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CRTM Future Development

Learn about the future development plans for CRTM, a community radiative transfer model, led by a dedicated core team. Discover their mission priorities, including exceeding operational requirements, innovations in accuracy and speed, and community involvement initiatives. Explore tasks related to accelerating CRTM computations, improving physical representations, and engaging the CRTM community through workshops and open access models.

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CRTM Future Development

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  1. CRTM Future Development CRTM Core team: Benjamin T. Johnson (UCAR @ NOAA) Tong Zhu (CIRA @ NOAA) Yingtao Ma (AER @ NOAA) Thomas Auligné (Director, JCSDA) With essential contributions from many others. CRTM Overview JCSDA Tech/.Sci Workshop, College Park, May 2017

  2. CRTM Planning • CRTM in the JCSDA Annual Operating Plan for 2017 (AOP 2017) [Preliminary] • Project CRTM: Community Radiative Transfer Model (Lead: Ben Johnson) • Task CRTM1: Release of CRTM version 2.3.0 and future release support • Task CRTM2: Acceleration of CRTM computations via software optimization • Task CRTM3: Improved physical representation for aerosols, clouds, precipitation, and land surface • Preliminary CRTM 3.0 release plans (next key release)

  3. CRTM Mission • Priority #1: Exceed Operational Requirements • Continued support for the existing operational version of CRTM (2.x), and priority for upcoming 2.3.0 release (T. Zhu) • Improvements in spectral/transmittance coefficient generation • Planned anticipation of changing operational requirements • modifications of existing sensor properties • new and improved sensors (e.g., GOES-16, JPSS, COSMIC-2, etc.) • alignment with analysis / forecast model changes (e.g., cloudy / precipitating radiance assimilation, aerosol impacted radiance assimilation, sea-ice / snow-cover / land radiance assimilation. • Responsive O2R/R2O/TTO coordination with operational personnel • Build communication and establish rapport with developers • Ensures operational readiness for each release • Rapid turn-around for critical bug-fixes, overall reduction in time required to release and test CRTM • Robust innovation and future development (everyone) • Parallel development of new scientific and technical improvements

  4. CRTM Mission (Cont.) • Priority #2: Innovations in Accuracy and Speed • CRTM is already exceptionally fast and accurate. This is a testament to Paul’s work. • As we move into an era with new sensors, increasing temporal-spatial resolution, new data assimilation capabilities, coupled-systems / hybrid models, etc. CRTM needs to be able to consistently provide fast, accurate forward-modeled radiance, tangent-linear, and adjoint computations across the entire spectrum (from UV to MW) • Task #1: Code optimization: technical and scientific • Task #2: Improved physical representativeness of: • Atmosphere: gases, aerosols, clouds, precipitation; • Surface: land-surface, ocean, and external contributions to radiances • Task #3: New method developments: e.g., core solver, full stokes polarization, new scattering models, physical property alignment with analysis / forecast assumptions, etc.

  5. CRTM Mission (Cont.) • Priority #3: Community Involvement • CRTM is a community model, and we envision an improved open access model for users and developers alike. • Bring the CRTM “hackers” into the fold • Enhance visibility and responsiveness of FFO- and ROSES-funded contributions • Specific technical and scientific support for graduate students using / developing CRTM as part of their research • Outreach to organizations that would benefit from CRTM’s capabilities

  6. AOP CRTM Task 1 Task CRTM1:  Release of CRTM version 2.3.0 and future release support 1.     Release of CRTM version 2.3.0: new/current sensor coefficient updates, improved ocean scattering accuracy in all-sky conditions, new cloud fraction specification options, and many other  Dedicated support for implementation in operational systems.   2.     Release Toolkit: individual tool improvements for regression and unit testing, implementation in external automated systems for pre-release testing (e.g., JIRA+Bamboo) 3.     Coefficient Toolkit: Creation of an “external” unified software package for the creation and support of new spectral/transmission coefficient file generation.   Maturation and updating of existing tools required to generate coefficient files for CRTM, including all coefficients for new sensors, new aerosol/clouds/precipitation scattering tables, and netCDF4 for all files. 4.     Documentation: (a) Scientific / technical documentation of release 2.3.0, with retrospective update of previous 2.x documentation (for posterity); and (b) documentation of “external” (non-release) toolkits (deliverables 2 and 3). 5.     Transition of CRTM trunk version control to Git-based repository, consistent with JCSDA plans (requires CRTM license updates) [tentative] 6.    CRTM User/Developer Workshop, coincident with JCSDA Science and Technical Workshop on May 16, 2017:  User and Development Tutorials and examples spanning range of CRTM applicability.   [half day / afternoon on May 16, 2017 @ NCWCP]

  7. AOP CRTM Task 2 Task CRTM2: Acceleration of CRTM computations • Optimization/parallelization of CRTM code “as-is”, without modifying specific physical assumptions (baseline improvements). • Finalization of CRTM-OSS development, testing, and implementation. • Re-implementation and testing of the “scattering indicator” approach to reduction of computational requirements in cloudy and precipitating conditions. • Development of a stand-alone testing environmentto coordinate and normalize the techniques used to assess optimization in CRTM.  This is specifically designed to complement the release toolkit described in Task 1.

