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THE ROLE OF VETERINARY DOCTORS IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF OYO STATE, NIGERIA. Dr Stephen Oluwole ADEJORO ( D.V.M,Cert.Immunol , HACCP Compliance, Certified LEGS Trainer, Alive TOT Certificated) Independent International livestock consultant & Contract Head of Research and Development
THE ROLE OF VETERINARY DOCTORS IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF OYO STATE, NIGERIA Dr Stephen OluwoleADEJORO (D.V.M,Cert.Immunol, HACCP Compliance, Certified LEGS Trainer, Alive TOT Certificated) Independent International livestock consultant & Contract Head of Research and Development Zartech Limited, Oluyole Estate, Ring Road Ibadan, NIGERIA An invited paper by Nigeria Veterinary Medical Association of Oyo State, Jogor Centre. 28thAugust, 2013.
INTRODUCTIONOYO STATE, NIGERIA • A member of the 36 states conglomerate that make up the Nigeria administrative state’s structure • Lies in the latitude 70o 3’ N and 9o 12’N and longitude 20o 47’ and 4o23’E. • The state has land area of 33,000 square kilometres • It is bounded by • Kwara state in the North, • OsunState in the East, • Ogunstate in the South and • Ogun/Benin republic in the West. • It is located in the South West Geo-Political Zone of the country. • Its capital town is Ibadan, once reputed as the largest city in Africa.
The tourist attractions are • Agodi Botanical Garden, • Mapo Hall, • Ado-Awaye Suspended Lake, • Ido Cenotaph • Igbeti Hills • Oyo state is 5th largest state in Nigeria • Population is 5,591,589 (2006 census). • Mineral resources are • marble • clay • kaolin • iron ore • cassiterite • dolomite.
VETERINARIANS! WHO ARE THEY? • Encyclopediadefined as: • one who studies and treats diseased and injured animals surgically and medically (Laugh!). • This definition grossly fall short of the functions and responsibilities of the contemporary day veterinarian. • It is an under-estimation of the comprehensive roles of veterinarians in this modern day concept of: • Food security, • Public health services • Zoonoticchallenges • Reduction of poverty among livestock farmers • Livelihood improvement by: • contributing to minimise Household risk exposure • vulnerabilities in livestock food production.
The emerging role of veterinarians in Disaster management through her involvement in LEGS (Livestock Emergency Guide lines and Standard) • Various climatic change disasters now affect the livelihood of livestock farmers worldwide and Oyo state in not an exception • Oyo flood disaster in 2011 • Our Association took up this challenge in the last flood disaster in Oyo State by organising a training programme for some veterinarians and animal scientist on LEGS guideline • how to team up with NEMA in future to preserve and protect livelihood assets of livestock owners in the state.
Training in session at Ibadan Facilitators are: Dr S.O. Adejoro (Right) and Dr Idowu of CVN (Left). Both are acreditated LEGS Trainers
DEFINATION OF A VETERINARIAN A veterinarian is that professional trained in the application of science that deals with the health and economic development of livestock and other animals health and their commercial integration to National food chain through breeding, feeding, treatment (medically and surgically) and in the control of diseases, that are infectious, non-infectious, metabolic, organic, zoonotic, as well as Hazard analysis and Critical control of livestock food chain for safe human consumption as demanded by the one health one medicine concept. An efficient manager of the 4M critical resources in the livestock industry management
THE VETERINARIAN TODAY Your Excellency and distinguished listeners, the veterinarian of today is involved in various ways with creating solution to problems of: • Agriculture • Public Health • Pets and Domestic Animals Health • Research and Education management • Public Service • Food Industry • Medicine • Pharmaceutical and diagnostic services • Livestock livelihood improvement • Reduction of poverty and House Hold vulnerability • Diseases prevention and therapeutics • Food Industry management • Security forces • Disaster management • Government
HISTORY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE • Its origin can be traced to the first veterinary college in Lyon France in 1782 • about 250 years ago. • In Nigeria, • the first British Colonial Veterinary Surgeon started operation in 1914
VOM: THE FIRST VETERINARY INSTITUTE IN NIGERIA • By 1948, Vom in the present Plateau state of Nigeria recruited the first set of Auxiliary Veterinary Doctors in training • Today Eight (8) veterinary faculties exist in the following universities in Nigeria • University of Ibadan • Ahmadu Bello University Zaria • University of Nigeria NZUKKA • University of Maiguguri • UsmanDanFodio University Sokoto • University of Agriculture Makurdi • University of Agriculture Abeokuta • University of Agriculture Umudike
EXPECTED ROLES OF VETERINARIANS IN OYO STATE • The roles of veterinarians cut across the various segments of public services, private sector economy, research and other sectorial organizations in any defined region of the world. • In Oyo state, we look forward to more integrated roles for veterinarians in conformity with the development of the livestock industry of the state.
