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The Origin of the Universe. 邱敏華 4000Z026 楊夢庭 4000Z030 蘇于 庭 4000Z033 黃騰 緯 4001J018 陳 宛吟 4980Z033. First Paragraph-words and phrases. record-to take down; to clock up 紀錄 記載 字首 -re 再 , 回 字根 -cord 心 ongoing- 前進的 ; 進行的 ; 不間斷的
The Origin of the Universe 邱敏華 4000Z026 楊夢庭 4000Z030 蘇于庭 4000Z033 黃騰緯 4001J018 陳宛吟 4980Z033
First Paragraph-words and phrases • record-to take down; to clock up 紀錄 記載 字首-re再,回 字根-cord心 • ongoing-前進的; 進行的; 不間斷的 • controversy-to argue; to dispute; to debate; to controvert 爭論 字首-contro相反,反對 字根-vers轉,旋,翻 字尾-y行為,狀態 • particular-special 特殊的 字首-part部分,分開 字根-i+cul(e)小 字尾-ar有...特性的 • debate-to argue; to debate; to dispute; to moot 辯論, 討論, 爭論 字首-de向下 字根-bat擊 字尾-e(v.n) • create-to create; to initiate; to coin 創造; 創作; 設計 字根-creat生長出來 字尾-e(v) • equally-similarly 相同地; 同樣地 字根-equa均等 字尾-ally以...方式
Main ideas of the first paragraph • Debate has centered around how-or if the universe began. • There is one school of thought considering that the universe was created.
Second Paragraph-words and phrases • philosopher-哲學家 • exist-to exist;existence;[Philosophy] being 存在 字首-ex出向外 (s)ist站立 • eternal-永久的;永恆的;無窮的 • static-靜的;穩定的 字根-stat站立 字尾-(a)ic具有...特性的,與...有關的 • unchanging-不變的 字首-un不 字根-chang(e)改變 字尾-ing...的 • belief-to believe; to trust; to be convinced of 相信; 信任,信賴 • significantly-意味深長地 值得注目地 字首-sign標記,指明 字根-i+fic做 字尾-ant有...作用的 ly以...方式
Main ideas of the second paragraph • Greek philosopher Aristotle thought the universe had existed and would exist forever and thought it was eternal and perfect. • Jewish, Christian and Islamic religions and the Greek philosopher had one thought in common was that the universe itself was static and unchanging.
Third paragraph-words of phrases • evidence-evidence; proof; testimony; witness 證據; 證詞; 證人; 物證 字首-e出,外 字根-vid看 字尾-ence狀態,功能 • motionless-不動的, 靜止的 字根-mot運動 字尾-ion行為 less無,不 • unchanging-不變的 字首-un不 字根-chang(e) 字尾-ing...的 • Formulate-to establish; to set up; to institute 使公式化; 用公式表示 制定 • thermodynamics-熱電學 • entropy-熵(熱力學函數) • disorder-disorder; chaos; anarchy; disarray 混亂, 無秩序 字首-dis不,相反 字根-ord條理,次序 字尾-er行為,狀態 • according-相符的; 和諧的; 相應的 字首-ac向,靠近 字根-cord心 字尾-ing有...性質
Third paragraph-words of phrases(1) • gravity-gravity;gravitation;weight重力;引力;地心吸力 • attract-to attract;tofascinate;to arrest; to engage 吸; 吸引 字首-at向,對 字根-tract拉,拖 • collapse-to collapse;to topple down;to fall in 倒塌 字首-col一起 字根-laps跌落 字尾-e(v) • motionless-不動的;靜止的 字根-mot運動 字尾-ion行為 less無,不 • unavoidable-ineluctable;inescapable不可避免的 字首-un不 字根-a使處於...狀態 void空 字尾-able 可...的 • increase-to strengthen; to reinforce; to heighten; to enhance ;to raise; to add 增大; 增加; 增強 字首-in加強 字根-creas生長 字尾-e(v,n)
Main ideas of the third paragraph • The German physicist formulated the second law of thermodynamics • The universe must be changing in some ways for its entropy keeps increasing.
