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An Overview of Unix

An Overview of Unix. What is an operating system, and why would someone want Unix as their OS?. An operating system is low-level software that allows the computer hardware to be used by people and applications.

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An Overview of Unix

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  1. An Overview of Unix

  2. What is an operating system, and why would someone want Unix as their OS? An operating system is low-level software that allows the computer hardware to be used by people and applications. One would choose Unix if the applications they wanted to use were supported by Unix and/or if any of the following features were desired: • multiuser/multitasking capabilities • reliability and robustness • security • scalability • ability to run on variety of hardware platforms • the power and flexibility of Unix commands • Government and University markets

  3. Name four functions of an operating system • Hardware control • User Interfaces • Resource management • Provide a platform for applications • Input/output processing • System monitoring • Communications

  4. What are the three major components of a Unix operating system • The Shell (user interface) • System Commands (defines unix) • Kernel (implements unix)

  5. Name three types of user interfaces offered by UNIX/Linux systems • Command line interfaces e.g. sh, csh, ksh, bash • Menuing shells e.g. linuxconf, scoadmin, sami • Graphical Desktop e.g. Gnome, CDE, KDE, ODT

  6. What three pieces of information are required to logon to a Unix system? • Login name • Password • Terminal type (may be preconfigured)

  7. What is meant by a login session?How many can you have on a UNIX computer? • A login session is a shell process connected to a unique tty device. • UNIX: virtually unlimited

  8. When and how do you log off of a Unix system? • Log off whenever you are about to leave your session unattended. • Use the exit command to terminate your shell and log off.

  9. What are the characteristics of a good password? • Uses a range or character types:(alpha, numeric, punctuation…) • The longer the better,(minimum of 7 characters) • Memorable • It’s kept secret • It is changed if compromised Examples: Wh0le #! Id102$da KuKu4(co)2 $nack@ack #0p&S@ve

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