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Arlee Wrestling Club Participant/Parent Information & Registration Form 2011 Season For Youths · Grades K – 8 February 14 – March 26 (Wrestler must be in Kindergarten during 2010-11) We Build Champions! 2010 – 2011 Officers and Head Coaches:
Arlee Wrestling Club Participant/Parent Information & Registration Form 2011 Season For Youths · Grades K – 8 February 14 – March 26 (Wrestler must be in Kindergarten during 2010-11) We Build Champions!2010 – 2011 Officers and Head Coaches: President: Duncan Crawford (544-1275)Vice-President: Francis Ryan (396-5246)Secretary/Treasurer: Brandi Ries (370-5780)Coaches: Ken Hill (370-8119) _____________________ ARLEE WRESTLING CLUB BUILDING CHAMPIONS SINCE 1971 2011 AWC Schedule Feb. 14 Tuesday Practice Begins Feb. 19 Saturday Columbia Falls Take-Down Tournament Feb. 22 Tuesday Arlee Middles & Juniors Red and Blue Feb. 24 Thursday Arlee Beginners & Novices Red and Blue Feb. 25 Friday Mission Mountain Classic Juniors Feb. 26 Saturday Mission Mountain Classic Beginners, Novice, & Middles Feb. 26 Saturday Corvallis Dual Team Tournament Juniors Mar. 4 Friday Darby Tournament Juniors Mar. 5 Saturday Darby Tournament Beginners, Novices, & Middles Mar. 8 Tuesday Thompson Falls Mixer Mar. 11 Friday Polson Valley Tournament Juniors Mar. 12 Saturday Polson Valley Tournament Beginners, Novices, & Middles Mar. 19 Saturday Frenchtown Inter-Valley Tournament Mar. 25 Friday Arlee Beginner State Tournament Mar. 26 Saturday Missoula Sentinel Western State Tournament Wrestler’s age as of January 1, 2011 will determine which Division they compete in. Beginner 6, 7, & 8 year olds Novice 9 & 10 year olds Middle 11 & 12 year olds Junior 13 & 14 year olds
Welcome Arlee Wrestling Club! • Club Philosophy -The AWC Program provides youths a positive atmosphere which promotes self confidence and personal achievement while teaching valuable skills. • Season – The season runs a total of six (6) weeks. This includes three weeks of general season, and three of qualifying tournaments. 6 year olds can only participate in the first 3 weeks of the general season. A schedule will be provided as it becomes available. • Registration – For EACH participant, complete the Registration Form, read AND sign the Waiver and Release of Liability and The Behavior Agreement. • FEES - $30.00 Participant Fee/$50.00 Family Fee. Shoe Rental $5.00 per pair. • Singlets must be turned in before the wrestler leaves his/her last wrestling tournament. If singlet is lost or not turned in, a replacement fee will be paid before receiving awards. • Practices – M-Thu 5th – 8th Grade, 4:15 – 5:45 pm and M-Thu K – 4th Grade, 5:45 – 7:00 pm • Facilities – A positive relationship with Arlee Schools has existed since the club’s inception. As a result, its facilities are available to the club. • Practices are held in the Junior High loft. • Duals and Tournaments are held at various locations throughout the season. • Transportation – Transportation to and from practices is the responsibility of parents. Transportation to out-of-town meets is generally facilitated by the club, but parents are ultimately responsible. • Competition – A wrestler’s age constitutes which division he/she will compete (Beg. 6,7,& 8 yrs, Novice 9 & 10 yrs, Middle 11 &12 yrs, Junior 13 & 14 yrs) and subsequently a wrestler’s weight constitutes which bracket he/she will compete. • Attire – Practices: Shorts or sweats, T-shirt and wrestling shoes. Meets: Wrestling shoes, club-provided singlet, and team shirt. • Minimizing The Risk of Injury – Injuries are an inevitable part of athletics regardless of the preventative measures taken. Risk of injury can be reduced by following basic guidelines. The most important is proper overall conditioning. • Depleting food/fluid to make a particular weight class may be detrimental to the health and safety of an athlete. AWC does not advocate weight loss. • Wrestlers are encouraged to wear protective headgear and protective knee pads. • To reduce the risk of skin diseases, wrestlers should shower after workouts; wash workout clothes often; dry their skin adequately; clean mats daily; and avoid wearing street shoes on wrestling mats or wrestling shoes off the mats. • Wrestlers with open wounds, broken skin or diseases of the skin are discouraged from participating until the skin is healed or the wrestler has been cleared to participate by a licensed physician. • Proper strength and conditioning regimes are encouraged. • Athletes are encouraged to develop the specific skills involved in wrestling and to be aware of the rules governing their athletic endeavors. • Parents must sign a waiver that indicates they are ware of the inherent risk of injury to their child. • Behavior – Arlee Wrestling Club reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any participant whose attitude, conduct or attendance is unsatisfactory to the coaches or the team. As a condition of participation, each participant and parent/guardian must agree to and sign a behavior agreement. The common thread to the rules is respect for one another. Breaking one or more of them on the mats, at school, or elsewhere may result in lost practice time, lost wrestling time, and/or suspension from the team. The intent is to assure a fun, safe, and successful season through common expectations. • PARENT SUPPORT – Active parental participation is important to ensure a successful Season. Please contribute generously! VOLUNTEER in these areas: Coaching, Fundraising, Scoring, Timing, Concessions, Event Setup & Cleanup, Button and/or Craft-Making. If you cannot volunteer, monetary and gifts in kind DONATIONS are accepted. AWC BEHAVIOR AGREEMENT 1. I agree to respect each team member, coach, parent, opposing wrestler, and official. 2. I agree to support tem members in the development of our individual skills. I understand that to learn new skills, we must practice new physical and mental techniques. 