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Nutrition Exercise Disease True or False Vocabulary 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Milk, yogurt and orange juice are all good sources of this nutrient that helps build strong bones. A
What is Calcium? Calcium is a micronutrient that is deposited in bone structures to build up bone density. The denser the bones of a person, the stronger the bones will be, and the less prone to Osteoporosis the person will be later in life. Bone density is built up in women until the age of 30, and so, Calcium consumption becomes more vital for women as they get older.
Excess energy is stored in the body as this nutrient. Too much of this nutrient can cause cardiovascular problems and weight gain. Different types of this nutrient consists of saturated and unsaturated. A
What are Lipids (Fat)? Lipids consist of chains of fatty acids that break down to provide the body with energy. 1 gram of Fat provides the body with 9 calories. Due to the high amount of calories in Lipids, they should be no more than 20 to 35% of our daily caloric intake. Any excess energy provided by proteins and carbohydrates converts to Fat and is stored mostly in adipose tissue found throughout the body.
Bread and pasta are great sources of this energy-supplying nutrient. A
What are Carbohydrates? Carbohydrates consist of chains called saccharides that break down to be the body’s primary source of energy. It is recommended that Carbohydrates make up about 45-65% of our diet. 1 gram of Carbohydrates provides the body with 4 calories.
These nutrients are mostly found in meat and are made of amino acids. They assist in the building of body tissue, such as muscles. A
What are Proteins? As previously stated, Proteins consist of amino acids that help repair muscles after exercise. Good sources of Protein include animal meats, beans and tofu. 1 gram of Protein is equivalent to 4 calories. The daily recommended intake for Protein is 10 to 35% of that day’s intake.
The average recommended number of calories an adult should consume each day. • 1,000-1,500 calories • 2,000-2,500 calories • 3,000-3,500 calories A
b) What is 2000 – 2500 calories per day? Again, this is the recommended amount, so values vary from person to person. Factors that affect these numbers are activity levels and disease.
This activity is usually done as part of a warm up to prevent potentially, straining muscles. The three variations consist of Static, Dynamic and Ballistic. An example would be reaching for your toes. A
What is Stretching? Stretching is a great way to warm up and prepare for an upcoming activity. Stretching allows for better flexibility which, in turn, provides better range of motion. Performing this activity also prevents muscles from overextending during more intense physical activity.
This portion of the body is known as the “core,” and is considered, by most trainers, as the most important area for training. When strengthened, it can reduce the amount of stress placed on your lower back. A
What are the Abdominals (Rectus Abdominis)? Although doing a number of “ab” workouts will make your core stronger, only training this area does not mean you will automatically burn fat from your stomach area. The body decides where it draws its energy from. So in order to lose that gut and get those abdominals to show, one must combine core workouts along with fat burning exercises, such as aerobic training.
The amount of time you should be physically active each day. • 10-20 minutes • 30-60 minutes • More than 2 Hours A
b) What is 30-60 minutes? Thirty minutes is all it takes in order to maintain one’s current fitness level. In order to see any improvements, more time is required. “What fits your schedule better, exercising one hour a day or being dead 24 hours a day?” -Glasbergen
The type of exercise trainers suggest in order to build stronger muscles which, in turn, provide the body with more support. A
What is Strength/Resistance/Weight Training? Adults should participate in resistance training at least twice each week in order to prevent muscular dystrophy (decay) associated with aging. Contrary, to popular belief it is also okay for children to do light, weight lifting. Research has shown no correlation between resistance training and stunting growth.
This type of exercise is classified as “using oxygen” and some examples consist of running and dancing. Trainers suggest this exercise in order to burn calories stored as fat. A
What is Aerobic Exercise? Adults should get at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of aerobic activity each week. In order to burn more fat than carbohydrates, a low to moderate pace should be maintained throughout the aerobic routine.
