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European Research Funding Opportunities. Cardiff School of Social Sciences 20 September 2010 Nick Bodycombe Eevi Laukkanen European Office Manager European Officer Research and Commercial Division Cardiff University. Areas to be covered.
European Research FundingOpportunities Cardiff School of Social Sciences 20 September 2010 Nick Bodycombe Eevi Laukkanen European Office Manager European Officer Research and Commercial Division Cardiff University
Areas to be covered • FP7 funding opportunities – brief overview • Other European funding opportunities • SOCSI’s current European projects • Building Consortia • WAG support for FP7 (& TSB) proposals • Conclusions & Suggestions • Information & Support
FP7 2007 – 2013Specific Programmes Co-operation – Collaborative Research Ideas - European Research Council People - Marie Curie Actions Capacities – Research Capacity Joint Research Centre (JRC) EURATOM
FP7 - IDEAS • What is the European Research Council (ERC)? • New pan-European funding organisation • Supports the best in Europe - scientists, engineers and scholars • Funding of €7.51 billion (2007-13) • What are the aims of the ERC? • Encourage highest quality research in Europe • Competitive, flexible funding • Retain, repatriate and recruit (career support) • What are the 3 ERC Grant Schemes? • Starting Grants, Advanced Grants and Support Actions • Support for a PI and (if necessary) team-members • Investigator-initiated frontier research across all fields of research, on the basis of scientific excellence • Funding Individual Teams = • International Collaboration NOT a requirement! European Research Council
FP7 People - Marie Curie Actions • Objectives and Policy Context: • Make Europe more attractive to researchers • Strengthen human potential by: Encouraging people to become researchers AND to carry out their research in Europe • Trans-national and inter-sectoral mobility
Aimed at ‘Experienced researchers’: In possession of a PhD; OR At least 4 years (FTE) research experience Focus on skills diversification and knowledge sharing Researcher applies jointly with host(s) Fellowship grant made up of: Salary Mobility allowance Travel costs Career exploratory allowance Training / research costs Management / overheads Marie Curie – Individual Actions Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF)
Collaborative Research 1. Health €6,100 M 2. Food, Agriculture, Fisheries & Biotechnology €1,935 M 3.ICT €9,050 M 4. Nanosci, Nanotech, Material & Production Tech €3,475 M INCO FP7 - Cooperation SME 5. Energy €2,350 M 6. Environment (including Climate Change) €1,900 M 7. Transport (including Aeronautics) €4,160 M 8. Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities € 623 M 9. Space €1,430 M 10. Security €1 400 M
Other SSH opportunities in FP7 FP7 Cooperation Health; Food, Agriculture, Fisheries & Biotechnology; ICT; Environment; Transport; Space; Security KBBE.2011.2.1-01: Strategies for improving communication between social and consumer scientists, food technology developers and consumers ENV.2011.4.2.1-1: Efficiency assessment of environmental policy tools related to sustainability SEC-2011.6.5-2: The relationship between Human privacy and security FP7 Capacities Research Infrastructures; Science in Society; International Cooperation INFRA-2011-1.1.4: Integrating Archives for research on contemporary European Social History SiS.2011.111-1: Involvement of civil society organisations in research http://www.net4society.eu/public/documents
SOCSI’s current European projects • Prof Tom Horlick-Jones– PACHELBEL with CIEMAT (FP7 Cooperation / Environment) - £128,966 • Prof David Walters – Impact of emerging trends and risks on labour inspection methodologies in the domain of occupational health and safety (EC DG Employment, Social Affairs & Equal Opportunities tender) - £283,020 • Dr Rhys Davies – Quality of Life in Ethnic Neighbourhoods in Europe (EUROFOUND for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions tender) - £11,474 • Prof David Walters – ESENER (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work tender) – £73,211 • Dr Dean Stroud – Greening Technical VET with Technische Universitaet Dortmund (Lifelong Learning Programme / Leonardo) - £27,887
