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Coffee and Berkeley IT Trivia

Test your knowledge of Berkeley IT with this trivia! Learn about free video conferencing services, governance bodies, data protection levels, campus collaboration services, and more.

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Coffee and Berkeley IT Trivia

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  1. Coffee and Berkeley IT Trivia Micronet July 6, 2016

  2. Which video conferencing service is available for free to all campus users? Bluejeans

  3. What is the primary governance body for information security and privacy at Berkeley and who in what roles chair the committee? Information Risk Governance Committee. • Paul Rivers, Chief Information Security Officer Co-Chair • Lisa Ho, Campus Privacy Officer, Co-Chair

  4. If Netreg is not able to provide an IP service that you need, whom do you contact? Hostmaster/hostmistress

  5. What is the least sensitive protection level for sensitive data? One.

  6. What do Calnet Deputies do? A CalNet deputy performs the initial setup of CalNet IDs for their assigned groups

  7. What protection level has “shared-fate” risk? Three.

  8. What is bCourses, what unit provides it and who is it mainly for? It is a Learning Management System, from ETS, mostly for instructors

  9. Describe the interconnect for the Savio cluster The interconnect for the cluster is a 56Gb/s Mellanox FDR infiniband fabric configured as a two-level fat tree.

  10. Which campus collaboration service is PL2 compliant? CalShare

  11. Who was the first director of IT? Curtis Hardyck

  12. What is the limit of storage that one can put on a UC Berkeley Box account? No limit.

  13. What’s MSSEI? Minimum Security Standards for Electronic Information

  14. What is a SPA ? A Special Purpose Account - a Calnet account that is associated with a role or group rather than an individual. Replaced departmental accounts.

  15. Who is Berkeley’s current UCCSC ambassador? Norm Cheng

  16. Name two services included in the Research Data Management program • Data management planning • Dash (data sharing) • RDM consulting: Licensing, Metadata

  17. What web site provides information and downloads for standard campus software? Software.berkeley.edu

  18. Name two elements of the email simplification program • Getting rid of Calmailservers • Routing through Google • Provide email for alums and retirees • Retiring Mailman

  19. What are two services that the Student Computing Consulting desk can help with? • Wifi • Installing Office and Adobe • VPN • Registering for DHCP service

  20. Describe what Berkeley Research Computing does. Name at least one service they provide. Provides computing support services for research: • Consulting • Savio cluster • Cloud computing support • Analytics Environment (Virtual workstations)

  21. What were either of the two past names for the user group now known as "Micronet"? • "Admin PC Users Group" or • "Micro Managers". The "Micronet" name was adopted about a year after the group's founding.

  22. What is the product name of the new backup service? InSync

  23. What former campus IT professional was a celebrity on Survivor? Yau-man Chan

  24. What does the login error "invalid credentials" mean? You are using a bad CalNet ID or passphrase.

  25. Describe the UC Open Access Policy and how it is implemented. Ensures that scholarly articles are made available free of cost. Implemented on the eScholarship open publishing platform.

  26. Who provides UC Berkeley's Disaster Recovery hot-site? UCSD

  27. What is the name of the turnkey web platform solution for UC Berkeley campus websites? Open Berkeley

  28. Calmail lists are scheduled for discontinuation when? December 2016

  29. What tool is used to connect to the campus via VPN? Cisco Anyconnect Secure Mobility Client

  30. What devices must comply with MSSND? Any device connected to a campus network

  31. Who is Berkeley's current UCCSC Ambassador? Norm Cheng

  32. What is the IT executive committee and who is assigned to it? • Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost • Vice Chancellor, Administration and Finance • Vice Provost, Strategic Academic and Facilities Planning • Associate Vice Chancellor-IT and Chief Information Officer Final authority for approving strategies, plans, policies, and investments regarding the use of information technology at UC Berkeley.

  33. Name at least three elements of the CIO action plan for the campus • ITSM • Customer service • Governance and customer engagement • Security • Improve technology • Enable CSS • Continuous improvement

  34. What protection level is assigned to FERPA data? Level one

  35. What tools does CalNet Account Manager provide and where does one go to get it ? Found at mycalnet.berkeley.edu, provides the following tools • Set a recovery email address, • Reset a lost passphrase • Change your passphrase • Change CalNetID

  36. What are the four main collaboration services available across campus? • bConnected • bCourses • Calshare • Box

  37. What are the three ways that you can submit a ticket to CSS IT? • Blu.is.Berkeley.edu web site • email itcsshelp@berkeley.edu • call 664-9000

  38. What central campus computer system offers its users over 850 Terabytes of shared storage space? Savio, the campus's high-performance computing cluster.

  39. How do you get a SPA? Sign in to idc.berkeley.edu/spa and click on the big “Create new SPA” link

  40. Name at least two groups that are using the shared instance of Service Now besides CSS IT and IST • Haas • Library • SAIT • SIS

  41. What’s MSSND? Minimum Security Standards for Networked Devices

  42. How much does it cost for an instructor to get help with in-classroom technology services and who provides it No charge: ETS

  43. Name four campus services hosted at the IST data center • Cloud computing (VMs) • Business continuity • Cal High-performance Computing Cluster • Citrix • Colocation • Unix servers and administration • Windows servers and administration • xMatters

  44. What Windows OS are currently compliant with campus security standards? • Windows 7 • Windows 8.1 (but not 8), • Windows 10

  45. Name two buildings that have ETS drop-in computing facilities for students • Tolman Hall • VLSB • Moffitt Library

  46. What group does one contact to get a bMail account? You do not need to contact anyone; once you have a Calnet ID you can get your bMail account on the Calmail site.

  47. What kind of qualifications must a Project Manager have to qualify to lead large projects under the new IT project management policy? Either Scrum Master training and experience or PMBOK training and experience

  48. What is the tool similar to Dropbox that UC Berkeley has provided at no cost to all campus users? BOX

  49. Can one extend a CalNet Guest after it expires? No. Extensions must be made before the Guest expires. Otherwise, you must delete the account and re-invite your Guest

  50. What subnet does Airbears2 use? is allocated to AirBears2

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