  8. AOP CRTM Task 3 Task CRTM3:  Improved physical representation for aerosols, clouds, precipitation, and land surface 1. Testing and implementation of Community Hydrometeor Model (CHYM) in CRTM as an interface layer to create a user-friendly (but also black-box capable) system to unify the microphysical assumptions between the calling model and CRTM.  This initially only cover the microwave scattering properties of clouds and precipitation hydrometeors, and would employ Mie Theory (spherical particles) to generate more robust look-up tables. 2.    Development of improved scattering tables for microwave properties based on existing single-particle scattering databases using realistic non-spherical ice particles, and use the Community Hydrometeor Model (CHYM) to create new scattering tables that are more closely linked with assumed microphysical properties within the analysis or forecast models.    3.    Connection of the Community Surface Emissivity Model (CSEM) with the CRTM. 4.    Implementation of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) aerosol specificationsin CRTM, extending current GOCART model.   Ensure CMAQ speciation covers NAAPS aerosols, and confirm using intercomparisons with previous efforts to include NAAPS aerosol.

  9. CRTM Key Development Areas • CRTM Base (CRTM Team) -> 3.0 release • Solver Updates (T. Greenwald, Q. Liu) • Code Optimization, netCDF4 (or HDF5? for file I/O • Physical Representation (aerosols, clouds, precip, surface) • Coefficient Generation (T. Zhu, Y. Chen, I. Moradi) • Improved SWIR, VIS, UV response (community) • Community Surface Emissivity Module [CSEM] (M. Chen, F. Weng) • Cloud and Precipitation Scattering Tables Update (P. Stegmann, P. Yang, J. Deng, Q. Liu, et al.) via the Community Hydrometeor Model [CHYM] (B. Johnson) • Community Line-by-Line Model [CLBLM] (Y. Ma, AER et al.) • Optimal Spectral Sampling [CRTM-OSS] (T. Zhu, A. Lipton & J.-L. Moncet/AER, et al.) • Community Active Sensors Module [CASM] (B. Johnson) • Currently designed to simulate radar backscattering from clouds and precipitation with two-way path-integrated attenuation

  10. CRTM 3.0 (1/2) CRTM 3.0 Preliminary Planning • Full Stokes polarization within CRTM (Q. Liu, B. Johnson) • Implement threaded code in the CRTM (Software Engineer, B. Johnson) • Update the current MW sea surface emissivity model and enable full user-specification of emissivity and reflection coefficients (all surface types).  (B. Orescanin, M. Chen, B. Johnson) • 'Surface' Structure updates: allow for fractional coverage of subtypes, and update 'SensorData' component structure.  (Software Engineer) • Update fundamental physical constants (B. Johnson, In-kind, T. Zhu, SE)

  11. CRTM 3.0 (2/2) CRTM 3.0 Preliminary Planning • New "Fast Solver" for CRTM (T. Greenwald, Software Engineer) • Final Community Hydrometeor Model (CHYM) implementation, allowing for in-line creation of advanced scattering tables consistent with user specifications or model microphysical specifications.   2.3.0 will have a preliminary version of CHYM  (B. Johnson) • Community Active Sensor Module (CASM): adds the capability to assimilate active sensor observations (radar and lidar primarily).  Will provide explicit support for ground based radar/lidar observation (and space-based).  This has been partially developed for space-based radar assimilation (B. Johnson)

  12. Version 2.3netCDF Coefficient Files ODPSCoeff Coeff Data SensorInfo • Switching all coefficient files to netCDF4 • Allows the combination of datasets. • Byte-sex independent. • Easier maintenance. ODASCoeff Coeff Data ZeemanCoeff Coeff Data SpcCoeff Coeff Data SensorInfo group in all files and groups for checking. SensorInfo SensorInfo SensorInfo SensorCoeff TauCoeff SensorInfo Completed SensorInfo SpcCoeff TauCoeff ODPSCoeff ACCoeff (optional) ODASCoeff NLTECoeff (optional) CloudCoeff, AerosolCoeff, and various EmisCoeffs also completed ZeemanCoeff (optional) JCSDA Workshop May 13-15, 2015

  13. CRTM URLS CRTM URLs • CRTM TRAC page (documentation) https://svnemc.ncep.noaa.gov/trac/crtm • CRTM SVN repository (version control) https://svnemc.ncep.noaa.gov/projects/crtm • CRTM FTP site ftp://ftp.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/jcsda/CRTM • Coming Soon! • New community-focused integrated documentation, GIT-based version control, user-support, release / build / testing environment (under development)

  14. The End • Workshop Wrap-Up • Technical / Scientific Discussion • Improving Communication / Development Interaction • Planning for next CRTM Workshop

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