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Indicators and Criteria for a Healthy Sustainable Urban Development SETTING THE SCENE

B uilding H ealthy C ommunities. Indicators and Criteria for a Healthy Sustainable Urban Development SETTING THE SCENE Bacau 1 October 2010 Antonella Cardone. B UILDING H EALTHY C OMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co-financed by the URBACT II Programme

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Indicators and Criteria for a Healthy Sustainable Urban Development SETTING THE SCENE

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  1. Building Healthy Communities Indicators and Criteria for a Healthy Sustainable Urban Development SETTING THE SCENE Bacau 1 October 2010 Antonella Cardone BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  2. WP 3: Updating the exchange in Belfast 9:00 – 11:00 • Antonella Cardone, Brief recap of the work done on indicators and criteria • Gabriela Neagu, The diagnosis of life quality-fundamental programme of ICCV • Erica Ison, BHC toolkit at work: the Belfast experience • Debate and further steps BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  3. Why Healthy Sustainable Urban Development Or why BHC • Four out of five European citizens live in urban areas • Quality of life, well-being and health is directly influenced by the state of: - the urban environment, - economic and - social factors • Improving quality of life and good health and reducing Health Inequalities is the EU major goal BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  4. Why Healthy Sustainable Urban Development • Health needs to be integrated into all policies– DG SANCO, DG REGIO, WHO, Council of Europe, EU Countries • Cities are aware of the importance of health and quality of life in urban regeneration and development • There is a clear lack of competences and tools to support healthy sustainable urban development BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  5. Set of Indicators Identified ECHI – European Community Health Indicators WHO – EURO Healthy Cities Indicators The Sustainable Seattle: Indicators of a Sustainable Community The headline indicators in the UK sustainable development strategy HELI – Health and Environment Linkages Initiative (WHO-UNEP) The Millennium Development Goals and Habitat Agenda Urban Indicators BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  6. Why Indicators and Criteria • Given that: • Health needs to be integrated into all policies • Coordinated action is needed among the EU, the national, the regional and the local level /CITY • There is a need for a common understanding at different levels and in various contexts of what is: • Health • Quality of life • Sustainable urban development BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  7. Why Indicators and Criteria • And a need to inform the general public and to help decision makers to monitor: • changes • progress • new actions And to compare the impact of different policies even in different countries • Those needs are addressed through: • Setting criteria and • identifying indicators BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  8. What we did so far: • Workshop 1 in Lodz in June 2009 • Common definition of indicators • Set of key indicators • Set of core indicators • Exchange in Belfast with Health Impact Assessment Specialist • Toolkit on how to identify and monitor indicators • LAP include indicators (?) BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  9. What next ? BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

  10. Building Healthy Communities Thank you Antonella Cardone a.cardone@uniterzosettore.it BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN

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