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Kingsley Community Primary and Nursery School. Our School Values: “Where your child comes first” and the Kingsley Code. Dear Parents,
Kingsley Community Primary and Nursery School Our School Values: “Where your child comes first” and the Kingsley Code. Dear Parents, I hope the children have had a fantastic summer holiday and are ready to start Year 5. I am very much looking forward to teaching this year group as we have some exciting topics throughout the year. I have already started to get to know the class quite well but I am eager to get to know them even better throughout the year. I have been made to feel so welcome at Kingsley from all the staff, children and parents who I have met and I look forward to working together with you during the year ahead. Some dates for your diaries: European Day of Languages: Friday 26th September. Year 5 and 6 PGL visit: 8th, 9th and 10th October. (Further details to follow shortly) Harvest Festival: Friday 24th October. Year 5 Homework: Set on a Wednesday and to be returned by Tuesday the following week. It is important that the weekly homework tasks in Year 5 are completed on time and to a high standard. The homework will normally consist of a numeracy activity (e.g. MyMaths – when completing these activities the children are encouraged to have a pencil and paper to assist them), a spelling or grammar exercise and a task based on Literacy or a foundation subject. If there are any problems or queries then please get in contact with me. The children are also expected to read for 20 minutes each evening and a reading log will be sent out shortly. Uniform: We expect all children to wear school uniform. Jewellery should not be worn. Please ensure all items of uniform are labelled including coats, shoes and PE pumps, book bags etc. P.E. kits: P.E. sessions in Year 5 are on a Tuesday and a Thursday so please can the children have their kits in school for these days. Could you ensure that they are provided with a PE kit that mirrors the school uniform policy. Water bottles: Please can your child have a water bottle in school which they are able to bring into class with them. I am happy to speak to parents regarding any issues and you can either catch me at the end of the day or please make an appointment with the school office. Welcome to Year 5 Learning Letter and Curriculum Overview Autumn 2014
The Stone Age History and Geography With our topic being the Stone Age our history will be looking at the timeline of Britain and finding out where the Stone Age fits in. We will look at and compare the lives of the first humans on Earth to our lives today. In geography we will use atlases to locate various countries and locations where Stone Age artefacts have been located. PE Our two areas of PE this term are tag rugby (taken by Mr Targett on Tuesdays) and gym with Mr Bonner on Thursdays. Literacy Whilst trying to link our writing to our Stone Age theme as much as possible, we will be writing in a variety of styles and genres. We will use a number of texts to help us with this including The Cave Baby and Wolf Brother. There will be a continued emphasis on the elements of SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) throughout the year. Check out: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/handsonhistory/ancient-britain.shtml Maths In maths we will begin by looking at place value, including rounding and sequencing. Following this we will work on more formal mental and written methods for calculations for the four operations (+, -, x, We will then look at geometry, measurement and fractions. Homework will normally be through the MyMaths website: http://www.mymaths.co.uk/ RE with Mr Targett The children will be learning about the key principles of Christianity together with exploring the religions of Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. Science In Sciencewe will be looking at forces. We will look at a range of forces (air resistance, friction, water resistance, gravity etc) and the impact that they have on objects. We will explore the role mechanisms play to assist in movement of loads. Challenge: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/10_11/forces_action.shtml French In French we will start with basic introductions and commands. We will learn the French alphabet and numbers and this will be done in a fun way with songs and rhymes. Check out: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primarylanguages/french/ Art and DT We will be focusing on using a range of art skills to recreate cave paintings and silhouettes linked to our topic of the Stone Age. In DT we will be looking at the structures seen during this era and constructing our own miniature Stonehenge. Music On Friday mornings the children will be taken in small groups to practise brass instruments which will then form the Year 5 band.