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CGS 1000. Introduction to Computers and Technology Fall 2007. Contact. Instructor’s Name: Bala Kappagantula Telephone Number: 813-259-6535 Email Address: bkappagantula@hawkmail.hccfl.edu URL : http://www.hccfl.edu/facultyinfo/bkappagantula/
CGS 1000 Introduction to Computers and Technology Fall 2007 Bala Kappagantula
Contact Instructor’s Name: • Bala Kappagantula Telephone Number: • 813-259-6535 Email Address: • bkappagantula@hawkmail.hccfl.edu URL: • http://www.hccfl.edu/facultyinfo/bkappagantula/ (HCC Home Resources For Faculty Faculty Web pages Kappagantula Bala) Bala Kappagantula
Office Hours Monday 1:45 PM to 2:15 PM, BADM 208 5:15 PM to 5:45 PM, BADM 208 Wednesday 1:45 PM to 2:15 PM, BADM 208 5:15 PM to 5:45 PM, BADM 208 Bala Kappagantula
Student Introduction • Name • Department • Computer skills? • Prerequisite or Elective Bala Kappagantula
Course Description • Provides students with an introductory overview of the Internet, World Wide Web, impact of computer on society and business, historic development of data processing, basic functions and use of computer hardware, software applications, system software, basic skills in the use of word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation system and desktop publishing software applications, basic skills using a Web browser and search engine, and careers in the field of computer science Bala Kappagantula
Text Book and Materials • Discovering Computers Fundamental, 4th Edition; By Shelly, Cashman and Vermaat ISBN 1-4239-1209-8 • MS Office 2007 Introductory Concepts and Techniques Windows XP Edition ISBN 1-4188-4327-X Bala Kappagantula
Grading System • There will be 5 assignments, 10 class activities, 2 exams and 1 Project/Presentation. • Assignment = 10 points x 5 = 50 points • Class Activities = 2 points X 10 = 20 points • Exams = 10 points x 2 = 20 points • Final Project/Presentation = 10 points • Total = 100 points • Optional extra credit assignment at end of semester to allow anyone missing an exam or assignment submission = 10 points. I expect the student to request the optional assignment • Each assignment will be due in 1 week. • Assignments late by one class period will result in deduction of 2 points. Bala Kappagantula
Final Grading Scale • 90 – 100 = A • 80 – 89 = B • 70 – 79 = C • 60 – 69 = D • 59 – Below = F Bala Kappagantula
Policies Academic Dishonesty Policy: • Any one handing in someone else’s work as their work will receive a credit of ‘0’ points for the assignment. The supplier of the original work will also receive ‘0’ points for the assignment. It would be better to miss a couple of assignments rather than hand in someone else’s assignment. Attendance Policy: • Please go through HCC attendance policy particularly students receiving financial aid. Attendance will be taken during each class & students are encouraged to attend every class. Bala Kappagantula
Miscellaneous Instructional Methods (Including Examination Policies): • I prefer to go with visual presentations & hands on training on MS Office tools. Cell Phone Etiquette: • Ideally, you would turn the phone off as you enter the classroom. Immediately turn off your ringing cell phone. Assignments: • The assignments will be listed on my Faculty website (http://www.hccfl.edu/facultyinfo/bkappagantula). Bala Kappagantula
Request for Accommodations • If, to participate in this course, you require an accommodation due to a physical or learning impairment, you must contact the Office of Services to Students with Disabilities. The office is located in the Administration Building, BADM 216. You may also reach the office by telephone at 813.253.7914; 813.253.7858 {TTD} or 813.253.7903 {fax}. The email address is dgiarrusso@hccfl.edu Bala Kappagantula
Questions? Bala Kappagantula