The BANYAN TREE is the national tree of India. It is a huge structure, with long, deep roots and branches which symbolize the country's unity. You can find banyan trees throughout the world. The huge tree protects people from the hot sun. In rural areas, the banyan tree is considered a focal point for the gathering place for village councils and meetings.
An old banyan tree can reach more than 656 feet in diameter and can be as tall as 98 feet. The rubber, produced from the sticky milk of banyan tree is used for gardening.
Women in Nepal crush the root of the banyan tree with a paste to make a herbal product, which is used by them as a hair and skin conditioner. In India and Pakistan, the twigs of the banyan tree are sold as toothpicks in order to promote dental health. The banyan tree is well known for its medicinal uses. Its sap is a medicine for treating skin conditions and is often used as a herb to treat and cure many diseases.