000/KEDUA 2010-2011
TUGASAN INDIVIDU 3: PENULISAN KERTAS KERJA 2 (30%) Bagi tugasan 3, pelajar perlu menulis kertas kerja berdasarkan topik yang dipilih masing-masing. Topik yang dipilih mestilah merupakan isu semasa berkaitan pembangunan manusia global. Tulis kertas kerja dalam Bahasa Malaysia atau Bahasa Inggeris antara 15-20 muka surat (langkau dua). Serah tugasan 3 dua minggu sebelum peperiksaan akhir. SITINOR/FEM4000/KEDUA 2010-2011
ECOLOGY OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT URIE BRONFENBRENNER • study individual’s development within the context of the system of relationships that form his/her environment. • define complex layers of environment, each having an effect on an individual’s development. • changes in any one layer will ripple throughout other layers. • to understand individual development – must look not only at his/her immediate environment, but also at the interaction of the larger environment.
Urie Bronfenbrenner specified four types of nested environmental systems, with bi-directional influences within and between the systems. • The four systems are: • Microsystem • Mesosystem • Exosystem • Macrosystem • Later a fifth system was added: Chronosystem
Microsystem: • Immediate environments (family, school, peer group, neighbourhood and childcare environments) Mesosystem: • A system comprised of connections between immediate environments (i.e., a child’s home and school) Exosystem: • External environmental settings which only indirectly affect development (such as parent's workplace)
Macrosystem: - The larger culturalcontext (Eastern vs. Western culture,national economy, political culture, subculture) Chronosystem: - The patterning of environmental events and transitions over the course of life.
Each system contains: roles, norms and rules that can powerfully shape development.
WHAT IS HUMAN DEVELOPMENT? Human development is the process of growing to maturity. In biological terms, this entails growth from a one-celled zygote to an adult human being. In the scope of humanity, human development is an international and economic development paradigm Human development can refer to anthropological, sociological, and psychological approaches to examining human development in context Human development can be viewed as the process of achieving an optimum level of health and well-being. It includes physical, biological, mental, emotional, social, educational, economic, and cultural components.
Human Development: Paul Streeten describes human development as the process of enlarging people’s choices, the choices that are created by expanding human capabilities and functioning – what people do and can do in their lives. • (UNDP, 1999) • Individuals do not develop their capabilities in vacuum. • A person’s individual attributes are influenced by the family, community and society into which the individual is born, grows up, and lives as an adult.
WHAT IS HUMAN DEVELOPMENT? "The basic purpose of development is to enlarge people's choices. In principle, these choices can be infinite and can change over time. People often value achievements that do not show up at all, or not immediately, in income or growth figures: greater access to knowledge, better nutrition and health services, more secure livelihoods, security against crime and physical violence, satisfying leisure hours, political and cultural freedoms and sense of participation in community activities. The objective of development is to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and creative lives." Mahbub ul HaqFounder of the Human Development Report
WHAT IS HUMAN DEVELOPMENT? Human Development is a development paradigm that is about much more than the rise or fall of national incomes. It is about creating an environment in which people can develop their full potential and lead productive, creative lives in accord with their needs and interests. People are the real wealth of nations. Development is thus about expanding the choices people have to lead lives that they value. And it is thus about much more than economic growth, which is only a means —if a very important one —of enlarging people’s choices.
WHAT IS HUMAN DEVELOPMENT? Fundamental to enlarging these choices is building human capabilities —the range of things that people can do or be in life. The most basic capabilities for human development are to lead long and healthy lives, to be knowledgeable, to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living and to be able to participate in the life of the community. Without these, many choices are simply not available, and many opportunities in life remain inaccessible.
CENTRAL ISSUES IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT • Issues in Human Development may draw upon many different disciplines: • the natural, social and behavioral sciences. • humanistic and cultural studies. • helps in the illustrations and understanding of human experience and behavior.
CENTRAL ISSUES IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT • Some critical topics in Human Development: • the nature of human development and changes across the life span • the social and environmental contexts in which human development takes place • the determinants of human development and behavior • the domains and dimensions of thought, emotion and action
EXAMPLES OF SPECIFIC ISSUES IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Health issues Educational issues – information and knowledge Income/ economy/ poverty – levels of living Environmental issues Technological innovations Globalization Ageing population Human capital development/ socialization Human rights Civil society – values, moral, ethics, integrity migration/ foreign workers balancing work and family Social ills
The Theory of Human Development: A Cross-Cultural Analysis – Welzel et al. (2002) 3 trajectories of societal change: socioeconomic development value change society’s political institutions
The Theory of Human Development: A cross-cultural analysis 3 trajectories of societal change: socioeconomic development Set of closely linked changes including technological innovation, productivity growth, improving health and life expectancy, increasing incomes, rising levels of education, growing access to information and increasing social complexity.
The Theory of Human Development: A cross-cultural analysis 3 trajectories of societal change: value change comes along with SED when expanding markets and social mobilization diversify and intensify human activities (e.g. – commercial transactions)
The Theory of Human Development: A cross-cultural analysis 3 trajectories of societal change: value change it weaken vertical authority relations, strengthen horizontal bargaining relations emergence of civic cultural values; individual modernity; postmaterialistic values; liberal values; self-expression values
The Theory of Human Development: A cross-cultural analysis 3 trajectories of societal change: society’s political institutions massive trends towards more democracy outcomes of change??? Irreversible linear trend or cyclical patterns? Global or culture specific? Desirable?
The Theory of Human Development: A cross-cultural analysis 3 trajectories of societal change: SED, value change & democratization – tend to go together
Human Development: Paul Streeten describes human development as the process of enlarging people’s choices, the choices that are created by expanding human capabilities and functioning – what people do and can do in their lives. (UNDP, 1999) Individuals do not develop their capabilities in vacuum. A person’s individual attributes are influenced by the family, community and society into which the individual is born, grows up, and lives as an adult.
Social contexts of human development: • Population • Poverty and equality • Social infrastructure • Families and household • Education, health and social security.
Determine your information needs Define your topic Increase familiarity with your topic Map your ideas Types of assignment Amount of information Types of sources Types of publications Identify and obtain information
Define your topic Before you begin looking for information, you should identify: the exact problem you wish to solve the concepts and terms that describe the problem the amount of information required to solve the problem the type of information required to solve the problem.
Increase familiarity with your topic Do some preliminary research of your set topic by familiarising yourself with your lecture notes, relevant chapter etc. Map your ideas
Types of assignment Assignments can vary from a short 5 minute oral presentation, to a technical report, literature review, or thesis. The type of assignment you are asked to produce has a direct affect on: the amount of information you require the types of sources you require the types of publications you require.
Amount of information Some assignments can be completed by consulting your lecture notes... ... while other assignments require more detailed and comprehensive information. How much is enough? The question of how much information is required is a matter of judgement. To ensure you meet the requirements and present an appropriate depth of coverage of your topic, refer to the marking and assessment criteria set by your lecturer. The length, weight, marks, and task should guide the amount of information required.
Types of sources You may be directed to use only primary sources for your assignment......while other assignments might require use of both primary and secondary sources. Information sources can be regarded as primary or secondary depending on their: originality proximity to the source or event.
Types of sources Primary sources come directly from the source or person. They are original materials, which have not been filtered through interpretation. For example: patents, statistics, interviews and surveys Secondary sources analyse, interpret and comment on primary information. For example: biographies, journal articles