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Novel antithrombotic agents in acute coronary syndromes: better or worse tha n P2Y12 inhibitors. Giuseppe Biondi Zoccai Sapienza Università di Roma giuseppe.biondizoccai@uniroma1.it. Learning goals. State-of-the-art antithrombotic therapy in acute coronary syndromes (ACS):
Novel antithrombotic agents in acute coronary syndromes: better or worse than P2Y12 inhibitors Giuseppe Biondi Zoccai Sapienza Università di Roma giuseppe.biondizoccai@uniroma1.it
Learninggoals State-of-the-artantithrombotictherapy in acute coronarysyndromes (ACS): • The past: aspirin, clopidogrel, and warfarin • The present: prasugrel and ticagrelor • The future: atopaxar, vorapaxar, cangrelor, apixaban, dabigatran, and rivaroxaban
The platelet: our common foe PAR inhibitors Anticoagulants <- <- Aspirin <- P2Y12 inhibitors <- <- IIb/IIIa inhibitors Jackson et al, NatRevDrugDiscov 2003
Aspirin • Oraldrug • Irreversibly inactivates cyclooxygenase • Inhibits production of thromboxane A2 (TXA) • Limits TXA-mediated platelet activation and aggregation • Does not impact on other activation pathways and has variable response
Aspirin • Oraldrug • Irreversibly inactivates cyclooxygenase • Inhibits production of thromboxane A2 (TXA) • Limits TXA-mediated platelet activation and aggregation • Does not impact on other activation pathways and has variable response
Clopidogrel • Oraldrug • Irreversiblyinactivates the P2Y12 plateletreceptorfor ADP • Limits P2Y12-mediated plateletactivation and aggregation • Does not impact on other activation pathways and has variable response
Clopidogrel • Oraldrug • Irreversiblyinactivates the P2Y12 plateletreceptorfor ADP • Limits P2Y12-mediated plateletactivation and aggregation • Does not impact on other activation pathways and has variable response
Warfarin • Oralanticoagulant • Inhibits the synthesisoffactors II, VII, IX, and X, aswellasprotein C, S, and • Hasverylimitedtherapeuticindex and requiresfrequentmonitoring and adjustments
The WOEST trial Death, MI, stroke, TVR, or ST (%) Dewildeet al, Lancet 2013
The WOEST trial Dewildeet al, Lancet 2013
The WOEST trial Dewildeet al, Lancet 2013
The WOEST trial Dewildeet al, Lancet 2013
Prasugrel • Oraldrug • Irreversiblyinactivates the P2Y12 plateletreceptorfor ADP (more potently and predictablythan clopidogrel) • Limits P2Y12-mediated plateletactivation and aggregation • Does not impact on other activation pathways
The TRITON-TIMI 38 trial Cardiovasculardeath, MI or stroke Non-CABG-related TIMI major bleeding Wiviottet al, New Engl J Med 2008
The TRILOGY ACS trial CV death, MI, or stroke Endpoint (%) HR=0.91 (0.79-1.05), p=0.21 Wiviottet al, Circulation 2008
The TRILOGY ACS trial CV death, MI, or stroke Endpoint (%) HR=0.91 (0.79-1.05), p=0.21 Wiviottet al, Circulation 2008
Ticagrelor • Oraldrug • Reversiblyantagonizes the P2Y12 plateletreceptorfor ADP • Thuslimits P2Y12-mediated plateletactivation and aggregation • Does not impact on other activation pathways
The PLATO trial Vasculardeath, MI or stroke Major bleeding Months Months Wallentinet al, New Engl J Med 2009
Benefitsacross the board Wallentinet al, New Engl J Med 2009
Benefitsacross the board Wallentinet al, New Engl J Med 2009
Adjustedindirectcomparison Biondi-Zoccaiet al, Int J Cardiol 2011
Atopaxar • Oraldrug • Reversiblyinhibits the protease-activatedreceptor (PAR)-1 whichbindsthrombin on platelets • Thuslimitsthrombin-mediatedplateletactivation and aggregation
The LANCELOT-ACS trial O’Donoghueet al, Circulation 2011
The LANCELOT trial Wiviottet al, Circulation 2011
The LANCELOT trial Wiviottet al, Circulation 2011
Vorapaxar • Oraldrug • Reversiblyinhibits the protease-activatedreceptor (PAR)-1 whichbindsthrombin on platelets • Thuslimitsthrombin-mediatedplateletactivation and aggregation
The TRACER trial Cardiovasculardeath, MI or stroke GUSTO moderate/severe bleeding Months Months Tricociet al, New Engl J Med 2012
The TRACER trial Cardiovasculardeath, MI or stroke GUSTO moderate/severe bleeding Months Months Tricociet al, New Engl J Med 2012
Cangrelor • IV drug • Reversiblyantagonizes the P2Y12 platelet receptorfor ADP • Thuslimits P2Y12-mediated plateletactivation and aggregation • Does not impact on other activation pathways
The CHAMPION PHOENIX trial Stentthrombosis (%) Bhattet al, New Engl J Med 2013 (57% CSA, 25% NSTEACS, 18% STEMI)
The CHAMPION PHOENIX trial Bhattet al, New Engl J Med 2013 (57% CSA, 25% NSTEACS, 18% STEMI)
The CHAMPION PHOENIX trial Bhattet al, New Engl J Med 2013 (57% CSA, 25% NSTEACS, 18% STEMI)
Apixaban • Oralanticoagulant • FactorXainhibitor • Favorablerisk-benefitprofilealreadyestablished in atrialfibrillation and deepveinthrombosis-pulmonaryembolism
The APPRAISE-2 trial 81% on DAPT Alexander et al, New Engl J Med 2011
The APPRAISE-2 trial Alexander et al, New Engl J Med 2011
The APPRAISE-2 trial Alexander et al, New Engl J Med 2011
Dabigatran • Oralanticoagulant • Directthrombininhibitor • Favorablerisk-benefitprofilealreadyestablished in atrialfibrillation and deepveinthrombosis-pulmonaryembolism
The RE-DEEM trial 99.2% on DAPT Oldgrenet al, Eur Heart J 2011
The RE-DEEM trial Oldgrenet al, Eur Heart J 2011
The RE-DEEM trial Oldgrenet al, Eur Heart J 2011
Rivaroxaban • Oralanticoagulant • FactorXainhibitor • Favorablerisk-benefitprofilealreadyestablished in atrialfibrillation and deepveinthrombosis-pulmonaryembolism
The ATLAS ACS 2-TIMI 51 trial 93% on DAPT Mega et al, New Engl J Med 2012
The ATLAS ACS 2-TIMI 51 trial Mega et al, New Engl J Med 2012
The ATLAS ACS 2-TIMI 51 trial Mega et al, New Engl J Med 2012
The ATLAS ACS 2-TIMI 51 trial Mega et al, New Engl J Med 2012
The ATLAS ACS 2-TIMI 51 trial Mega et al, New Engl J Med 2012
Take home messages • Antithrombotic management of ACS willresemble in a fewyears the treatment ofhypertension, withmanyavailabledrugs and dozensofpossiblecocktails. • Aspirinremains the background therapyofchoiceforitscost-effectiveness (and potentialantineoplasticeffects). • Clopidogrel continuestobeuseful in those at low thromboticrisk or high bleedingrisk. • Prasugrel and ticagrelor are useful in allthosewithout high bleedingrisk, especiallyif at high thromboticrisk.