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Newsletter. MEDITTERANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY (HONG KONG) LIMITED NEWSLETTER (May 2014). News Notice Information. Notice. SLCSDTG Re : New THC Rates in the Port of Poti
Notice SLCSDTG • Re : New THC Rates in the Port of Poti • This serves to inform that THC rates for Poti will be amended as below quantum for shipments moving from Hong Kong, South China and Taiwan. Quantum: • Effective date: • 01st June, 2014 (against discharge date) • NOTE: • * For all type of containers except REEFER and OUT OF GAUGE, 5 days of full storage is included in above tariffs, except containers discharged in PSP (Poti Sea Port) • * For all type of containers, which are stored inside the Port territory, 3 days of full storage is included in above tariffs. • * For REEFER containers, there is no STORAGE free time. STANDARD FREE OUT (DTHC) applies and is subject to STORAGE (Includes Plug in and Monitoring) USD 30/day/REEFER as from the “discharging day” (included) and onwards
Notice • GENERAL REMARKS FOR TARIFFS: • Tariffs’ don’t include and is subject to “VAT”. “VAT” will be allocated based on requirements of the active Georgian legislation. • * 18% VAT can be applied to various parts of the FREE IN (LTHC) and FREE OUT (DTHC) like storage, lift on/off and etc, which is defined according to the customs clearance point of each container. • * STORAGE, PLUG IN and MONITORING is invoiced to customers, collected, and paid to the terminals by MSC Georgia in POTI for both IMPORT and EXPORT, and in BATUMI only for EXPORT as per tariffs in force. • * No changes in tariffs for BATUMI PORT.
Notice Latin America Terminate service to Itaguai with immediate effect 关于中止巴西伊塔瓜伊港航线的通知 This serves to advise that with immediate effect, MSC will terminate service to Itaguai, Brazil. 我们抱歉地通知,即日起,地中海航运公司将中止巴西伊塔瓜伊港航线的服务。 We would like to express our appreciation for your continual support. Please do not hesitate to contact our sales team if we could be of any assistance. 感谢贵司一如既往的支持,如有任何疑问,请及时联系我司客服部门。 MSC Announcement – SAEC GRI Implementation Wef 15th June, 2014 南美洲东岸地区征收GRI通知 This serves to advise that with effect from 15th June 2014, the General Rate Increase (GRI) will be implemented at below quantum for all shipments to be loaded from Far East to South America East Coast. 兹通知,对亚洲地区出口至南美洲东岸地区的货物,我司将征收GRI,具体如下: GRI Quantum/具体费率 -USD 750/1500/1500 for 20'/40'/40'HQ (美元 750/1500/1500 / 20'/40'/40'HQ) Effective Date / 生效日期 15th Jun 2014 / 2014 年 6月 15 日 POL (启运港): Chiwan (Including PRD Feeder/ Yantian/Hongkong/Fangcheng/Nansha/Shantou/Kaohsiung/ Keelung 赤湾(含珠三角地区)/盐田/香港/防城港/南沙/汕头/高雄/基隆
Notice Latin America Offer service to Terport and Caapupemi Pilar with immediate effect 关于提供特尔港和卡库佩米佩勒港航线的通知 MSC is pleased to announce that we now accept bookings to Terport and Caapupemi Pilar with immediate effect. 我们很荣幸地通知,即日起,地中海航运公司将提供特尔港和卡库佩米佩勒港航线的服务。 Please find details as follows 详细资料如下: POD 卸货港: Terport / Caapupemi Pilar 特尔港 / 卡库佩米佩勒港 Service 航线: Ipanema 伊帕内马 T/S port 中转港: Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯 Total transit time ex Chiwan 航期(以赤湾为起运港): To Terport: around 40 days 特尔港:预计40 天 To Caapupemi Pilar: around 40 days 卡库佩米佩勒港:预计40 天 We would like to express our appreciation for your continual support. Please do not hesitate to contact our sales team if we could be of any assistance. 感谢贵司一如既往的支持,如有任何疑问,请及时联系我司客服部门。 Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) – San Juan, Puerto Rico 旺季附加费 – 圣胡安, 波多黎各 This serves to advise that Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) will be implemented at below quantum for all shipments to be loaded from Far East to the below region. 兹通知,对亚洲地区出口至圣胡安, 波多黎各,我司将征收旺季附加费,具体如下: San Juan, Puerto Rico /圣胡安, 波多黎各 Quantum /具体费率 - USD 320/400/450 for 20'/ 40'/40'HQ Effective date (gate-in date) /生效日期 (重柜进港日) - 15th June 2014/ 2014 年 6 月 15 日
