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希腊的榮耀 與 羅馬的輝煌. 董 崇 選 中山醫大應用外語系教授 「懂更懂」學習英文網站負責人 網址: dgdel.nchu.edu.tw. 西方文化 兩大源頭. The Hellenic Tradition The Hebraic Tradition 希臘的:神話的 希伯萊的:宗教的 The Greek Mythology The Old Testament Polytheistic 多神的 Monotheistic 單神的 Humanism 人文主義 Theism 神文主義
希腊的榮耀與 羅馬的輝煌 董 崇 選 中山醫大應用外語系教授 「懂更懂」學習英文網站負責人 網址:dgdel.nchu.edu.tw
西方文化 兩大源頭 The Hellenic TraditionThe Hebraic Tradition 希臘的:神話的 希伯萊的:宗教的 • The Greek Mythology The Old Testament • Polytheistic 多神的 Monotheistic 單神的 • Humanism 人文主義 Theism 神文主義 • Hedonism 享樂主義 Asceticism 禁慾主義 • Secular life 世俗生活 Divine life 神明生活 • Id (抑德) & Ego (自我) Super-ego (超我)
I. Poe’s “To Helen”: Helen, thy beauty is to me 海倫,汝之美對於我 Like those Nicean barks of yore, 猶如昔日尼斯之舟, That gently, o’er a perfumed sea, 飄香海上,輕輕航過, The weary, way-worn wanderer bore 將奔波疲憊者帶走, To his own native shore. 回歸其本土岸頭。
I. Poe’s “To Helen”: On desperate seas long wont to roam, 渺茫海上,長期習慣漂泊, Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face, 汝風信子之髮,汝古典之臉, Thy Naiad airs have brought me home, 汝水神之姿,已攜我返家, To the glory that was Greece, 回歸那榮耀,即希腊, And the grandeur that was Rome. 以及那輝煌,即羅馬。
特 洛 伊 的 海 倫 H E L E N
II. The Glory of Greece: • 時間:c. 600 B.C. ~ 300 B.C. (周朝) The Age of Pericles (461~429 B.C.) The Peloponnesian War (431 B.C.): between Athens & Sparta Alexander the Great, of Macedon, 356~323 B.C.
II. The Glory of Greece: • 成就: Cleisthenes, 1st 民主政府, 508 B.C. Praxiteles & Phidias, 不朽雕刻家 Herodotus & Thucydides, 大歷史家 Solon, Cleisthenes & Pericles, 立法 Socrates, Plato: Dialogues (The Republic等) , Aristotle, 大哲學家 Pindar & Sappho, 大抒情詩人
II. The Glory of Greece: 成就: Aeschylus, Sophocles, & Euripides, 大 悲劇作家 Aristophanes, 大喜劇作家 Theocritus, 田園文學之父 Demosthenes, 大演說家 Hippocrates, 醫藥之父 其他如設計 the Acropolis 之建築家
III. The Greek Drama • 節慶:Dionysus (酒神),一、二月 Wine- Press 節 三、四月 Spring 節 • 劇場:open-air, 衛城斜坡, deus ex machina (機關跑出之神) 可容 17,000人,演員wore masks • 演出:dithyramb (合唱歌) + actor(s) Chorus (strophe, antistrophe, epode)
III. The Greek Drama • 劇作: Aeschylus: Prometheus Bound (《普羅米修斯 被綁記》) Sophocles: Oedipus the King (《伊底帕斯王》) Euripides: Medea (《糜蒂雅》) Aristophanes: Clouds, Frogs, Lysistrata : sex strike
IV. The Grandeur of Rome: • 時間: c. 265 B.C. ~ A.D. 330 or later (秦漢~五代) The Punic Wars (264~146 B.C. Rome & Carthage) Carthage, Greece, Gaul 淪亡 (146~50 B.C.) Caesar, Pompey, Crassus (1st Triumvirate) Octavius, Antony, Lepidus (2nd Triumvirate) Constantine (建都 Constantinople) The Roman Empire: (27 B.C.~ A.D. 476 ~ A.D. 1453) The Augustan Age (27 B.C. ~ A.D. 14)
IV. The Grandeur of Rome: • 成就: 1. 建立the Roman Empire 2. 建立the Roman Law: Twelve Tables of Laws (十二銅版法) 民事程序、債權、父子、繼承、財產、憲体、婚姻、罪刑 451 B.C. 十大臣 (decemvirs) 製定 the Justinian Code, 6th C.(529 第一次成文) 3.承襲the Greek culture Politically Rome conquered Greece. Culturally Greece conquered Rome. Satire (諷刺文) 是唯一羅馬之原始重要文類
V. Roman Literature: • The New Comedy: farce, low comedy Plautus:Amphituo, Menaechmi, Miles Gloriosus Terence: The Eunuch (閹人) 老套的人物與情節。 不敢諷刺當代要人。
V.Roman Literature: • A philosophical poem in six books: Lucretius: On the Nature of Things (物性論) Atoms matter with changing forms Free-will & doctrine of the “swerve” Soul energizes body: 皆原子組成,死後分離 神話的神 恐懼 & 迷信 不畏神、不怕死、不求來生 happiness
V.Roman Literature: • Orations (演說) and Essays: Cicero (西塞羅): orator & rhetorician • Epics (史詩): Virgil (味吉爾):Aeneid《羅馬建國記》 Aeneas, Dido, Turnus, Lavinia Ovid (奧維德): Metamorphosis 《變形記》 • Satire (諷刺文): Horace (霍雷斯): Satires, with gentle humor Juvenal: 16 satires, with biting attacks
V.Roman Literature: • 其他: Martial’s Epigrams (警句) “You feign youth, Laetinus, with dyed hair to the degree that suddenly you are raven, but lately you were a swan.” Petronius’ Satyricon (”widow of Ephesus”) Seneca’s rhetorical tragedies, Apulius’ The Golden Ass (金驢記) Lucius 吃 magic potion Marcus Aurelius’ The Meditations (沈思錄) “Of the life of man the duration is but a point, its substance streaming away, its perception dim, the fabric of the entire body prone to decay.”
VI. Conclusion (結論): • 希羅文化是典型的人文主義(humanism) 文化。 • 希羅文化是民主與法治的源頭。 • 希羅文化也是德先生(Democracy) 與賽先生(Science) 的始祖。 • 希羅文化的 榮耀 與 輝煌 是無庸置疑的。