THE OIE/UN SURVEY RESULT ON THE PRESCRIBED ROLES FOR PUBLIC VETERINARIANS • This survey report is a summary of the opinion of the UN CVO on the appropriate delivery of veterinary services that will best enhance economic development of the livestock industry. • The slogan from this survey is that • Government veterinary Department should focus on the provision of public good services. • It is my view sir, that the best favoured alternative that will help your Government to economically develop the livestock industry of Oyo State is to • concede a total and holistic provision of therapeutic services in the state to the private veterinary practitioner with the integration of its animal health community providers.
STATE RESPONSIBILITIES The prescribed role of your veterinary department of the Ministry of Agriculture will be as concluded by the OIE report illustrated below: • Disease outbreak control • Disease prevention • Disease surveillance • Disease investigation/diagnosis • Public health • Drug & vaccine control • Promotion of international trade • Promotion of domestic trade • Extension & training • Research • Animal welfare • Drug & vaccine production Some of these services can be contracted out on tender advertisement to private veterinarians who will be readily available to perform such functions efficiently.
EAST AFRICA CASE STUDY • The commercialization and contribution of private vet to economic development of veterinary practices has been encouraged in Kenya, Botswana and other countries in East Africa with the establishment of licencing procedures and special fund to provide credit. • This facilitates the establishment of private practice in rural communities especially for dairy production and for cattle fattening economic ventures.
FOCUS FOR LIVESTOCK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF OKE OGUN.My Proposal • The proposal aimed at focusing on three major livestock development using Oke-Ogun as the target area, and these focus include: • Livestock roles in Agrarian community for reduction of poverty risk and vulnerability. • Pathways from poverty through value chain innovation; the case for Fulani Herds men in Oke-Ogun. • Livestock Food Nutrition and Health the violin of economic development in developing economy.
WHY OKE-OGUN? • Sometimes in the time of military Governor OYAHIRE and late Dr Adekoge as commissioner for Agriculture in Oyo state, I was invited to make a tour of Okeogun. • During the tour, I found to my amazement the suitability of this region for livestock household keeping that can reduce poverty. • I found a conducive house hold integration of cattle fattening programme and the abundance of farm residue to feed enclosed cattle behind almost all available houses in the region.
PERSONAL EXPERIENCE ON CATTLE FATTENING VENTURE • My interest arose from my earlier involvement in cattle fattening on a 11/2 plot of land totally fenced-in without nuisance to neighbours and where I was able to turn out • 10 cattle per CYCLE OF 6 Months • 20 cattle per annum of average weight range of 170-220 KG • a justifiable return of 35% on investment. • I immediately published a Hand book to educate retirees and youths on cattle fattening enterprise.
SMALL SCALE CATTLE FATTENING: A TOOL FOR POVERTY REDUCTION • The small scale cattle fattening enterprises is an ideal livestock economic venture that guarantee great economic returns, poverty reduction and a good business for women and the retirees. • Livestock contributes up to 80% of agricultural GDP for 1.2 billion rural communities who rely on livestock for their livelihood. (FAO) • Livestock is not only a source of food, draught, and income but also the route to poverty recovery by: • Securing Assets to the poor • Improving small Holder and pastoral productivity • Increasing market participation by the poor Veterinarians create the enabling health environment for the sustainability of these enterprises
THE OKE OGUN CONCEPT • A large segment of participants of this livestock ventures in OkeOgun may only keep a unit of say 3-5 heads of cattle and fatten them just before 4-5 months • Farmers in this region can feed their cattle on abundant quinea corn, farm residues, cassava peels and other locally available residues. • The veterinarians will provide the routine vet services of de-worming, prophylaxis for trypanosomiasis and routine acaricide treatment. This region can thus be transformed into a cattle production area of Oyo State, Nigeria.
