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Managing the Integration of Libraries at Warsaw University of Technology. IATUL, Cracow 3 0 .05-03.06 2004. Grzegorz P ł oszajski Main Library WUT. Institutional Context Implementation of Integrated Library System – first difficulties Everyday Cooperation among Libraries
Managing the Integration of Libraries at Warsaw University of Technology IATUL, Cracow 30.05-03.06 2004 Grzegorz Płoszajski Main Library WUT
Institutional Context • Implementation of Integrated Library System – first difficulties • Everyday Cooperation among Libraries • Common Usage of Library System • Local Catalogues in the Internet • Retro-conversion • The Future Managing the Integration of Libraries at Warsaw University of Technology 1993 - 2004 Warsaw University of Technology Main Library Institute of Automatic Control and Computation Engineering Grzegorz Ploszajski, Ph.D. ploszajski@bg.pw.edu.pl 2
1993 Institutional Context The structure of WUT Library System Before 1993 - 50 libraries ruled by the Main Library Before 1993 – hierarchical (centralised) Since 1993 – ‘heterogenous’: Present state: Main Library 1 ‘South Campus’ library 13 Faculty libraries 20 Institute libraries 4 Student hostels libraries 5 other libraries ‘Dependent’ libraries ruled by the Main Library, and ‘Independent’ libraries: faculty libraries ruled by the Faculties institute libraries ruled by the Institutes other libraries ruled by independent units of WUT 3
1993 Institutional Context The Context of the Change The structure of WUT Library System The change of the structure of WUT library system was a result of change in organization of WUT, and generally, of change in organization of Polish state after 1989. Advantages of the change (some) • Simpler management structure in case of local(faculty and institute) libraries • Better acquisition policy of libraries - from the point of view of institutes (research units) and faculties • 3. Research staff from an institute gets faster response from the library managed by the own institute • 4. One can expext that librarians would better serve to their customers, especially to the research staff WUT and all universities became more independent from the state authorities (Ministry of Education) The Faculties became more independent within WUT structure, Institutes reached higher posistion in education 4
1993 Institutional Context The Context of the Change The structure of WUT Library System Disadvantages of the change (noticed) • Coordination of acquisition policy of libraries became difficult • Many libraries used to buy the same books - what seemed incorrect from the point of view of university • 3. Information on collections within WUT, being moredistributed, became less available to the users (at that time only the Main Library had electronic catalogues) 5
Institutional Context 1993 Can the complex structure of the staircase in the Main Building of WUT remind that of the library system? 6
1994 Institutional Context The solution to the problem of troublesome access to information was sought in the Computerization of libraries WUT Library system The Main Library implemented a computer library system covering circulation (1994), available to the users through the local network within the Main Building of WUT After a short time these steps became insufficient from the point of view of students and staff, who became more and more accustomed to the use of wide area networks and the internet Independent libraries began to catalogue inISIS; however their electronic catalogues were available only on-site or at most within the range of local networks (buildings) 7
1996 Institutional Context Steps taken in 1994-95 soon became insufficient to the user needs. WUT Library system Since 1996 the Main Library and the WUT academic authorities started searching for a better solution – an integrated library system available through the Internet. In the 1996 the WUT authorities made the decision of building new premises for the Main Library inside the Main Building At the same time a temporary solution was developped and implemented, giving access through the wide network to the Main Library computer system (up to 16 simultaneous distant users, and over one hundred local users). 8
1996 Institutional Context 1999 In the 1996 the WUT authorities made the decision of building new premises for the Main Library inside the Main Building The premises have already been built in the 1999 There were planned a lot of computers for the end-users in the 1999
1998 Institutional Context 1999 An unpleasant surprise WUT Library system The academic authorities of WUT were determined to buy a modern integrated computer library system, however they were unsure into which libraries it should be introduced. The Main Library tried to convince the authorities and librarians that it should be introduced at least to all faculty libraries. Independent libraries did not want to use common library system Unfortunately the independent libraries declared that they were not interested in using common library system. 10
1999 Institutional Context 1999 A new library system WUT Library system The academic authorities, after such decision of independent libraries, decided to buy new computer library system only for the Main Library and two big dependant libraries Faculty and institute libraries could join the system in the future, however they would have to search funds for extra licences on their own At last in 1999 an Aleph 500 was bought Aleph 500 v. 11 11
