1. Christ the Pantocrator (Cefalu, Sicily), mid-12th century, mosaic
2. Crucifixion, from the Church of the Dormition (Daphni, Greece), c. 1090-1100, mosaic
3. Lamentation over the Dead Christ, wall painting from Saint Pantaleimon (Nerezi, Macedonia), 1164
4. Vladimir Virgin, late 11th to early 12th century, tempera on wood
5. Anastasis, apse fresco in the “parekklesion” of the Church of Christ in Chora (Istanbul), c. 1310-20
6. Christ as Savior of Souls, icon from the church of Saint Clement (Ohrid, Macedonia), early 14th century, tempera, linen, and silver on wood
7. Annunciation, reverse of two-sided icon from the church of Saint Clement (Ohrid, Macedonia), early 14th century, tempera and linen on wood
8. Andrei Rublyev. Three angels (Old Testament Trinity), c. 1410, tempera on wood return to traditional conventions/ iconostasis/strong patterns, firm lines, and intense color/ incarnation
9. Dionisij. Mother of God Hodigitria from the monastery of the Ascension (Moscow), 1482
10. Barna and Postnik. Cathedral of St. Basilthe Blessed (Moscow), 1555-61
11. Ivan IV (the Terrible)/ central “tent-and-tower” (shater)/ onion domes