DIVERSIFIED LIVESTOCK PORTFOLIO • Small family holdings of poultry egg production will provide economic empowerment for Household engage in this venture. • The success of this venture will be hinged on the readiness of members of this profession to synergise with the state Government to render veterinary services for Household that will embrace this programme thus contributing to the economic development of the state.
PATHWAY FROM POVERTY THROUGH VALUE CHAINMy Proposal • Cheese and Dairy products as Fulani Herds Men empowerment in Oyo State • Cheese can be packaged, labelled and sold by Government Shop to cold-chain food retailers e.gshoprite etc. • Local Government areas in the region may take up this venture as an employment tool that may also minimise conflicts between the Fulani herdsmen and the arable crop farmers in the region. • Members of this association will assist to synergise with State veterinary extension services to reach out on the Fulani herds men and encourage them to cooperate with government to supply milk to our proposed Government milk collection centres for cheese and Dairy products processing. • The quality control is the responsibility of the veterinarians to ensure safe consumption for the public
Local production of Cheese (wara) by Fulanis’ (Lack HACCP Control)
Table Cheese ready for labelling and packaging (End-product) HACCP Experts (Vet/Microbiologist) Prototype of milk collection centres (proposed) with HACCP compliance
VALUAE CHAIN FOR EGG PRODUCTION • Oyo state is a pioneer state for poultry egg and meat production, but egg production is lacking behind in value chain development because of the heavy cost of machinery needed to dry and powder egg for domestic use. • My profession has a vital role to play in enhancing the good quality service of HACCP for this industry besides providing routine veterinary services to poultry farmers in the State. • We advocate that Oyo State Government show interest in helping the poultry farmers of Oyo State to add value to egg production and minimise the perennial egg glut experienced by poultry farmers in the state.
HOW DO WE HARNESS FUNDING? • Alive partnership for livestock development for the south Sahara African Countries (SSA) • ALive is a regional partnership based on a multi-stakeholders Platform to reposition the African livestock sector into the development agendas of the national, regional and international policy makers • This platform results from strong demands from the African countries • Livestock evolution • Livestock Revolution • Initiated by the World Bank in 2002
Oyo state Government in cooperation with this association can probe to channel interest free fund to develop Oyo State Livestock industry • veterinarians can readily partner with your Government to facilitate access to this fund • This association have reputable members that are World Bank fellowship awardees with capacity access to the development of the World Bank requirement of this loanable fund.
POVERTY REDUCTION STRATEGY PAPER (PRSP) This working tool is relevant as a pre-requisite needed by Government of state to Harness the IDA interest free loan segment of the World Bank targeted to the development of livestock production and poverty reduction in the Sub Sahara Africa.
Procedure for a Poverty reduction Strategy Paper - Preparation (M1 & M2) - Diagnostic (M3 & M4) - Planning & monitoring (M5 & M6)
Module 1: Initial assessment SM1: Rapid assessment of the importance of livestock sector SM2: Assessment of the PRSP Objective of the PRSP Data source Module 2: Coalition force Quick assessment of livestock role Yes Integration of livestock Perceived links between poverty & livestock The livestock sector is correctly included in the PRSP Opportunity to include the livestock sector to achieve some objectives of the PRSP No Result: an initial understanding of the importance of the livestock sector and the links between livestock and poverty
LIVESTOCK SECTOR INVESTMENT AND POLICY TOOLKIT (LSIP) • The PRSP is a finished product of a country or a state implementation of a livestock sector investment • supposed to be an initiative of a Government of the SSA willing to harness the world Bank livestock poverty reduction funding of her livestock industry. • The document is necessary for international harnessing of fund for livestock poverty reduction and value chain enhancement.
SSA GOVERNMENT POLICY AND INSTITUTIONAL ENVIROMENT FOR ANIMAL RESOURCES SECTOR • Current policy and institutional environment of animal resources sector in many Sub- Sahara Africa, are not conducive for syndicated livestock investment because of : • There is a dearth of reliable data, tools and mechanism to develop quality livestock and value chain investments • There is lack of adequate capacity for timely collection of analysis for timely sharing of quality data to guide policy, strategy and livestock investment programmes • The livestock sector lack common vision for a sectoral development. So we commend the attempt of Oyo State Government to address this problem in the livestock industry of Oyo State.
