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The theme of the lesson . They were the first. ( about famous modern inventors and inventions of the world). Objects: - to continue learning the theme about the development of science, achievements of modern inventors and their inventions, their contribution to the world science;
The theme of the lesson. They were the first.(about famous modern inventors and inventions of the world) Objects: - to continue learning the theme about the development of science, achievements of modern inventors and their inventions, their contribution to the world science; - to rich active vocabulary by new words; - to improve skills of reading, speaking, audition, grammar; improve skills of working with literature and find out the information that will be useful for the future profession. - to develop monologic and dialogic speech; - to form pupils’ ability of using their creativeness.
«The inventions that shook the world.» –«Изобретения, которыепотряслимир»
They were the first Amosov was one of the initiators of the widespread introduction into our country surgery for diseases of the lungs, has made a lot of newdevelopments in this problem. His research contributed to improving the treatment of diseases of the lungs. In 1961, Amosov for lung surgery was awarded Lenin Prize for the work of lung surgery. Amosov MykolaMykhajlovich
Vladimir IvanovichVernadsky Vernadsky first popularized the concept of the noosphere and deepened the idea of the biosphere to the meaning largely recognized by today's scientific community. VolodymyrVernadsky, for instance, was the first President of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. He was the first in our country to introduce the spectral method for the solution of geochemical problems. Vernadsky was the founder of the modern doctrine on the biosphere.
In 1815, Zasyadko began his work on creating military gunpowder rockets. He constructed rocket-launching platforms, which allowed to fire in salvos (6 rockets at a time), and gun-laying devices. Zasyadko elaborated a tactics for military use of rocket weaponry. In 1820, Zasyadko was appointed head of the Petersburg Armory, Okhtensky Powder Factory, pyrotechnic laboratory and the first Higher Artillery School in Russia. In 1827, Zasyadko was in charge of Artillery Headquarters of the Russian army and took part in the Russo-Turkish War of 1828-1829. He organized rocket production in a special rocket workshop and created the first rocket sub-unit in the Russian army.In 1834, Zasyadko retired due to his illness. The crater Zasyadko on the far side of the Moon is named after him. Alexander DmitrievichZasyadko
Yuri VasilievichKondratyuk was a follower, supporter and founder of cosmism, pioneer of astronautics and spaceflight. He was a theoretician and a visionary who, in the early 20th century, foresaw ways of reaching the moon. He was first put to work evaluating foreign coal-mining machinery for the Kusbass region. Yuri Vasilievich Kondratyuk
Together with employees it for the first time in the USSR there have been begun regular experimental studying biochemistry of vitamins, as well as development of a problem of intermediate chemical transformations in processes of a metabolism (an endocellular carbohydrate and phosphoric exchange). In the early works, devoted to studying kreatin, for the first time has noted value of this substance for an organism; it investigates formation kreatin , its communication with a carbohydrate exchange, etc. Special values have its works in the field of biochemistry of muscular and nervous systems. Palladin with employees biochemical distinctions of separate functionally excellent sites of the central nervous system have been revealed; are carried out rather-biochemical researches of fabrics of nervous system of various types of animals; the chemical compound of fabrics of nervous system during embryo progresses of animals are studied, etc. Palladin's researches on biochemistry of a brain are known at various functional conditions, in particular at excitation and braking. Its works on biochemistry of muscular activity have laid down in a basis of modern concepts of functional biochemistry about processes of exhaustion, rest and training of a muscle that is of great importance for illumination of some practical questions of physiology of work and sports. Palladin Alexander Vladimirovich
Alexander SergeevichDavydovwas a Ukrainian physicist. Davydov graduated from Moscow State University in 1939. In 1963-1990 he was Director of Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.His main contributions were in theory of absorption, scattering and dispersion of the light in molecular crystals. In 1948, he predicted the phenomenon that is known as Davydov splitting. In the period 1958-1960 he developed the theory of collective excited states in spherical and non-spherical nuclei, known as Davydov-Filippov Model and Davydov-Chaban Model. Alexander SergeevichDavydov
Sergey PavlovichKorolyovwas the lead Soviet rocket engineer and spacecraft designer in the Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union during the 1950s and 1960s. He is considered by many as the father of practical astronautics. In spite of the Soviet progress on ICBM technology, Korolev was preoccupied with the use of rockets for space travel. In 1953 he first proposed the use of the R-7 design for launching a satellite into orbit. He pushed his ideas with the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, including a concept for sending a dog into space. He also had to overcome resistance in the military and among party members. Sergei Pavlovich Korolev
KavetskiyRostyslavEvgenievich First offered treatment of tumours by means of lasers.
