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SCIENTIFIC METHOD. What is the Scientific Method?

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  1. SCIENTIFIC METHOD What is the Scientific Method? This is a process by which scientists go about answering questions and solving problems. The process includes a series of steps; however, there is more than one way to use the steps. Every problem is different and may need to be solved in a different way.

  2. SCIENTIFIC METHOD 1. ASK A QUESTION - Identify a problem to be solved and ask it as a question. 2. GATHER INFORMATION -Do research (read others’ work, talk to experts, etc.) to gain knowledge about the subject

  3. SCIENTIFIC METHOD 3. FORM A HYPOTHESIS- Your best “educated guess” based on what you already know and have observed.A good hypothesis is “testable”. 4.DESIGN AN EXPERIMENT to TEST THE HYPOTHESIS - A step-by-step procedureto test the hypothesis to see if it is true. A controlled experiment tests one factor (variable) at a time.

  4. SCIENTIFIC METHOD 5. MAKE OBSERVATIONS AND RECORD DATA - The information you get from the experiment is called data. 6. ORGANIZE AND ANALYZE DATA -Record data in a data table. Use graphs, charts, tables and diagrams.

  5. SCIENTIFIC METHOD 7. DRAW A CONCLUSION - using the results, determine the answer to the original question and whether the hypothesis is correct. 8. COMMUNICATE RESULTS - Write a summary that explains your data. It states whether or not the data supports the hypothesis.

  6. What makes an experiment valid? A valid experiment has results that are reliable and can be used to draw conclusions A valid experiment: • tests one thing (variable) at a time. If more than one thing is tested at a time, it won’t be clear which one caused the end result. • must be fair and unbiased. This means that the experimenter must not allow his or her opinions to influence the experiment. • does not allow any outside factors to affect the outcome of the experiment. • has an outcome (result) that can be measured. • is repeated getting similar results. • the experiment is repeatable/reproducible (can be performed by another person and get similar results)

  7. Why is it important to have detailed procedures for other people to repeat your experiment? • Why is the control such an important part of the experiment?

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