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Post-EPS Status at PMET-7

Post-EPS Status at PMET-7. 2015. 2007. 2008. 2009. 2010. 2021. 2012. 2011. 2014. 2016. 2017. 2018. 2019. 2013. 2020. Post-EPS Overall Programme Planning. EUM Phase 0. Phase A. Phase B. Phase C/D. Ops. Readiness of IR and MW Sounding VIS/IR Imaging Missions.

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Post-EPS Status at PMET-7

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  1. Post-EPS Status at PMET-7

  2. 2015 2007 2008 2009 2010 2021 2012 2011 2014 2016 2017 2018 2019 2013 2020 Post-EPS Overall Programme Planning EUM Phase 0 Phase A Phase B Phase C/D Ops Readiness of IR and MW Sounding VIS/IR Imaging Missions All Post-EPS Missions Prep. Programme Development and Operation Programme EUMETSAT Approval Processes ESA Programme ESA Ministerial Conf. go ahead for phase B/C/D

  3. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Post-EPS Programme Planning, Timeline Phases 0 and A EUM Phase 0 Phase A ESA Ph. 0 Studies Ph. A Studies Prelim. Assessment Review (missions shortlist) Mission Definition Review Preliminary Requirements Review MTR PCR 2nd User Cons. Workshop EUM Approval of Preparatory Programme ESA C-Min-11 go-ahead for Ph. B/C/D MTR = Mid Term Review PCR = Preliminary Concepts Review

  4. Cooperation with NOAA on JPS (1/3) • Regular meetings of the technical and high-level working groups are held with NOAA to work towards an extended cooperation past IJPS and JTA • A concept paper has been drafted for negotiation of a JPS and is under approval by DB • Model is similar to that of IJPS and JTA • NOAA spacecraft operate in early morning and afternoon orbits • EUMETSAT spacecraft operates in mid-morning orbit • Exchange of instruments as far as practicable • Collaboration on developments for data exploitation • Exchange of data • Timeline • Draft JPS agreement finalised in Q4 2009 • JPS agreement to EUMETSAT Council and US authorities at end of Phase A

  5. Cooperation with NOAA on JPS (2/3)

  6. Cooperation with NOAA on JPS (3/3)

  7. Recent Council Decisions Relevant to Post-EPS (1/2) • The opportunity of flying Earth observation payloads on the Iridium-NEXT constellation of satellites should not be pursued • Adopted the initiating resolution on the preparation of a Jason follow-on programme, authorising the DG to prepare a full Jason2 follow-on optional programme proposal and a related declaration (to be adopted) • All 21 member states indicated their interest in participation • Funding scheme needs to be secured among partners before optional programme can be proposed • Adopted way forward for the implementation of GMES Sentinel 5 on Post-EPS • Consider S-5 as PEPS baseline in terms of design and development • Rely on ESA provided S-5 ground processor • Manage delta-development within an optimised approach for GS procurement • Have full control of the overall process up to GS level and end-to-end system verification and validation • Discuss with EU about the necessary funding to cover operations costs of S-5

  8. Recent Council Decisions Relevant to Post-EPS (2/2) • With respect to the GMES long-term governance EUMETSAT should play the role of operational agency in the areas of • GMES Marine Core Service • GMES Atmosphere Service • The planned GMES Service for Climate Monitoring • During GMES pre-operations, access by the three GMES fast track services and two pilot services to EUMETSAT data will be granted free of charge • For the GMES S-3 development , a third party programme will be established

  9. Current activities • ESA: 2nd industrial Phase 0 study for Post-EPS (Thales Alenia Space has been kicked off) in July 2008 • Preliminary Assessment Review was held in June 2008 • Mid Term Reviews to be held in December 2008 (Astrium) • and January 2009 (Thales) • Follow national studies • DLR: METimage, Phase A completed, Phase B started in September 2008 • CNES: IASI follow-on, Phase 0 completed

  10. Preliminary Assessment Review Outcome

  11. Objectives of Preliminary Assessment Review (PAR) • “to decide on the observation missions to be retained for further study” • ref. to “potential for implementation within the anticipated budgetary constraints” (EUM/C/63/07/DOC/46) • It implies • a review of the preliminary assessment of the candidate missions, and its consistency with mission and programmatic requirements • It is an opportunity to • give recommendations on the execution of the industrial studies

  12. PAR Objectives / Selection Criteria

  13. PAR Non-Objectives • The PAR is NOT expected to anticipate: • Specific payload options (for those missions to be retained) • A space or ground segment configuration • Available elements are too preliminary, often and on purpose limited to a “baseline” or heritage concept for a rapid programmatic/cost assessment • Relevant concepts are to be established in the industrial studies managed by ESA

  14. Scope of PAR: Observation Missions (1/2)

  15. PAR Scope: Observation Missions (2/2)

  16. PAR: Non-Observation Missions/Services • Data Collection System (PARD, TBC) • Search & Rescue (PARD, TBC) • User Services (MRD): • Direct Data Broadcast • Near Real Time Data Distribution • Archiving and Retrieval • Reprocessing • User Support Space and Ground Segment impact Ground Segment impact Not in scope of PAR But system impact should be taken into account

  17. Scope: Phase 0 Studies Post-EPS Specific Approach “standard” Phase 0

  18. Scope: Phase 0 Study (2/2)

  19. Candidate Mission Ranking

  20. Candidate Mission Ranking (after the PAR)

  21. Programmatic Constraints - A summary table

  22. PAR Outcome – Missions to be Retained in Phase 0 Studies • Infrared Sounding Mission (IRS) • Atmospheric Chemistry requirements must not drive the instrument • Microwave Sounding Mission (MWS) • Visible/Infrared Imaging Mission (VII) • Scatterometry Mission (SCA) • Microwave Imaging Mission for Precipitation (MWI – Precipitation) • Radio Occultation Mission (RO) • Multi-Viewing Multi-Frequency, Multi-Polarisation Imaging Mission (3MI) • Accommodation of Radiant Energy Mission (RER) • Accommodation of Ultraviolet Visible Near Infrared Shortwave Infrared Imaging Mission (UVNS) via GMES Sentinel-5

  23. 2nd Post-EPS User Consultation Workshop

  24. 2nd PEPS UC Workshop – Objectives (1/2) • Inform users on relevant mission requirements • WMO: vision and requirements of the WMO space programme in the PEPS era • GOS: evolution of the space-based observing system • EUMETSAT: lessons learnt from EPS • Introduce candidate observation missions, prioritisation, and down-selection process for industrial studies • PMET-Chair: introduction to the candidate observation missions • EUMETSAT: details on observation missions, their prioritisation and down-selection • Present the potential of the system in various application areas • PMET

  25. 2nd PEPS UC Workshop – Objectives (2/2) • Inform users on programmatic assumptions and constraints • EUMETSAT • Inform users on the status of concept studies • EUMETSAT: notional concepts • ESA: Phase 0 studies outcome • ESA: Status of GMES S-5 • Inform users on US approach for next generation polar system • NOAA: NPOESS and its follow-on • Inform users on status of related projects • CNES: IASI follow-on • DLR: METimage • Acquire users’ feedback

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