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Good Morning. Please find your name stick and place it in the box. On the stick, you’ll find your group number, telling you where to sit. (It’s mostly by department, but some dept’s wre combined.). Trans-Formative Assessment:
Good Morning Please find your name stick and place it in the box. On the stick, you’ll find your group number, telling you where to sit. (It’s mostly by department, but some dept’s wre combined.)
Trans-Formative Assessment: A planned process in which teachers or students use assessment-based evidence to adjust what they’re currently doing. -W.J. Popham
Old Skool Formative Assessments • Pre-tests • Homework based on what we did in class today, to be done tonight and checked in class tomorrow. • Section Reviews • Quizzes • Bell-ringer Activities
Planning is Crucial Learning Progressions organize instruction and help to place and choose formative assessments. LP’s are hypothetical and can be modified or adjusted at any time.
Subskill: Critical cognitive skill. Body of enabling knowledge (BEK): Facts and info students must understand or memorize -W.J. Popham
Subskill X Body of enabling knowledge A Body of enabling knowledge B Learning Goal Z Lessons Needed: = 9 2 + 4 + 3 Assessments: Class discussion Q & A Pencil and paper 10-item quiz Whiteboard Activity Pencil and paper Test The Skeleton of a Learning Progression:
Lessons Needed: = 8 2 + 2 + 4 A Chemistry LP Definitions of e-, orbitals, and valence e- Using chart to constructconfig. e- config. Chart TSWBAT write the electron config for any element.
A Literature LP Definition and design of an essay. Analysisof original essays Writing mechanics TSWBAT write a first-class original essay Lessons Needed: = 10 2 + 4 + 4
Syntax/Diction Capitalization Punctuation An Expanded Lit. LP Definition and design of an essay. TSWBAT write a first-class original essay Analysis Lessons Needed: 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 12
Analysis A Speech and Debate LP Definitions of necessary terms and structure Subtle Infusion TSWBAT Mitigate a Proactive Rebuttal Damage control Lessons Needed: 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 9
Trans-Formative Assessment: A planned process in which teachers or students use assessment-based evidence to adjust what they’re currently doing. -W.J. Popham
Classroom Formative Assessments • All-student response procedures • Selected student response procedures • Individual student response procedures.
All-student response F. A.s: • Quizzes/Section Reviews • Word maps/Mind maps/concept maps • Whiteboard Activities • Index card Activities • Traffic Signal Technique • Class polls • Thumbs up/thumbs down
Selected-student response F. A.s: • Item Sampling • Human Bingo • Jesus Jeopardy • Group presentations • Observations
Few student response F. A.’s: • Key questioning (popsicle sticks) • Toss the Tomato
Trans-Formative Assessment: A planned process in which teachers or students use assessment-based evidence to adjust what they’re currently doing. -W.J. Popham
Adjustment Triggers: • Set a trigger for individual-student performance • Set a trigger for total-group performance
Once you’ve triggered adjustment, you have two choices: • More instruction • Less instruction
More Instruction: • Different approach • More time with the same approach
Give one, Get one • Have students write down three things they learned today on separate index cards. • They go around the room and share them with others and swap one with each new person. • If it seems necessary, have them keep track of their original set on a sheet of paper and then try to “get rid” of them for three new ones. • They can mind map these, adding 4 more, as HW.