1999 Institutional Context 1999 A problem discovered It was noticed that the decision of independent libraries could result in: 1. Unequal development of WUT libraries 2. Many WUT libraries could soon become unable to offer proper level of service to the users We, as the Main Library, decided that we should make some steps (decisions) to decrease danger of such situations. The Main Library should do something 12
2000 Implementation - First difficulties 2000 , Transition to the new library system The new library system Aleph was planned to be implemented gradually starting a few days/weeks after the ‘magic’ day of Jan 1st 2000. One of main assumptions was to transfer the catalogues together with all important information concerning the circulation (user accounts, due dates, even decisions of locking of accounts) in two days. The result (correctness and fluency) was important both for the staff of the Main Library and for the independent libraries 13
2000 Implementation – First Difficulties 2000 A problem discovered and a solution WUT Library system The decision of independent libraries showed also some kind of misunderstanding and tension between them and the Main Library This was even a bigger challenge for the Main Library: to build good relation with other libraries beyond the current problems in the interest of academic community of the WUT To build good relations with the libraries which do not want to cooperate at the moment 14
2000 Implementation – First Difficulties 2000 A problem with acquisition staff WUT Library system The acquisition staff did not ‘believe’ that the numbers (and text), which they enter, are available. Problem was serious We (the directors) would like to try to help them: We decided to arrange a temporary solution, which should help. It was a report on all books from a single invoice. We felt that we were carefullly observed by librarians. Our success would had a great influence 15
2000 Implementation – First Difficulties 2000 WUT Library system Exemplary report 16
2000 Implementation – First Difficulties 2000 A problem with acquisition staff WUT Library system The report could not be done with tools available in Aleph at that time (was too complex). However it was Aleph which: 1. Prepared all necessary data 2. Exported data to a file (text file) The data were imported to Access which produced the report.s We felt that this was a success. The acquisition staff believed in themselves - in their ability to use Aleph. 17
2001 Common usage of computer library system Aleph 2004 Deduplication The main catalogue is organized as a central catalogue. Every year a few libraries join the library system Their catalogues are added to the common catalogue after being compared to the catalogue. When there is an equivalent record, only items are added; otherwise is added bibliographic records and items. 18
2001 Common usage of computer library system Aleph 2004 Deduplication WUT Library system Common catalogue became a field of cooperation between libraries which joined Aleph An elaborate technique has been developped to compare bibliographic records in such a way that even in case of some mistakes in records their comparison can be effective - is error-proof 19
2001 Common usage of computer library system Aleph 2004 Deduplication WUT Library system Up to 30% of records used to be found as duplicated About 20 % could be found easily, without any sophisticated technique 10 % of all records, i.e. 50% of records being compared is found due to advanced way of comparing information 20
2004 Local catalogues in the Internet 2004 Local catalogues in the Internet WUT Library system The independent libraries prepare their electronic catalogues in ISIS (UNESCO software) – they are available on-site One of goals of the Main Library is to provide easy access to information to the staff and students; in this case through the Internet A new technique is being developped during last months; it is based on Z39.50 protocol and the software which is available on GPL licence 21
2004 Local catalogues in the Internet 2004 Local catalogues in the Internet WUT Library system The catalogues are converted from local format used in ISIS to the US MARC Catalogues which are availabble in the internet can not only be searched ‘manually’, but also by other computer systems using Z39.50 protocol 22
2004 Local catalogues in the Internet 2004 WUT Local catalogues searchable manually and by the Z39.50 protocol 23
2004 Implementation – First Difficulties 2004 Supplementaryelectronic card catalogues WUT Library system 24
2004 Electronic Card Catalogue 2004 A project to prepare electronic card catalogue The project is treated as a supplementary solution when retro-conversion seems to be as far to achieve, as it was some years ago 1. Stage – only scanned images of cards 2. Stage – scanned images with added text information (searchable) 3. Like stage 2 plus call numbers In the stage 3 the card catalogue can be limited to only those cards for which there is no record in Aleph catalogue. The catalogue is nearly ready - the 1st stage About 250 tys. cards have been scanned In many cases card catalogue contains the same information as the Aleph catalogue. 25
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