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The Roaring Twenties

The Roaring Twenties. APUSH. Politics. 1. Who were the presidents of the 1920s?. Presidents of the 1920s…. Warren G. Harding (1920-1923) Calvin Coolidge (1923-1928) Herbert Hoover (1928-1932). 2. In general, what policies did these presidents share?. Similar Policies….

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The Roaring Twenties

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  1. The Roaring Twenties APUSH

  2. Politics

  3. 1. Who were the presidents of the 1920s?

  4. Presidents of the 1920s… • Warren G. Harding (1920-1923) • Calvin Coolidge (1923-1928) • Herbert Hoover (1928-1932)

  5. 2. In general, what policies did these presidents share?

  6. Similar Policies… • conservatism as opposed to progressivism • limited government regulation of economy • sympathy for business more than labor

  7. 3. What issues dominated Harding’s presidency?

  8. Harding’s presidency… • appointments of able men • pardoning Eugene Debs • Fordney-McCumber Tariff • Washington Conference • Teapot Dome Scandal

  9. 4. What issues dominated Coolidge’s presidency?

  10. Coolidge’s presidency… • best government was government that governed least • lowered taxes, decreased government regulation (low taxes = low service)

  11. 5. What issues dominated Hoover’s presidency?

  12. Hoover’s presidency… • Election of 1928 • vs. Al Smith • Smith won immigrant vote in cities • Hoover won everywhere else • Showed cultural divide in the United States • the economy – start of Great Depression

  13. Economy

  14. 1.What characterized the economy of the 1920s?

  15. Economy of the 1920s… • business prosperity • farm problems • labor problems

  16. 2. What caused the period of business prosperity that dominated the 1920s?

  17. Business prosperity… • increased productivity • new, efficient, cheap energy sources • government policies

  18. 3. What caused the farm problems that dominated the 1920s?

  19. Farm problems… • debt • overproduction • European competition

  20. 4. What problems did labor encounter in the 1920s?

  21. Labor problems… • decline of labor unions • open shops • welfare capitalism

  22. Culture

  23. 1. What was the central cultural theme of the 1920s?

  24. modernity (new) vs. fundamentalism (old)

  25. 2. In what areas can one see the concept of modernity?

  26. Jazz music… • symbol of modern urban culture • roots in African-American music of south • appealed to high school and college youth

  27. Consumerism… • The idea that consumer goods dominate the market and what we consume defines who we are • How did companies sell so much? • What did Americans start to consume?

  28. New Gender Roles… • most women remained in traditional gender roles (housewife, mother) • some women did work • a select few challenged traditional gender roles

  29. Religion… • Liberal Protestantism… • dominant in urban areas • took historical and critical view of Bible

  30. Race… • “New Negro” – no longer deferential to whites; would assert talents, independence • Harlem Renaissance • Marcus Garvey: black nationalism

  31. Prohibition… • 18th Amendment • Volstead Act • Modern people defied the law

  32. 3. In what areas can we see the concept of fundamentalism?

  33. Gender Roles… • Fundamentalists thought women should remain homemakers and mothers

  34. Religion… • Protestant fundamentalism • dominated rural areas • took literal view of Bible • believed in creationism • blamed modernists for decline in morals • used radio to attack vices of communism, jazz, drinking, gambling, etc…

  35. Race/Nativism… • racism • Ku Klux Klan • nativism • Immigration Quota of 1924 • nativism in practice: Sacco and Vanzetti

  36. Prohibition… • Clearly supported Prohibition

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