A medical condition in which the body has stored too much fat, having a negative effect on the body. A
What is Obesity? Obesity is considered having a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 30 and can lead to stroke, cancer, depression and other serious health problems. A lifestyle change which includes a health-conscious diet and exercise is the best solution for anyone suffering from obesity. The equation to calculate your BMI is: The ranges consist of:Less than 18.5 : Underweight18.5 – 24.9 : Healthy25.0 – 29.9 : OverweightAbove 30 : Obese
A common disease of the airways characterized by recurring symptoms of airflow obstruction. An inhaler is usually necessary in order to combat the resulting symptoms of wheezing and shortness of breath. A
What is Asthma? Although research is still being conducted on the effects of exercise on the severity of Asthma, it is becoming apparent that exercise may decrease the chance of developing the disease and the occurrence of attacks for those who already have it. Exercise helps to stretch the lungs and bronchial tubes, which in turn may help reduce the resistance to breathing. For those who already have developed asthma, aerobic exercise might trigger attacks, but these can easily be prevented by using an inhaler before the activity.
A chronic disease in which there are high levels of sugar in the blood and the body has become insulin resistant. A
What is Diabetes (Type II)? Type II Diabetes, also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and adult-onset diabetes occurs when the body can no longer accommodate the levels of sugar in the blood. Obesity is thought to be the primary cause of Type II Diabetes. Along with insulin shots, the best way to manage Type II Diabetes is diet and exercise. Type II Diabetes differs from Type I Diabetes in that individuals with Type I are genetically predisposed despite their diet and level of exercise, where as individuals with Type II develop it as a side effect of poor diet and health.
A condition that can be caused by obstructions in the arteries as a result of excessive sodium intake and being overweight or obese. This disease is also known as hypertension. A
What is High Blood Pressure? In order to combat Hypertension, one must reduce sodium (salt) intake, increase consumption of fruits, vegetables, and low fat foods, reduce alcohol intake and exercise, daily.
A disease that causes a loss of bone mass, increasing the risk of fractures. A
What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis has no noticeable symptoms but can be very dangerous, especially in the elder population. Otherwise known as “degenerative bone loss,” Osteoporosis makes its victims more susceptible to fractures, making falling disastrous. Proper nutrition and exercise during adolescence is important in prevention of this disease. Contrary to what many might think, resistance exercise and aerobic activity are still very important in the elderly, especially when fighting this disease. Unfortunately, women going through menopause are most at risk and must ingest more calcium and Vitamin D to prevent or delay the onset of Osteoporosis.
False. A healthy diet and regular exercise can lead to weight loss and healthier bodily functions.
True. On average, the body needs eight 8-ounce glasses of water, juice, or other fluids each day.
True. Excess calories from nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins and fat are stored in the adipose tissue, resulting in weight gain.
Exercising does NOT raise your metabolism and improve mental function. A
False. Exercising DOES increase your metabolism and mental health. "Exercise increases energy levels and increases serotonin in the brain, which leads to improved mental clarity," says Atkinson, director of program development for Cooper Ventures, a division of the Cooper Aerobics Center in Dallas.
One must burn 3,500 calories in order to lose one pound of fat. A
True. The best way to lose weight is through, both diet and exercise. By eliminating 250 calories from your diet and burning 250 calories during your work out, by the end of the week, you’ll have lost one pound, which is the recommended rate at which weight should be lost.
A type of body tissue that increases in size with strength training. It is found all throughout the body and provides support, movement and protection to bones and vital organs. A
What is Muscle? Muscles are found throughout your body and provide you with a number of important functions, such as mobility and skeletal support. Muscles contract and relax in order to more your body the way you want it to. By exercising, you strengthen your muscles which allows them to produce more force and function better. Both, aerobic training and resistance training can increase muscle size. It all just depends on what your working out.
The label on the back of every food item that gives a detailed description of the components that make up the food, such as calories, fat, carbohydrates, proteins and other minerals. A
What is the Nutrition Facts Label? The Nutrition Facts Label found on the back on food containers and displayed at restaurants give crucial insight to what you are consuming. Learning to read these labels is important when maintaining a diet. Pay attention to serving size because what you might assume is the nutritional facts for the whole container might just be a small serving.
What is Heart Rate? Monitoring your heart rate is a great way of measuring how hard you are working and if your fitness level is improving. If you don’t have a heart rate monitor available, count the number of times your heart beats within a minute by taking your pulse after an exercise. The more beats per minute, the harder your exercise was.
This device records the number of steps taken during a walk or run. A
What is a Pedometer? Pedometers are cheap and easy to use. Best of all, they help you keep track of how active you are. On average, it takes about 2,000 steps to walk a mile. (Running usually takes about 1,400 steps.) Sadly, Americans only walk 1,000 to 3,000 steps a day. So, try working your way up to 10,000 steps a day.