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Efficient Retrieval of Recommendations in a Matrix Factorization Framework

Efficient Retrieval of Recommendations in a Matrix Factorization Framework. Motivation. In the field of Recommender System , Matrix Factorization (MF) models have shown superior accuracy for recommendation tasks. E.g., The Netflix Prize, KDD-Cup’11, etc.

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Efficient Retrieval of Recommendations in a Matrix Factorization Framework

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Efficient Retrieval of Recommendationsin a Matrix Factorization Framework

  2. Motivation • In the field of Recommender System, Matrix Factorization (MF) models have shown superior accuracy for recommendation tasks.E.g., The Netflix Prize, KDD-Cup’11, etc. • Training is fast. Computing test scores is fast.But… Retrieval of Recommendations (RoR) is s--l--o--w ! • This problem is well known in the industry, yet never been approached before in academia!

  3. I T E M S Yahoo! Music: 1M Users 625K Items 6 Tera elements ~300 multiplications ~5 days CPU Naïve Multithreading:High latency + wasteful Yahoo! Music: 1M Users 625K Items 6 Tera elements ~300 multiplications ~5 days CPU U S E R S

  4. Reduction to Inner Product Core problem: Given a user vector and a set of item, find an item vector that will maximize

  5. Best Matches Algorithms • Metric Space • Cosine Similarity • Locality Sensitive Hashing

  6. Metric Trees R R

  7. Branch-and-bound Algorithm

  8. Bounding Inner Product Similarity

  9. Approximate Solution Users vectors can be normalized  Users can be clustered based on their spherical angle!

  10. Relative Error Bound What is the error when recommendations are retrieved based on an approximate user vector?

  11. Adaptive Approximate Solution

  12. Experimentations Set-up Yahoo! Music Recommendations: Modeling Music Ratings with Temporal Dynamics and Item Taxonomy Gideon Dror, Noam Koenigstein, Yehuda Koren (RecSys-11`)

  13. Exact Alg. Speedup

  14. Approximate Alg. Speedup

  15. Speedup vs. Precision

  16. Speedup vs. MedianRank

  17. Conclusions • We introduce a new and relevant research problem • An exact solution with limited speedup • An approximate solution with a tradeoff between accuracy and speedup • Much room for further research…

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