Fourth Paragraph--words and phrases • observe-to notice; to note; to be aware of 看到, 注意到 字首-ob在上 字根-serv守護 字尾-e(v) • increase-to strengthen; to reinforce; to heighten; to enhance ;to raise; to add 增大; 增加; 增強 字首-in加強 字根-crease生長 字尾-ed...的 • identify-to find 發現 • celestial-天的, 天空的 • shift-to shift; to transfer; to divert; to change 轉移; 移動
Main ideas of the Fourth paragraph • US astronomer, Edwin Hubble identified the wavelengths and colors of the stars’ light changed. • This observation led to the assumption that the universe was expanding.
Fifth Paragraph-words and phrases • observation-to observe an observation 觀察; 觀測; 觀察力 觀察(或觀測)資料(或報告) 字首-ob在上 字根-serv守護 字尾-ation行為,結果 • assumption-a hypothesis; an assumption 假定, 設想[U][C][+(that)] • expansion-to stretch; to extend; to spread; to expand; to aggrandize 擴展; 擴張 • refer-認為...起源(於)[(+to)] 字首-re回 字根-fer攜帶 • according-相符的; 和諧的; 相應的 字首-ac向,靠近 字根-cord心 字尾-ing有...性質 • prior-forward 在前; 居先[(+to)] • calculated-計算而得的 字首-dis分離 字根-(s)ta站立 字尾-(a)nce程度,狀態
Fifth Paragraph-words and phrases(1) • distance-distant 遠處[the S]; 遠的 遙遠 字首-calc石 字根-ul小 字尾-at(e)使成為 • velocity-fast; quick; high-speed; speedy 迅速; 快速[U] • experimental-實驗性的; 試驗性的 • uncertainty-uncertain; uncertainty 不確定; 不確信; 易變; 不可靠[U] • definite-明確的, 確切的 字首-de加強 字根-fin界限 字尾-ite具有...性質的
Main ideas of the Fifth paragraph • Hubble’s observation confirmed the Big band theory. • The Big Band theory makes us understand the age of the universe can be calculated form the distance, and it is between ten to twenty billion years old.
Sixth Paragraph-words and phrases • prediction-to predict; to foretell; to presage 預言; 預報[C][U] 字首-pre先,前 字根-dict說 字尾-ion行為,結果 • extremely- exceedingly; very; highly; dreadfully 極端地; 極其; 非常 • dense-密集的, 稠密的 字根-dens稠密 字尾-e(adj) • initial-開始的, 最初的 字首-in入 字根-it走 字尾-ial具有...特性的 • observable-看得見的; 顯著的 字首-ob在上 字根-serv守護 字尾-able可...的 • cosmic-universal 宇宙的 字根-cosm秩序,宇宙 字尾-ic有...特性的 • radiation-輻射 字根-radi放光,射線 字尾-ation行為,結果
Sixth Paragraph-words and phrases(1) • imply-必然包含 • technology-technique 技術 字根-techn技巧 字尾-ology學科 • detailed- 詳細的; 精細的 • confirm-to verify; to confirm; to prove; to testify; to corroborate; to establish; to validate 證實 證明 確定的 字首-con全 字根-firm堅固,確認
Main ideas of the Sixth paragraph • The early universe must have been extremely hot and dense and it would cool down as the universe expanded. • Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias discovered a technology to make scientists to take very detailed measurements of cosmic radiation.
Seventh Paragraph-words and phrases • result- an outcome; an effect 結果; 成果 • relates-to narrate; to recount; to relate 敘述 字首-re回 字根-lat攜帶 字尾-e(v) • expanding-to stretch; to extend; to spread; to expand; to aggrandize 擴張 擴展 • surface-a surface; a face; the outside; the appearance; the exterior 面, 表面 外觀 字首-sur上 字根-fac面 字尾-e(n,adj,v) • inflates-to expand; to inflate; to swell; to bulge; to bulk up; to puff up/out; to dilate 膨脹; 擴大 增大 字首-in向內 字根-flat吹 字尾-e(v) • stretch-spread; to extend; to stretch 伸展
Main ideas of the Seventhparagraph • The universe is expanding but the galaxies are not moving; it’s much like the balloon inflates only the material stretches out