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Miss Gill Mr Hart Mr Reis

Hope Besity Primary School. Miss Gill Mr Hart Mr Reis. ICT implementation – micro teaching lesson. If you have an iPad or iPhone please visit the App Store and download this free app: Google Earth

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Miss Gill Mr Hart Mr Reis

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  1. Hope Besity Primary School Miss Gill Mr Hart Mr Reis ICT implementation – micro teaching lesson

  2. If you have an iPad or iPhone please visit the App Store and download this free app: • Google Earth • This will assist you to further understand the software to implement it in your classroom.

  3. Unit overview • Justification • ICT software • Lesson #1 • Assessment • Feedback Outline

  4. This lesson sequence is designed to correlate in the grade five SOSE KLA where students focus on exploring place and space by looking at the 7 natural wonders of the world. • The lesson sequence is: • Virtual Excursion and research • Multimodal presentation – group collaboration • Jigsaw lesson Unit Overview

  5. Due to the rural location of the school, students are unable to visit these natural wonders. • This unit allows students to virtually visit these places and present their images and research to their peers • This unit incorporates hands-on ICT approaches through student research and assessment • Hope Besity Primary School have just received 10 new iPads with wifi connectivity Justification

  6. This unit is designed to further deepen students knowledge and understanding in using ICT software. • Students have prior knowledge in using some of the ICT software. • The ICT software incorporated in this unit includes: • Google Earth • iPads, Laptops and PC’s • Presentation software such as: • windows movie maker, photostoryand powerpoint ICT software

  7. Learning objective • The learning objective of the first lesson is to deepen the understanding of global positioning through visual investigation, virtual excursion of 7 Natural Landmarks; Great Barrier Reef, Amazon River, Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, Mount Everest, Stone Henge, Victoria Falls. Students will explore the landmarks and gather research on the landmark, this will develop students research skills and navigation of ICT applications, in particular Google Earth. • Duration: 45mins • Pedagogy: • Dewey (Social-activism) • Vygotsky (Scaffolding) Lesson #1

  8. Introduce iPad’s to students • Explain task to students • Split students into groups • Hand out iPads and explain software • Virtually visit each of the 7 wonders/demonstration • Reveal information tabs for research/demonstration • Groups get given one wonder to further research Lesson #1

  9. The desired assessment outcome is for students to produce a multimedia presentation of an iconic natural landmark, in which they have had a virtual excursion to, through the use of the application Google Earth. The presentation requires screen shots of the landmark, taken from Google Earth, along with a description of the landmark. Students will also be assessed on their comprehension of the SOSE aspects presented from the research of the landmark; such as the coordinates, size, scale and cardinal points (North, South, East and West). This teaching sequence is one that comes as a lead on from explicit teaching of different multimedia programs such as PhotoStory, PowerPoint, movie maker, Glogster etc. It is sequenced in a way that requires the students to bring that prior knowledge and compile it as a form of presentation to display their level of ICT capabilities and development. Assessment

  10. Teachers created an example assessment item • View example of students assessment piece: multimodal presentation • Third lesson: Jigsaw lesson Assessment cont.

  11. Your feedback will help us to improve our teaching and is important to us. Feedback Questions

  12. For more information and our complete action plan, visit: http://cbgroup14.wordpress.com/2012/05/19/activity-descri/ Thank you!

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