First in the world put (in 1909 together with V.P. Obraztsov), diagnosis of thrombosis of vessels of heart. StrageskoMykolaDmytrovich
Designer, the founder of Antonov ASTC, a world-famous aircraft company in Ukraine, later named in his honour. Antonov designed a large single bay biplane of all-metal construction, with an enclosed cockpit and a cabin with room for seats accommodating 12 passengers. Oleg KonstantinovichAntonov
DanyloKyrylovychZabolotny (1866-1929) was a Ukrainian epidemiologist and the founder of the world's first research department of epidemiology. In 1927, he published one of the first texts in his field, Fundamentals of Epidemiology. Zabolotny conducted groundbreaking research on a number of infectious diseases, including cholera, diphtheria, dysentery, plague, syphilis and typhus, as well as on gangrene. DanyloKyrylovychZabolotny
Eugeny Paton was a pioneer researcher of the new joining – welding technology for the materials. In order to make welding a reliable technological process it was necessary to conduct a comprehensive research of the mechanics of welded structures, welding metallurgical processes, and physics of the arc, as well as to develop the welding equipment and tools, and consumable and new welding techniques. Evgeny Paton created the methods of design of rational bridge spans, investigated the conditions of their operation, and suggested the methods to restore the damaged bridges. He carried out the research on calculation and strength of welded structures, mechanization of welding processes, and fundamentals of welding. He supervised the development of the method of automatic submerged arc welding. During the World War II Evgeny Paton supervised the design and production of the equipment and technology of the automatic welding of special steels, tanks, bombs, etc. Paton EvgenyOscarovich
They were the first A programmer who implemented an email system in 1971 on the ARPANET. Email had been previously sent on other networks such as AUTODIN and PLATO. It was the first system able to send mail between users on different hosts connected to the ARPAnet. (Previously, mail could be sent only to others who used the same computer.) To achieve this, he used the @ sign to separate the user from their machine, which has been used in email addresses ever since. Raymond Samuel Tomlinson
The irresistible smiley face flowed from the pen of Harvey Ball, a graphic artist in Worcester, Massachusetts. The year was 1963. Harvey was hired by the State Mutual Life Assurance Company to design a logo that would uplift its employees after a company merger had hurt company morale. The logo was to accompany a "friendship campaign" that the company came up with to encourage employees to smile as they went about their work or interacted with customers. Harvey Ross Ball
After demonstrating the prototype cell phone to reporters, Cooper allowed some of the reporters to make phone calls to anyone of their choosing to prove that the cell phone could function as a versatile part of the telephone network. Cooper is considered the inventor of the first handheld cellular phone and the first person to make a phone call in public on a handheld cell phone. Cooper and the engineers who worked for him, and Mitchell are named on the patent "Radio telephone system" filed on October 17, 1973. Martin Cooper
Father of long distance radio transmission and for his development of Marconi's law and a radio telegraph system. Marconi, just twenty years old, began his first experiments working on his own with the help of his butler Mignani. In the summer of 1894, he built a storm alarm made up of a battery, a coherer, and an electric bell, which went off if there was lightning. Soon after he was able to make a bell ring on the other side of the room by pushing a telegraphic button on a bench Guglielmo Marconi
A Canadian physicist and co-inventor of the charge-coupled device. On October 6, 2009, it was announced that he would share the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics for "the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit—the CCD sensor". In 1953 Boyle joined Bell Labs where he invented the first continuously operating ruby laser with Don Nelson in 1962, and was named on the first patent for a semiconductor injection laser. He was made director of Space Science and Exploratory Studies at the Bell Labs subsidiary Bellcomm in 1962, providing support for the Apollo space program and helping to select lunar landing sites. He returned to Bell Labs in 1964, working on the development of integrated circuits. Willard Sterling Boyle
A British computer scientist, MIT professor and the inventor of the World Wide Web. He made a proposal for an information management system in March 1989 and on 25 December 1990, with the help of Robert Cailliau and a young student at CERN, he implemented the first successful communication between a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) client and server via the Internet. The first web site built was at CERN within the border of France, and was first put online on 6 August 1991. Sir Timothy John
An American computer scientist and internet entrepreneur who, with Sergey Brin, is best known as the co-founder of Google. On April 4, 2011, he took on the role of chief executive officer of Google, replacing Eric Schmidt. As of 2011, his personal wealth is estimated to be $16.7 billion. He is the inventor of PageRank, which became the foundation of Google's search ranking algorithm. Lawrence "Larry" Page and Sergey MikhaylovichBrin
An American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur. He is best known for co-creating the social networking site Facebook, of which he is chief executive.It was co-founded as a private company in 2004 by Zuckerberg and classmates Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, and Chris Hughes while they were students at Harvard University.In 2010, Zuckerberg was named Time magazine's Person of the Year.As of 2011, his personal wealth was estimated to be $17.5 billion making him one of the world's youngest billionaires. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg