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Outstanding PE and the Sport Premium An Ofsted perspective. Roy Bowers Her Majesty’s Inspector. What is outstanding PE?. Outstanding PE = Outstanding outcomes.
Outstanding PE and the Sport Premium An Ofsted perspective Roy Bowers Her Majesty’s Inspector
What is outstanding PE? Outstanding PE = Outstanding outcomes. The inspection process always judges outcomes, then seeks to explain these outcomes in terms of the strengths and weaknesses in provision. Add presentation title to master slide | 2
What are outstanding outcomes? • Pupils of all ages, aptitudes and abilities acquire skills and knowledge exceptionally well. They can apply them in different contexts and many achieve very high levels of performance. • Pupils have high levels of physical fitness. They understand what promotes long-term health and apply this knowledge to their own life-styles. • Pupils can accurately evaluate and successfully improve their own performance and that of others. • Pupils thoroughly enjoy PE, eagerly and regularly participate, and show highly positive attitudes in lessons, practices, fixtures and clubs. Add presentation title to master slide | 3
What contributes to outstanding outcomes? • Outstanding outcomes are a result of consistently good or outstanding teaching. • Outstanding teaching is nearly always because of highly effective leadership and management. • Overall, outstanding PE = outstanding outcomes = teaching that is consistently good or outstanding - resulting from - highly effective leadership and management. Add presentation title to master slide | 4
What makes outstanding teaching? Ofsted does not look for any particular teaching style, method or philosophy in any subject. There is also not one single format for all lessons. However, in lessons and over time, inspectors will be looking for evidence to show that: • pupils of all abilities (inc. pupils who are more-able, less-able, obese etc.) are inspired and challenged to participate and improve their skills and techniques • pupils’ physical development is promoted exceptionally well through engagement in sustained moderate and vigorous physical activity • there are very few, and no regular non-participants in lessons. Those that cannot participate are involved in lessons as much as possible • pupils enjoy their PE lessons and school sport. They work hard, improve and do their best • pupils know and apply the benefits of physical activity to their current and long-term health. Add presentation title to master slide | 5
Inadequate teaching • Activity – what would you see, or not see, in a lesson which would make you judge the teaching as inadequate? Add presentation title to master slide | 6
Inadequate teaching Evidence shows that where teaching is inadequate, some or all of the following apply: • not enough learning time – often because too much time getting changed • pupils, or a group of pupils, showing no gains in knowledge, skills and understanding • poor behaviour and attitudes • safety issues • many non-participants • pupils taught incorrect skills or techniques • little physical activity Add presentation title to master slide | 7
The key to outstanding teaching is outstanding leadership and management • All leaders - an unrelenting pursuit of excellence – celebration of achievement – PE and sport high profile. ‘Success is a choice’. • Subject leaders provide clear guidance on what to teach and how to teach it well. They are strong role-models, show good practice in their teaching and have thorough self-evaluation and detailed improvement planning based on rigorous lesson monitoring. • A curriculum which gives pupils sufficient time to excel (inc. extra-curricular clubs and links with external clubs), promoting high participation, fitness, performance excellence and enjoyment in an extensive range of opportunities, including competitive sport. Add presentation title to master slide | 8
Activity • What can the teacher do to promote outstanding PE and school sport? Add presentation title to master slide | 9
What can the teacher do? • Enthuse about PE and sport – inspire pupils to participate and excel. • Actively seek to improve your own subject knowledge and teaching skills so that your teaching is consistently good. • Improve pupils’ fitness by engaging them in regular, moderate and high-intensity activity for sustained periods of time. • Raise expectations of what pupils of all levels of ability are capable of achieving and provide them with challenging and competitive activities that lead to high standards and life-long participation • Promote health and well-being, and tackle obesity. Add presentation title to master slide | 10
Activity • What can the subject leader do to promote outstanding PE and school sport? Add presentation title to master slide | 11
What can the subject leader do? • Enthuse about PE and sport and show an exceptional level of commitment to students’ participation and excellence. • Plan for improvement. Rigorously evaluate (audit), focus improvements on where most needed (action plan), monitor impact and ensure improvement occurs so that all teaching and coaching is consistently good or better. Evaluate again. • Be an outstanding role model in teaching and leadership, promoting your own and other staff development, setting high expectations and modelling best practice. • Provide colleagues with schemes of work for all activities including the step-by-step stages of teaching skills. • Promote health and well-being, and tackle obesity through a detailed scheme of work and links with health agencies and parents. • Foster strong links with local sports clubs. • Provide an extensive range of opportunities for pupils to enjoy, participate and excel, including competitive sport. Add presentation title to master slide | 12
