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Second MONET Management Board meeting 26th October 2006 Berlin

Second MONET Management Board meeting 26th October 2006 Berlin. 1. Workload distribution 2. Present status concerning and strategy for filling the vacancies in Aarhus, Berlin, and Lyon 3. Formalities: budget, payments, audit certification, reporting, CDPs,

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Second MONET Management Board meeting 26th October 2006 Berlin

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  1. Second MONET Management Board meeting 26th October 2006 Berlin 1. Workload distribution 2. Present status concerning and strategy for filling the vacancies in Aarhus, Berlin, and Lyon 3. Formalities: budget, payments, audit certification, reporting, CDPs, secondments, consortium agreement, acceptance of PhD-students, etc. 4. The first workshop: date and contents 5. Science: what research do we want to do? Presentation of PhD student projects and discussion 6. Other questions

  2. Starting date around 1 Nov. Starts in mid November (don’t forget the declaration of conformity!)

  3. Vacancies in Aarhus, Berlin, and Lyon • Vacancies are presently being • announced on the following • websites: • Marie Curie Opportunities • Search Tool • ERAcareers • (the positions were announced • on tiptop.iop.org until • 15th October) • Restrictions when filling: • one more non-European can be accepted • (if and only if all vacancies are filled) • vacancies should be filled on January, 1st, at latest What is the present status?

  4. Acceptance of PhD-students • I do not have any (e-mail) copies of the agreement to accepting Georgios Fradelos from Nottingham, Madrid, and Reading. Career Development Plans • Acceptance by the MB still postponed untilwe have hired all students.

  5. Contract with the Commission and Consortium Agreement You will find the following in the envelopes: • Copy of the contract amendment – please forward to the responsible persons • Signature pages for the Consortium Agreement • Signature pages for the Consortium Agreement addendum

  6. Budget Distributed Pre-financing Please make sure you get the amounts right paid out to your fellows: A and C are country-dependent, B depends on the distance between the origin of the researcher and the location of the host, C depends on the family situation (married and/or children) -- Please refer to the EST handbook (you can find it on the networkweb) I still need an estimate for the audit certification costs from most of you ...

  7. Eligible costs • Costs might be considered to be eligible by your auditor, but not by the Commission (for example computers) • The Commission may carry out additional audits during the entire project period plus up to five years after the end of the project • Costs considered ineligible will have to be paid back

  8. Periodical reports • Due in January • You have to fill in by yourself, send in electronically, print out paper copy and get it signed and sent to Lund:Financial statement (Form C),Excel sheets • You have to deliver information to Lund for:Periodical Activity Report,Periodical Management Report,Summary Financial Report,Funding Distribution Report

  9. Practical reporting I Reporting package: contains the excel files to be filled in Reporting guidance Please read this document!

  10. Practical reporting II Register Report Fill in questionnaires

  11. Secondments • In the contract we say that the fellows shall spent 25% elsewhere. • Scientifically and educationwise to me this seems to much. • It might also be a problem budgetwise.’ • Already ideas about secondments? (see alsoscientific discussion later on)

  12. The first workshop: possible dates

  13. The first workshop: organisationand contents • Organisation committee? • Contents ...? (the original title from the application is ”Surface science at phase boundaries: Towards understanding real systems”)

  14. Projects • Investigations of nitrogen-complexated transition metals • Interaction of surface molecular networks with water and ice • On-surface-synthesis: organic chemistry in two dimensions • Self-assembly of surface nanostructures on di-electric substrates • Three-dimensional molecular self-assembly at the solid-vacuum and solid-liquid interface • Hydrogen-bonded mixed bio-molecular network formation at the solid-vacuum and solid-liquid interface • Theoretical nanoscience of ice nucleation at metal surfaces • Multiscale modeling of molecular diffusion and molecular network formation • Vibrational Spectroscopy of Quinoline Derivatives on Hydrated Metallic Surfaces From First-Principle Approaches • Inelastic Vibration Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy of Flavin adsorbed on Metallic Surfaces From First-Principles • Metal-organic networks for low-temperature catalysis: high pressure stability and functionality • Adsorption / solvation on solid and quasi-liquid ice surfaces • Chirality at Surfaces? • Chemical activity in 2D organic and organometallic networks studied at the single-molecule level • Growth and characterization of self-assembled organic and organometallic monolayers by He scattering techniques

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