THE ANIMAL FARMING BILL OF OYO STATE • I wish to state that my expression at this point is my personal view • this positive action of your Government is the only path way to recover from the data slumber of livestock statistics in the State • you are also putting on ground a very conducive environment to arrive at good quality control of livestock products • You are equally preparing the correct environment to collate required data for a proper documentation of a PRSP for the state • My advice to your Excellency is • to put a human touch into the development of the bill and not to look at the bill priority as a revenue yielding tool • to remove any obnoxious clauses and minimise tariff in other to create friendly environment with the various farmer association in the state
CONCLUSION • I wish to submit that the veterinary profession is an endowed and skilful profession that cut across various sector of the human endeavour. • That members of this profession are trained to participate in team work among various other profession but are not arrogant in terms of exhibiting the wealth of knowledge inbuilt in them. • Members of this profession are knowledgeable and have registered members that have prerequisite skills in all areas highlighted and covered by this lecture • Mr Chairman distinguished guests Ladies and gentlemen, my association role in these regards are honestly assured by this humble submission.
RECOMMENDATIONS • Oyo state as a frontline state should adopt the UN CVO recommendation for prescribed state responsibility and gradually disengage from therapeutic services for it to be totally taken up by private veterinarians in the state. • That the Ministry of Agriculture of Oyo state, veterinary department under the state Government approved Government/private partnership Think-Tank on livestock/value chain accelerated development of Oyo state • form a committee of dialogue and advisory for the Government • Government must improve on the patronage offered to members of this profession and should cover new area of contractual assignment that may bridge the obvious staff short fall in the directorate. • Government acceptance of some of the proposal and suggestions in this discourse must totally include the involvement of members of this association to guarantee sustainability.
That government policy to register livestock farmers and veterinary profession in the state must not result to a distress in the Industry and must be friendly in the application. • Veterinarians in Oyo State must be alert to their responsibilities as fully enumerated in this discourse for the upliftment of the livestock and veterinary practice in the state. • Government must show more interest in recruiting more veterinarians in anticipation of the extent of programmes and activities f this Government in the area of livestock development in the state. • Government to consider urgently the need to use livestock to reduce poverty and improve Household livelihood in Oyo State and most especially in the Oke-Ogunregion of the state.
Government need as a matter of urgency a comprehensive assessment of the livestock typology in Oyo state and a coalition of expert assessment in readiness for cooperation with World Bank/CIRAD for acceptable Poverty Reduction Strategic Paper (PRSP) for the state. • Government should develop more interest and synergy to create investment and funding environment that will stimulate livestock value chain improvement in Oyo State.
Ladies and gentlemen and most especially to our listening Governor Ajimobi and the honourable members, royal fathers, professional and the entire listeners THANK YOU AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
References • BOOKS SIAGRO Dakar Senigal 9th May 2012(Bilingual seminar) • Adejoro (2012).Nanotechnology; A new concept in Animal health and food security.An invited paper for youth empowerment in poultry production; Organized by wesnagric at UyoAkwaIbom state Nigeria March 2012 • Adejoro (2010). Book in print.A guide to management and prevention of Infectious bursa Disease (IBD) in hot climate. • Adejoro et al (2010). Record analysis a tool for predicting post hatchery mareks vaccination failures.Cases from humid tropical climate accepted for postal presentation at World poultry conference Tours France 23rd-26th Aug 2010. • Adejoro 2010. Impact of global climatic changes on poultry health and nutrition: The Tropical solution. An invited paper at a one day seminar held at Jogor conference centre Liberty Road Ibadan, Nigeria by Obasanjo Farm Ltd. • Adejoro (2009). Problems of poultry project management, a review of selected case studies. Engormixpublicationwww.engormix.com • Adejoro (2009). Cooperative Farming in Africa: a tool for poverty alleviation, Engormixpublicationwww.engormix.com • Adejoro (2007).Nigeria to worry about Antibiotic Resistances.World poultry volume 23 no 10