Activity • What can the headteacher and senior leaders do to promote outstanding PE and school sport? Add presentation title to master slide | 13
What can the headteacher and senior leaders do? • Enthuse about PE and sport. • Show a great interest in pupils’ participation and success – watch some of the fixtures!! • Value and celebrate achievement – assemblies, newsletters, magazines, website, local newspaper, photographs, ‘colours’, reports to governors, former students ‘honours’ boards/international vests etc. • Appoint enthusiastic PE and sport staff (teachers and specialist coaches) who have excellent subject knowledge and are passionate about their subject. Monitor their effectiveness. • Time-table sufficient time to enable pupils to achieve well, develop a life-long love of sport and activity, and gain a strong understanding of how PE and sport contribute to health and well-being. • Overall – create a culture where students’ achievement, hard-work, determination, perseverance and loyalty to their colleagues and the school in PE and sport are acknowledged and valued highly. Add presentation title to master slide | 14
Sport funding – Ofsted inspection • Inspectors will assess and report on how well this new funding is being used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy life-styles and reach the performance levels they are capable of (leadership and management section) Add presentation title to master slide | 15
What will OFSTED inspectors look for in a Section 5 inspection with regard to Sport Premium funding? • Senior leaders, subject leader (SL) and governors know the amount of funding available to the school and the reasons why it is given. • An audit of current needs is undertaken so that any deficiencies can be met by the funding leading to ---- • A clear action plan for improvement with time-scales and measurable outcomes. • Governors involvement in the decision-making process and monitoring/evaluation of the outcomes of the plan – holding school leaders to account. • A clear evaluation of the plan’s impact on increasing participation, promoting health and wellbeing, and improving performance. • Details presented on the school web-site. Add presentation title to master slide | 16
Questions the inspectors are likely to ask • Evidence is likely to be gained from meetings with pupils, school leaders (HT, SLT, SL) and governors. They may also talk with individual teachers, especially if the planned impact is about improving teaching skills. In a few specific instances, discussion with coaches, TAs etc. may occur. • Questions for pupils will centre on the impact of the funding on their participation, performance and/or promoting health and wellbeing. • Questions for leaders and governors will centre on: How is the funding is spent? Who decides? On what basis are the decisions made? What is the planned impact and over what time-scale? How does the school measure impact? How will the school ensure impact after the initial funding period? • Questions for individual teachers may centre on such as: Do you know how the funding is being spent? Were you consulted? What impact is the funding having on your teaching skills and on pupils’ performance? Is there any increase in pupils’ participation rates, pupils’ enthusiasm for PE and sport, impact on lifestyles and physical wellbeing? • Overall, the questions will be related to the planned impact of the funding and its relevance to improving outcomes for pupils. Add presentation title to master slide | 17
Sport Funding – Ofsted • The DfE have commissioned Ofsted to produce a survey report for publication in the autumn term 2014. • The DfE and the DfH (Health) have commissioned other agencies to evaluate impact of the funding. • There is currently very little evidence of use of the funding other than what inspectors write in the inspection reports. Add presentation title to master slide | 18
Sport funding – examples of own evidence – are they good practice? • new sports coaches/specialist teachers to teach pupils in PE lessons and coach after-school sports clubs • existing coaches/specialist teachers to take the same classes and clubs as before • transport to take pupils to sport competitions • someone to organise inter-school sports competitions, especially through linking with other primary/secondary schools • training for teachers e.g. by working alongside external coaches or specialist teachers • an existing teacher to take on the role of subject leader • swimming lessons • other enrichment activities that are not directly linked to improving PE and sport or promoting pupils’ physical health and well-being. Add presentation title to master slide | 19
And finally ------ • What strategies can we use to help ensure that primary-age pupils STAY physically active for the rest of their lives and achieve long-term health and well-being? Add presentation title to master slide | 20