Notice Latin America MSC Announcement – Mexico, CAWC and SAWC GRI Implementation Wef 15th June, 2014 墨西哥,中美洲西岸及南美洲西岸地区征收GRI通知 This serves to advise that MSC will implement a GRI with quantum and effective date as below for all shipments ex Asia to Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia (Buenaventura), Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia and Peru. 兹通知,对亚洲地区出口至墨西哥,危地马拉,哥斯达黎加,萨尔瓦多,尼加拉瓜,哥伦比亚(布埃纳文图拉港),厄瓜多尔,智利,玻利维亚及秘鲁地区征收地区的货物,我司将征收GRI,具体如下: GRI Quantum/具体费率 Mexico/CAWC/SAWC(墨西哥/中美洲西岸/南美洲西岸地区): USD 600/1200/1200/1200 per 20’DV/40’GP/40’HC/40’NOR Effective Date (Gate In date) /生效日期 (重柜进港日) 15th June, 2014 /2014 年 6 月 15 日 POL (启运港): Chiwan(Including PRD Feeder)/Yantian/Hong Kong/Fangcheng/Nansha/Shantou/Kaohsiung/ Keelung/Taichung 赤湾(含珠三角地区)/盐田/香港/防城港/南沙/汕头/高雄/基隆/台中 Using this opportunity, we would like to express our appreciation for your continual support. Please do not hesitate to contact our sales team if we could be of any assistance. 感谢贵司一如既往的支持,如有任何疑问,请及时联系我司客服人员。
Notice Latin America Change routing and service for Vitoria, Brazil 主旨: 关于维多利亚港口航线调整的通知 Please be informed that routing will be adjusted for Vitoria as below: 兹通知关于维多利亚港口航线调整,具体信息详情如下: POD: Vitoria /卸货港:维多利亚 Old routing / 舊航线: Via Service /航线 Lion_SAEC T/S port /中转港 Sines / Rio De Janerio 西尼什/里约热内卢 Last Sailing /最后船运航次 MSC Aurora FL425R ETD Chiwan/赤湾预计开船日 24 June, 2014 /2014年6月24日 New routing /新航线 : Via Service /航线 Ipanema T/S port /中转港 Santos /桑托斯 First Sailing /生效船运航次 ADRIAN SCHULTE FI426A ETD Chiwan/赤湾预计开船日 29 June, 2014 /2014年6月29日 Using this opportunity, we would like to express our appreciation for your continual support. Please do not hesitate to contact our sales team if we could be of any assistance. 感谢贵司一如既往的支持,如有任何疑问,请及时联系我司客服人员。
Notice USA Floating BAF for June 2014 (monthly review) This serves to advise that unless otherwise provided in individual rate items, the Floating BAF quantum for cargo moving under ranges ex SPRC/HKG to USA destinations is applied as below:- BAF Quantum : USEC/RIPI : USD690/862/969 per 20’/40’GP/40’HQ USWC/IPI : USD372/465/523 per 20’/40’GP/40’HQ **Effective Date : 1st June 2014 PSS Implementation wef 15th June, 2014 MSC will implement a PSS with quantum and effective date as below for all shipments ex Asia/South East Asia countries origins to USA destinations. PSS Quantum : USD320/400/450 for 20’/40’GP/40’HQ Effective Date : 15th June 2014 Canada GRI/PSS Implementation in 1st June 2014 and 15th June 2014 MSC will implement following GRI and PSS with quantum and effective date as below for all shipments ex Asia to Canada. GRI Quantum : USD320/400/450 for 20’/40’GP/40’HQ Effective Date : 1st June 2014 PSS Quantum : USD320/400/450 for 20’/40’GP/40’HQ Effective Date : 15th June 2014 C. Spring Thaw surcharge effect from March 1 to May 30 2014 ( laden gate-in date) For shipment required MSC Trucking service only, still subject to OWS above mentioned
Notice New Panda, Cheetah & Capricorn, Falcon OVW (for POL HKG, SPRC & Taiwan) Level (20’/40’GP/40’HQ) WEF date SPRC to West Africa except USD 250/20’ 11th Jun 2014 Angola OVW (起运港: 香港、华南、台湾) 资费标准(20/40GP/40HQ) 生效日期 西非地区(不含安哥 拉地区)美金250/202014年6月11日
Notice Re: Change routing and service for Douala 关于杜阿拉服务路线的调整通知 Please be informed that routing and service will be adjusted as below: 兹通知,我司将调整从华南地区诸港以及香港,台湾出口到杜阿拉港口服务路线,具体如下: Current Routing for POD Douala 目的港杜阿拉目前的服务路线
Notice New Routing for POD Douala 目的港杜阿拉最新的服务路线