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Chandana Jayalath Department of Physics Hampton University

Strong and Electromagnetic Mass Splitting in Heavy Mesons. Chandana Jayalath Department of Physics Hampton University. Chandana Jayalath Hampton University. Outline. Motivation Calculation Tools and Analysis Results Summary. Chandana Jayalath Hampton University. Motivation.

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Chandana Jayalath Department of Physics Hampton University

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  1. Strong and Electromagnetic Mass Splitting in Heavy Mesons Chandana Jayalath Department of Physics Hampton University

  2. Chandana Jayalath Hampton University Outline • Motivation • Calculation Tools and Analysis • Results • Summary

  3. Chandana Jayalath Hampton University Motivation • Mesons containing a heavy quark (c or b) and light anti-quark (u, d, s) are • called Heavy Mesons. • D-meson : contains charm quark and light anti-quark • B-meson : contains bottom quark and light anti-quark • Heavy meson studies are important for understanding both weak • and strong interactions. • D-meson and B-meson masses and mass differences are experimentally • determined with high precision.

  4. q Q Q • These masses are determined by : • Heavy Quark mass (mQ) • Light Quark mass (mq) • Heavy and light quark electric charges Chandana Jayalath Hampton University • How we determine heavy meson mass? • Consider H atom but in QCD level. • Important to quantify these contributions to the total mass.

  5. Pseudo-scalar heavy mesons • Vector heavy mesons Where, mQ – Heavy quark pole mass mq – Light quark mass α – Fine structure constant QQ – Heavy quark charge Qq – Light quark charge 1st term : Contribution in the limit and 2nd term :SU(3) breaking effects by the Light quark masses to first order 3rd term : SU(3) breaking effects by the Electromagnetic interaction 1st part :Electromagnetic self-energy of light anti-quark 2nd part :Electromagnetic interaction between heavy & light quarks Chandana Jayalath Hampton University Mass Formulas

  6. Heavy quark effective lagrangian in 1/mQ expansion: Spin independent terms Spin dependent term • CM(μ) satisfies the Renormalization Group Equation : G.Amorós,M.Beneke,M.Neubert Phys. Lett. B 401 (1997) 81-90 Matching to full QCD; E.Eichten, B.Hill Phys. Lett. B 243 (1990) 427 CA = 3, CF = 4/3, β0 = 11 – (2/3)Nf αs : Strong coupling constant Chandana Jayalath Hampton University Heavy quark effective theory

  7. Chandana Jayalath Hampton University Effective Parameters • Strong hyperfine interaction • mQ is the heavy quark pole mass (charm or bottom quark mass). • mρ is the ρ-meson mass, used as the reference QCD mass scale, for dimensional purpose. • h1 can be expressed in the renormalization group invariant form; • Neglecting the running of parameter h2 is a good approximation, • since the terms O(1/mQ2) play a minor role in the B-mesons.

  8. mq(μ) is defined in Scheme. • κ0 & κ1 are spin-independent, thus independent of mQ. • Their dependence on μ is given by the running of mq(μ) ; • κ2 has an extra running factor similar to that of h1 ; Chandana Jayalath Hampton University • Light quark mass effects (i = 0, 1)

  9. has the same running factor like h1 ; Chandana Jayalath Hampton University • Electromagnetic effects • Self-energy of light quark

  10. has two general contributions. (i.) Coupling of the photon to the heavy quark spin. [ No mQ dependent] (ii.) Coupling of photon plus gluon to the heavy quark spin. [ Proportional to CM ] Chandana Jayalath Hampton University • EM interaction between the light & heavy quarks

  11. Consider five different mass splittings possible in each multiplet. D meson: B meson: • The mass formulae leave one parameter independent mass relation: Where, • Neglecting the h2 term ( O(1/mQ2) terms in strong hyperfine), • there is an additional relation: Chandana Jayalath Hampton University Analysis • Deviation from this relation indicates the importance of the 1/mQ2 term in Strong Hyperfine.

  12. Therefore, three linearly dependent terms in mass formulas. • and can be absorbed into and • into and • Eliminate sub-leading terms. Chandana Jayalath Hampton University • There are 12 parameters in mass difference formulas with one • parameter free mass relation.

  13. Light quark mass ratios; 2 ms / (mu + md) and ms / (md – mu) • Heavy quark pole mass ratio; ( mc / mb ) • Experimental mass differences for D-meson system; • Experimental mass differences for B-meson system; Chandana Jayalath Hampton University Inputs H.Leutwyler, Phys. Lett. B378 (1996) 313 A.Pineda & F.J.Yndurain, Phys. Rev. D58 (1998) 094022 Particle Data Group, W.M.Yao et al., J.Phys. G33(2006) 1 • ΛQCD = 200 MeV

  14. Chandana Jayalath Hampton University Results • Mass Contributions by Strong HF, Light quark masses & Electromagnetism in MeV

  15. Predicted experimentally unavailable data points. Examples: • Difference between D and B mesons of the O(1/mQ) spin independent • part of the isospin breaking by the quark masses; Chandana Jayalath Hampton University Summary • With the current accuracy of the heavy meson masses, analyzed the different • contributions to the mass splittings, with significant precision, • in heavy ground state mesons.

  16. Compare results with light mesons: • Electromagnetic shift of pseudo-scalar mesons (D+ - D0) & (B- - B0) are similar • within the errors to (K- - K0)EM • Electromagnetic shift of vector mesons (D*+ - D*0) & (B*- - B*0) are • comparable to (ρ+ - ρ0) Chandana Jayalath Hampton University • Obtained results can be useful for constraining models of heavy mesons, • and for lattice QCD calculations of heavy meson masses.

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