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THE QUADRATIC INFLUENCE SYSTEM (QIS). GENETIC Intrapersonal determinants of behavior -- biological and psychological. ENVIRONMENTAL Environmental influences on behavior: all social and cultural contexts. BIOLOGICAL. PSYCHOLOGICAL. SOCIAL
THE QUADRATIC INFLUENCE SYSTEM (QIS) GENETIC Intrapersonal determinants of behavior -- biological and psychological. ENVIRONMENTAL Environmental influences on behavior: all social and cultural contexts. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIAL Social Context. Interpersonal relationships. Family, School, Peers CULTURAL Political, Economic, Legal, Media ??? ??? General Intelligences General Personality and Temperament Role Models Behavior and Attitudes of Significant Others Relationships Among Family, School/Peers, Community Informational Environment Entertainment, News, Advertising, Etc. Values Environment Religion, Etc. Abilities General cognitive, physical, social, emotional skills Behavioral and emotional control Perceived Norms Perceived behavior and attitudes of significant others Bonding, Attachments Relationships with significant others General Knowledge General Values ??? ??? ??? Physiological basis of cognitive regulation ??? Physiological basis of affect regulation Specific Skills Skills related to the specific behavior Self-Control, Determination Behavioral/emotional control regarding the specific behavior Perceived Expectations Of Others for Your Behavior Motivation to Please Significant others regarding the specific behavior Consequences Knowledge-derived consequences of the particular behavior Evaluations Values-driven evaluations of the consequences Physical Reactions Expected physiological reactions as a result of the particular behavior. Self-Confidence Degree of confidence that I can do the particular behavior and achieve the desired outcomes (Self-Efficacy). Perceived Acceptance Degree to which significant others would approve or disapprove of my doing the behavior (Social Normative Beliefs). Expected Benefits/Harms Degree to which expected combination of outcomes would be good or bad for me (Attitudes Toward the Behavior). CHOICE Final choice, decision or intention regarding the particular behavior Reactions/Feedback/Experience from or to the particular behavior BEHAVIOR
THE QUADRATIC INFLUENCE SYSTEM GENETIC Intrapersonal determinants of behavior: biological and psychological. ENVIRONMENTAL Environmental influences on behavior: all social and cultural contexts. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIAL Social Context. Interpersonal relationships. Family, School, Peers CULTURAL Political, Economic, Legal, Media General Intelligences General Personality and Temperament Role Models Behavior and Attitudes of Significant Others Bonding, Attachments Relationships with significant others Informational Environment Entertainment, News, Advertising, Etc. Values Environment Religion, Etc. ?Cognitive Development? ?Hormonal Development? ??? Physiological basis of cognitive regulation ??? Physiological basis of affect regulation Specific Skills Skills related to the specific behavior Self-Control, Determination Behavioral/emotional control regarding the specific behavior Perceived Expectations Of Others for Your Behavior Motivation to Please Significant others regarding the specific behavior Consequences Knowledge-derived consequences of the particular behavior Evaluations Values-driven evaluations of the consequences Physical Reactions Expected physiological reactions as a result of the particular behavior. Self-Confidence Degree of confidence that I can do the particular behavior and achieve the desired outcomes (Self-Efficacy). Perceived Acceptance Degree to which significant others would approve or disapprove of my doing the behavior (Social Normative Beliefs). Expected Benefits/Harms Degree to which expected combination of outcomes would be good or bad for me (Attitudes Toward the Behavior). CHOICE, decision or intention Trial Behavior Reactions/Feedback/Experience from or to the particular behavior BEHAVIOR Related Behaviors
Physical Reactions Self-Efficacy Social Normative Beliefs Attitudes Toward Behavior THE QUADRATIC INFLUENCE SYSTEM GENETIC Intrapersonal determinants of behavior: biological and psychological. ENVIRONMENTAL Environmental influences on behavior: all social and cultural contexts. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIAL CULTURAL Cognitive Development Hormonal Development General Intelligences Personality, Temperament Role Models Bonding, Attachments Informational Environment Values Environment. Cognitive Regulation Specific Skills Affect Regulation Perceived Expectations Motivation to Please Self-Control Expectancies Evaluations CHOICE, decision or intention Trial Behavior Reactions/Feedback/Experience from or to the particular behavior BEHAVIOR Related Behaviors
BEHAVIOR THE QUADRATIC INFLUENCE SYSTEM A Complex Systems Theory of Behavior THE SELF GENETIC Biological and psychological determinants of behavior. ENVIRONMENTAL Social and cultural influences on behavior BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIAL CULTURAL REACTIVITY SELF-CONFIDENCE SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE CONSEQUENCES CHOICE, decision or intention REACTIONS/Feedback/Experience from or to the particular behavior
THE QUADRATIC INFLUENCE SYSTEM GENETIC Biological and psychological determinants of behavior. ENVIRONMENTAL Social and cultural influences on behavior BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIAL CULTURAL Cognitive Development Hormonal Development General Intelligences Personality, Temperament Role Models Bonding, Attachments Informational Environment Values Environment. Cognitive Regulation Specific Skills Affect Regulation Perceived Expectations Motivation to Please Self-Control Expectancies Evaluations Physical Reactions Self-Efficacy Social Normative Beliefs Attitudes Toward Behavior CHOICE, decision or intention Trial Behavior Reactions/Feedback/Experience from or to the particular behavior BEHAVIOR Related Behaviors
THE QUADRATIC INFLUENCE SYSTEMSystem Postulates I: • Each behavioral choice is influenced by a complex system of factors • All behavior choices are influenced by GENETIC and ENVIRONMENTAL factors • Both genetic and environmental factors have two “streams of influence” • Genetic streams of influence are BIOLOGICALand PSYCHOLOGICAL • Environmental streams of influence are SOCIALand CULTURAL
THE QUADRATIC INFLUENCE SYSTEMSystem Postulates II: • All four (quadratic) streams of influence each have two substreams (making 8 altogether): • 4 informative/cognitive/thoughts substreams • 4 control/affective/feelings substreams • All (sub)streams of influence flow from causes most distant (ultimate and distal) to causes closest to (proximal to) the behavior of interest -- a cascade of multiple and interacting influences • Proximal causes predict most behavior • Distal and ultimate causes help explain it
THE QUADRATIC INFLUENCE SYSTEMSystem Postulates III: • Most influences can have positive or negative values; • The more positive influences there are, the more likely is positive behavior • The more negative influences there are, the more likely is negative behavior • The most proximal control/affect factors have values (probabilities) that range from zero to one
THE QUADRATIC INFLUENCE SYSTEMSystem Postulates IV: • Once a behavior occurs, the resulting reactions/experiences (thoughts and feelings) feed back to change the original causes • Feedback changes the likelihood of engaging in the same or a similar behavior in the future • Thus, causes and effects continuous cycle: • with each behavior changing the causes, and • the changed causes leading to the same, similar or different behavior over time
THE QUADRATIC INFLUENCE SYSTEMSystem Postulates V: • The reactions to certain behaviors feed back to influence the causes of related behaviors • e.g., smoking and other drug use • Related behaviorshave similar causes, with the more distal causes being the most similar • Less related behaviors (e.g., smoking and skiing) have fewer causes in common • Even related behaviors have some differences in proximal causes