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Behavior Domain, Behavior Determinants and Behavior Change. DESCRIPTION. This chapter will discuss domain of behavior, determinants of health behavior and the ways to change health behavior. OBJECTIVES. General
Behavior Domain, Behavior Determinants and Behavior Change Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
DESCRIPTION • This chapter will discuss domain of behavior, determinants of health behavior and the ways to change health behavior. Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
OBJECTIVES General • Students know the domain of behavior, determinants of health behavior and how to change health behavior. Specific • Student can explainthe behavior domains • Student can explain the determinants of behavior Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
What BEHAVIOR is? In a simple definition, Behavior is the action or activity of individual or group who has a very wide expanse include: walking, talking, crying, laughing, working, writing, reading, and etc. Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
Human behavior is any activity or human activity, both of which can be observed directly (overt behavior), or which can not be observed by others (covert behavior) (Notoatmodjo, 2003). Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
Skinner, (at Notoatmodjo 2003) • Behavior is a response or a person's reaction to stimulus or stimuli from outside. • Because of this behavior occurs through a process of stimulus to the organism, the organism is responding, then it is Skinner's theory called the theory of S-O-RStimulus – Organism - Response. Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
The Type of Behavior(Notoatmodjo, 2003) : 1. Covert behavior • Covered person's behavior is a response to the stimulus in the form of covert or closed. • Response or reaction to the stimulus is still limited in attention, perception, knowledge, awareness, and attitudes that occur in people who received the stimulus, and can not be clearly observed by others. Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
2. Overt behavior • Person's response to the stimulus in the form of action or open. • The response to the stimulus is already happened in the form of action or practice, which can easily be observed or viewed by others. Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
BEHAVIOR DOMAIN • Cognitive (knowledge) • Affective (attitude • Psychomotor (practice) (Benjamin Bloom, 1956 in Notoatmodjo 2003 Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
knowledge comprehension application analysis cognitive synthesis evaluation recieving responding Behavior affective valuing responsible perception guided response psychomotor mechanism Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2 adoption
Knowledge / Kognitive • Knowledge is the result of the know, and this happens after a person doing the sensing of an object. • Without knowledge people does not have a basis for making decisions and determining actions to the problems. Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
Factors influencing people knowledge • Internal factors: factors from themselves, such as intelligence, interests, physical condition. • External factors: external factors themselves, such as family, community, facilities. • Learning approach factors: learning efforts, such as strategies and methods in teaching. Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
Six level of knowledge Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
Six levels of knowledgecon’t Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
Attitude / Affective • Attitude is a reaction or response from someone who is still closed to a stimulus or object. • Allport (1954) explains that the attitude has three main components: • Belief, the idea, the concept of an object • Emotional life or evaluation of an object • Tend to behave Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
Four level of attitude Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
Practice/ Psychomotor • An attitude not automatically realize in an action (overt behavior). • To realize the attitude to be an action/practice, need supporting factors or a condition, facilities, and supporting factors Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
Four levels of Practice Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
How to measure the behavior? • Interview of the activities that have been done a few hours, days or months ago (recall). • Direct measurement, by observing the actions or activities of the respondent. Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
DETERMINANTS OF BEHAVIORLawrence Green (1980) Preceed – Proceed Theory by Lawrence Green (1980) • Green analyze human behavior from the level of health. That people health is influenced by two main factors, they are the behavioral factors (behavior causes ) and non-behavioral factors (non-behavioral causes). The behavior is influenced by : • Predisposing factor (knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, values, perception) • Enabling factor (attitudes and behavior of health personnel and other, peers, parents, employers, etc) • Reinforcing factor (availability of resources, accessibility, referrals, rules and laws, skills) Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
Determinants of behaviorSnehandu B. Kar (1983) Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
Determinants of behaviorWHO (1984) WHO analyzed that people behavior was caused by : • (Notoatmodjo, 2003). Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
The adoption of a new behaviors occur within the process • Rogers (1974), in Notoatmodjo (2003) Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
Test • What is covert behavior? • Write an example! • What is the overt behavior? • Write example! • How the people adopted a new behavior? Health Behavior: CHAPTER 2
References • Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo. Promosi Kesehatan; Teori dan Praktek. PT Rineka Cipta. Jakarta. 2005 • WHO, Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion First International Conference on Health Promotion Ottawa, 21 November 1986 - WHO/HPR/HEP/95.1 • WHO, Health Promotion Glossary, WHO, Geneva, 1998 • Peggy Hickman, A Systems Approach to Health Education, Rural Health Institute Health Behavior: CHAPTER 1