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Get answers to commonly asked questions about the Harrow Council Adult Learning Framework, contracting, bidding process, funding, and more. Understand the bidding process, quality matters, and key guidelines.

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  1. Bidding • Frequently Asked Questions • The bidding process • Quality matters

  2. FAQ

  3. Frequently asked Questions What is the Framework? The Frameworkis a pool of preferred providers vetted by the Harrow Council Sustainable Procurement systems as being ‘fit and proper’ organisations to deliver learning in partnership with Harrow Council. This frame has annual entry points and once an organisation has been approved, it may stay in the pool of providers until August 2017 without further tendering requirements When does the Framework begin? All learning commissioned through the Framework (preferred pool of providers) must start deliver AFTER 1 August 2015 and must end BEFORE 1 August 2016 back

  4. Frequently asked Questions What is the Framework Contract? The Framework Contract is agreed and signed as a provider enters into the pool of preferred providers of adult learning in Harrow. The contract is zero value and just outlines the expectations, obligations and commitments expected for any work undertaken. The contract does not agree any levels (volume) of work or level of funding. What is the Schedule 1? The Schedule or Letter of Agreement is the document agreed and signed by both parties outlining the type, volume and funding for work agreed after a bid has been approved. It also sets out KPIs and targets. Back

  5. Frequently asked Questions What is the maximum contract value per provider? The prospectus document relevant to the bidding period will state maximum numbers of learners that each provider can bid for. The maximum value is negotiated using the programme type and volume. Any providers receiving Skills Funding Agency in excess of £100,000 must be, or become, a Skills Funding Agency registered provider. There are set dates in the year where this process can be done. All successful providers, regardless of the contract value, must also register on the UK register of Learning Providers https://www.ukrlp.co.uk/ What is the minimum contract value per provider? There is no minimum value Back

  6. Frequently asked Questions Where can learning be delivered? Programmes and individual courses can be delivered in any suitable venue including community, private and public venues as well as schools and colleges. These locations MUST be within the borough of Harrow. Back

  7. Frequently asked Questions What is a Prospectus? A Prospectus is an invitation to bid for funding to deliver adult learning within a given set of criteria. The Prospectus will set out the type, maximum volume and locally agreed priority groups. A prospectus is likely to be published 2-3 times each year. Relevant dates for 2015-2016 are likely to be May 2015, December 2015 and April 2016 with an additional call for innovative projects (date tbc) back

  8. Frequently asked Questions Can an element of a bid be subcontracted? SFA Rules state that “Second-level subcontracting will only be allowed with the express consent of the Chief Executive of Skills Funding, and then only in exceptional circumstances.” The written permission of the SFA must be given before entering into second-level sub-contracting Does self-employed tutors mean subcontracting? No – subcontracting is when the management of the contract is transferred to a third party back

  9. Frequently asked Questions Can providers partner up to deliver programmes? Yes and the service would encourage this type of collaborative work. The costing toolkit and bidding form must reflect this type of partnerships. A good example is where one organisation is recruiting and assessing learners and delivering Information, Advice and Guidance and another is delivering computer skills The service will publish a list of providers and their specialist areas of work to enable providers to find partners in the framework Providers may also collaborate on innovation bids back

  10. Frequently asked Questions How are fees set? Adult, Community & Family Learning have a clear policy of fees and fee remittance to support the £+ policy of the Skills Funding Agency. This requires fee income to be raised wherever possible as part of delivery costs. We will require all providers in the framework to work within the Supply Chain Fees and Charges Policy (accessible on our website) Income raised will be retained by the provider to help offset their delivery costs. This means that there is no set hourly fee rate across the board but is for the provider to cost as part of their costing exercise. However, to give some measure of comparison, the current basic hourly rate for Universal Access programmes in Harrow is £4.25 ph. back

  11. Frequently asked Questions How does the agreed funding get paid to providers. Arrangement for payments can be done either using our standard system or using a pre-agreed system to enable smaller organisations to manage cash flow. Standard system: 40% of agreement paid at the start of delivery. 50% at completion of delivery and submission of final data. Final 10% is paid upon evidence of achievement for individual learners.(20% for ASB funding) Note that all funding is subject to claw-back for not meeting agreed targets in terms of volume and quality of delivery. back

  12. Frequently asked Questions What is the rate of funding? The rate of funding is variable according to the type and size of programmes and delivering organisations. Thus learning provided to a priority target group of disabled people by a small charity is will attract a higher rate of funding than an art course at Harrow Arts Centre where fees are charged. Is there a benchmarking rate of funding for different programme types? No, the variations in cost of delivering programmes according to the types of learners, the types of courses and the types of providers are too great to benchmark against. back

  13. Frequently asked Questions Can ESOL be funded through any of the programme types? ESOL can be funded through all the programme type funding: Adult Skills Budget - if the units are listed for funding eligibility AND the learners are eligible for full or co-funding Community Learning – if programmes are short or low cost AND learners belong to an agreed priority group Universal Access – if supported by fee income back

  14. Frequently asked Questions Can learning bid for through Community Learning be accredited? Yes – there is no accreditation restriction on funding through the Community Learning funding,unless it can be delivered through the Adult Skills Budget. However funding should generally not duplicate provision already delivered by other providers. back

  15. Frequently asked Questions How does the innovation funding work? Innovation funding can be awarded to organisations who have innovative idea they would like to develop and share with the provider network. The delivery element of the bid would be funded as any other learning via one of the programme type funding but the development work can be funded separately. The maximum funding per annum across all providers would be £10,000 and is awarded only to creative, innovative and interesting ideas that fit within national and local priorities. back

  16. Frequently asked Questions How are courses marketed? Providers are responsible for their own marketing. Adult, Community & Family Learning will also market courses • Online marketing – www.learninharrow.org.uk • Flyers (format of this is subject to an evaluation of last years reach) Providers must participate in marketing appropriate to the type of programmes they are delivering and may also choose to include their programme(s) in other marketing material back

  17. Frequently asked Questions How can organisations get more help in bidding ? Adult, Community and Family Learning cannot help providers formulate their ideas or help plan their programmes into bids. We can however answer specific questions and publish the answers to all providers and we can help providers use the practical tool such as the costing toolkit. We will continue to build up and publish the FAQs for subsequent bidding rounds. Help can be given with the Costing Toolkit spreadsheet and, where necessary, modifications can be made to the spreadsheet to reflect costs of delivery. For help contact karen.bhamra@harrow.gov.uk back

  18. Frequently asked Questions How are contracts monitored? The templates and process for monitoring is changing for 2015-2016. Providers are asked to be specific about target groups and numbers and dates for monitoring visits will be set at the start of the year. The service will be using a traffic light system to monitor the health of projects. back

  19. Frequently asked Questions Relevant dates Submit Programme Bids BEFORE mid-day on 11th May 2015 Letter of Engagements go out w/c 18 May 2015 Learning starts AFTER 1st August 2015

  20. How to bid? The Bidding Process

  21. Quality matters All provision funded by Harrow Adult, Community & Family Learning must conform to a “set of rules” and quality measures • All learners MUST be over the age of 19 (or be participating in intergenerational family learning with an adult 19+) • All learning MUST take place in Harrow • All teaching and learning must be delivered within the standards set out the Quality Improvement Framework • All learning opportunities MUST be accessible and fit for purpose for the intended target group

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