3. I agree to not engage in mean-spirited teasing, name-calling, non-constructive criticism, swearing, or vulgar gesturing at teammates, opposing wrestlers, coaches, and officials, and/or parents. 4. I agree to not throw objects, even in “fun”, as it poses risk of injury. 5. I agree to be attentive whenever coaches are talking, demonstrating techniques, or having other wrestlers demonstrate techniques, perform drills or exercises. 6. While on or near the wrestling mats, and on travel days, I agree to always be courteous to parents, coaches, drivers, officials, and opposing team members. Under no circumstances will I make comments to referees about officiating. Good sportsmanship is an important aspect of all sports. 7. I understand that should I be suspended or expelled from school, I can not participate in AWC activities during that time (due to school policy-use of facilities). 8. I agree to always have my own gear. Lending or borrowing to another wrestler is not recommended. Good health is an important aspect of sports. I also agree to label and keep track of my personal belongings. 9. I agree to arrive on time to practices and meets or to make arrangements beforehand with the coach. I realize that I am responsible for my own transportation to and from practices and club –provided activity transportation. 10. I agree to follow all rules that the coaches make concerning meals, hot tubs, pools, lights out, etc. during meet, tournament and travel days. I/We have read and understand the above rules, agree to abide by them, and accept disciplinary action for my child or myself if these rules are violated. (Signature required on Registration Form.)
ARLEE WRESTLING CLUB Registration Form Participants LAST Name_________________________ First Name_____________________ M.Intl________ Address______________________________________ City_________________ State______ Zip_________ Home Phone #_________________ Age ________ Birthdate _______________ Approximate Weight_______ Father/Guardian’s Name ______________________________ Phone # (Day) ______________ (Evening)____________ (Cell) ________________ Mother/Guardian’s Name________________________________ Phone # (Day)______________ (Evening)____________ (Cell) ________________ Email Address (Optional):______________________________________________ List any medical problems or prohibition athlete has: ___________________________________________________________________ Person to notify in emergency:___________________________________________ Phone # (Day)_____________ (Evening)____________ (Cell)_________________ Doctor to notify in emergency:_____________________ Phone #_______________ I understand that Arlee Wrestling Club does not provide insurance coverage for participants in Little Guy Wrestling Program activities. As the parent or legal guardian of the above named participant, I hereby give my consent for emergency medical care. This care may be given under whatever conditions are necessary to preserve life, limb, or well-being of my dependent. _________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date Major Medical Insurance Co:_________________________Certificate or Group #:________________________ Circle Shirt Size for Wrestler: Y-M A-S A-M A-L A-XL For Office Use Only: Payment: Ck #__________ Cash_________ Amount Pd.__________ Singlet Size___________ Singlet #_______________ Shoe Rental Size_______________ Officer/Coach Initials ____________ WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in the Arlee Wrestling Club Program, related event and activities, the undersigned acknowledges, appreciates, and agrees that: 1. The risk of injury from the activities involved in this program is significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis and death, and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious injury does exist. 2. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES of others, and assume full responsibility for participation; and 3. I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation. IF however I observe any significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately; and, 4. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASES AND HOLD HARMLESS THE ARLEE WRESTLING CLUB, its officers, officials, agents and/or employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, Western Montana Little Guy Wrestling Association, and if applicable, owners and leasers of premises used to conduct the event (“Releasees”), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property, WHETHER ARRISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE. 5. I give my permission for the free use of my name and/or pictures for use in broadcasts, telecasts, newspaper, etc., for the promotion and information purposes of the program, events and/or activities. I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, AND SIGN IT FREELY AND VOLUNTATILY WITHOUT INDUCEMENT. I/we, as parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, do consent and agree to his/her release as provided above of all the Releasees, and for myself, my heirs, assigns, and next of kin, I release and agree to indemnify the Releasees from any and all liabilities incident to my minor child’s involvement or participation in these programs as provided above, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THEIR NEGLIGENCE. I HAVE ALSO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE AWC BEHAVIOR AGREEMENT, AGREE TO ABIDE BY THEM, AND ACCEPT DISPILINARY ACTION FOR MY CHILD OR MYSELF IF THESE RULES ARE VIOLATED. I WILL ALSO PAY THE REPLACEMENT COST OF THE SINGLET IF IT IS LOST, DAMAGED, OR NOT TURNED IN BY WRESTLER’S LAST TOURNAMENT OR THE AWARDS BANQUET AND WILL NOT RECEIVE AWARDS UNTIL DOING SO. ___________________________________________ _______________________________________ Participant Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date