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Ametist Review 23/11/05

Ametist Review 23/11/05. WP1 Modelling. Task 1.1 Model Classification. A unified game-theoretic model for controller syntheis in the presence of external disturbances Covers different types of dynamics including timed automata and scheduling under uncertainty

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Ametist Review 23/11/05

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  1. Ametist Review 23/11/05 WP1 Modelling

  2. Task 1.1 Model Classification • A unified game-theoretic model for controller syntheis in the presence of external disturbances • Covers different types of dynamics including timed automata and scheduling under uncertainty • Solutions by constrained optimization, dynamic programming and forward search • (VERIMAG)

  3. Task 1.2 Model Composition • Study of compositionality for probabilistic automata • Switched probabilistic I/O Automata solve some of the problems (at each reachable state at most one component is active) • Ongoing work: combining with real time • (KUN)

  4. Task 1.3 Quantitative Modeling • Definition of simulation relations for discrete and continuous-time Markov chains • Characterization of this relations by the logics PCTL and CSL • Ongoing work: completion of the semantics of the MODeST tool • (Twente)

  5. 1.4-1.5 Scheduling Planning and Controller Synthesis • Extension of the TA-based approach to problems with conditional dependencies • The “result” of one task, known only after termination, selects between tasks for further execution • Motivation: success/failure of production steps; programs with if-then-else

  6. 1.4-1.5 Scheduling Planning and Controller Synthesis (cont) • Problem description as Conditional Precedence Graphs (CPG) • Translation into timed game automata • Finding worst-case optimal scheduling strategies using search on game graphs • 100 tasks and 3-5 conditionals

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