Building your consortium..How do I find partners? • Existing contacts • FP6/7 Projects ( http://cordis.europa.eu/fp6/projects.htm & http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/projects_en.html ) • FP7 Networks of Excellence/COST networks • Info Days/networking events/conferences – in the UK & in Brussels etc… • NET4SOCIETY (Network of National Contact Points for SSH) http://www.net4society.eu/public/ • European Technology Platforms http://cordis.europa.eu/technology-platforms • Evaluating: register with the EC as an evaluator for FP7 proposals: https://cordis.europa.eu/emmfp7/ • UK FP7 National Contact Points, UKRO, Welsh Higher Education Brussels(WHEB), CORDIS etc…
An example of a networking event: • Prepare a proposal in SSH for the next FP7 call? • Start building your consortium in Istanbul, the 21st of September 2010 • Adam Edwards (SOCSI) is attending this event on behalf of SOCSI • The “SSH Goes Global” event offers a meeting point for all stakeholders within the “Socio-economic sciences and humanities” (SSH) • Receive first-hand information on the FP7-SSH-2011 Call • and meet potential project partners face to face! • The event focuses on 2 main themes with an international dimension: • The European Union and its relations to the world • Combating poverty in an international context • http://www.b2match.com/sshgoesglobal/
European Technology Platforms (ETPs) & Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) • ETPs (ca 35) provide a framework for stakeholders, led by industry, to define research and development priorities (in the FP7 Co-operation programme), timeframes and action plans on a number of strategically important issues where achieving Europe's future growth, competitiveness and sustainability objectives is dependent upon major research and technological advances in the medium to long term. • JTIs (mature ETPs)combine private sector investment and/or national and European public funding, including grant funding from the Research Framework Programme and loan finance from the European Investment Bank eg: Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI);Embedded Computing Systems (ARTEMIS);Aeronautics and Air Transport (Clean Sky);Nanoelectronics Technologies 2020 (ENIAC);& Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH)
Also… • Wales European Collaboration Fund (FP7 & TSB) • Proposal Preparation assistance for getting external support 50% re-imbursement • Travel Assistance for Identifying and building consortia for FP7 projects & Negotiation of FP7 contracts 50% re-imbursement • BUT… in WAG R&D Priority Areas only! • Lisa Wheatley (Welsh Assembly Government) • Email: Lisa.Wheatley@WALES.gsi.gov.uk • Tel: 029 2082 8863
Conclusions & Suggestions • Plenty of opportunities for SOCSI to engage across many European programmes – increasingly international in dimension – USA is biggest FP7 participant outside EU 27 • 69 FP7 funded projects so far across CU, worth ca £18.8mn in EC funding (ca 50% of all FP7 funding in Wales so far) • Collectively need a structured approach to this engagement – seems ‘ad hoc’, and we don’t necessarily get feedback/intelligence from those concentrating on their own fields of activity ie to look at the ‘bigger picture’ • Need to make better and more effective use of our membership of Brussels-based organisations ie: i) UK Research Office (RCUK office in Europe); ii) Welsh Higher Education Brussels (breadth of areas covered plus lobbying); & iii) European University Association (at strategic level but addressing all areas covered by UKRO and WHEB)
Information & Support UKRO Website: http://www.ukro.ac.uk (and UKRO information services: http://ims.ukro.ac.uk ) Welsh Higher Education Brussels:http://www.wheb.ac.uk/ UK FP7:http://www.fp7uk.dti.gov.uk ERC (European Research Council): http://erc.europa.eu UK ERC NCP: http://www.ukro.ac.uk/erc/index.htm UK Marie Curie NCP: http//www.ukro.ac.uk/mariecurie/index.htm NET4SOCIETY http://www.net4society.eu/public/ CORDIS:http://cordis.europa.eu/en/home.html European Technology Platforms: http://cordis.europa.eu/technology-platforms
Research and Commercial Division European Office Eevi Laukkanen European Officer tel: exts 70114/75834 email: LaukkanenEM@cf.ac.uk Nick Bodycombe European Office Manager tel: exts 70171/75834 email: BodycombeN@cf.ac.uk Sian Jones European Office Administrator tel: exts 70171/75834 email: European-Research@cardiff.ac.uk