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Creating Interprofessional Learning Capacity in Children's Centres CILCCC

Creating Interprofessional Learning Capacity in Children's Centres CILCCC . Deborah Develin Trudy Sanders Jane McCombe. Introduction. Definition of IPL Aims of the CILCCC Project Provide a project overview CILCCC & Children's Workforce Development Benefits of CILCCC

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Creating Interprofessional Learning Capacity in Children's Centres CILCCC

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  1. Creating Interprofessional Learning Capacity in Children's CentresCILCCC Deborah Develin Trudy Sanders Jane McCombe

  2. Introduction • Definition of IPL • Aims of the CILCCC Project • Provide a project overview • CILCCC & Children's Workforce Development • Benefits of CILCCC • Key themes from pilot evaluation • Next steps

  3. Definition of Interprofessional Education “ IPE occurs when two or more professions learn from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care” CAIPE 1997

  4. Aims of CILCCC Project • Develop IPL placements in Children’s Centres in two health and social care communities across Nottingham City/ Nottinghamshire County • Promote inter professional learning within an integrated workforce • Disseminate the processes and outcomes of the project

  5. Project Design & Progress Time FramePhase Outcome April – July 2006 1 Feasibility & selection of centres-launch event July – September 2006 2 Mapping of learning capacity & support systems September – December 2006 3 Plan IPL activities within pilot Children's Centres (CC)& train IPL facilitators/ devise workbook January – June 2007 4 Students placed at CC-exposure to IPL June – September 2007 5 Evaluate & disseminate the results of the pilot project at stakeholder workshop October - 2007 – April 2008 6 Expansion of the project to include new Centres and other student groups

  6. Workforce Development Strategy Nottingham City Children’s Centres ● Process of restructuring all Children’s Centres by April 08 ● New staffing structure ● Job Descriptions – universal and targeted Family Support ● Enhance partnership and integrated working ● Establish Inter professional learning ● Training programme- NOS and Common Core Skills and Knowledge

  7. Services Director for Targeted services July 2007 Nottingham City Sure Start Children’s Centre Proposed Staffing Structure Head of Children’s Centres Locality Managers X 3 Administrator Children’s Centre Manager Business Support Manager X 3 Assistant Manager Children’s Centre Teacher Core Offer: Early Education Health Services Social Care/family Support Childcare Play Services Educational Psychologist MALT Job Centre Plus Commissioned Services: Speech and Language CP Co-ordinator Training Care Taker Employed by NCC or Commissioning Contract Administrator Children’s Centres Workers Level 3,2,1 Ancillary Staff Employed by NCC or Commissioning Contract Receptionist

  8. Training and Development ● NPQ-ICL (national professional qualification in integrated centre leadership) ● NVQ 3 and 4 in Health & Social Care ● Practice Teaching introductory course (5 days) ● Mentoring training ● Introduction to CILCCC for Facilitators (incl. networking and workshops) ● Inter-agency training courses

  9. Benefits of CILCCC • Learn about self & other professionals • Understand team working & collaborative practice • Gain knowledge of team working in the context of current health & social care practice • Improved service delivery

  10. Student Evaluation • Previous experiences of IPL • Interactive workshops • IPL activities undertaken whilst on placement • Handbook • Identifiable benefits • Future developments

  11. Stakeholder Evaluation • Re examine stakeholder roles & membership • Importance of Champions • Social work & child branch student allocation to participating Children's Centres • Timing & length of student placements • Increasing student numbers • Encouraging more Children's Centres to participate

  12. Next Steps • Inclusion of further social work programmes • Additional Children’s Centres participating • Accreditation of Children’s Centres as providers for IPL • Sustainability

  13. For further information • Skills for Care www.skillsforcareem.org.uk • LiPNU http://www.lipnu.nhs.uk/projects/CILCCC E-mail : Jane.McCombe@nottinghamshirecounty-tpct.nhs.uk Deborah.Develin@skillforcare.org.uk

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