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Some ground-based technology developments that will propel solar physics

Some ground-based technology developments that will propel solar physics. Phil Goode for Jeff Kuhn Big Bear Solar Observatory New Jersey Institute of Technology. Light to Instruments – Aperture Matters. ATST 4 m off-axis PM Null Corrector CGH(?) Pentaprism scan AO

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Some ground-based technology developments that will propel solar physics

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  1. Some ground-based technology developments that will propel solar physics Phil Goode for Jeff Kuhn Big Bear Solar Observatory New Jersey Institute of Technology

  2. Light to Instruments – Aperture Matters • ATST 4 m off-axis PM • Null Corrector • CGH(?) • Pentaprism scan • AO • Note rolloff away from isoplanatic patch • Even for NST DM faceplate matter because of heat Hinode (0.5m) & NST (1.6 m)

  3. Multiconjugate Adaptive Optics • Full FOV AO correction for flare and CME studies. • Residual Motion with 3-4 guide regions • Measure Cn2 • GPUs vs. DSPs 3-4 Guide Region Residual Image Motion

  4. Light to Instruments:Hyperspectral Imaging • Need 2D spectroscopy to get simultaneous measurements of FOV at a wide range of wavelengths – 2nd generation fiber bundling. Bundles feed light from focal plane to spectrograph • Develop large format fiber bundle arrays that operate in the visible and NIR wavelengths is important for solar spectropolarimetry • This capability will allow magnetic field measurements with temporal, spatial and spectral resolution that match the next generation of optical telescopes

  5. Rapid Polarization Multiplexors and Analyzers • Need to overcome seeing limitations for polarimetry in new ground-based telescopes. Typically one stacks several field measurements to improve S/N • Need C3 (caching-charge CMOS) camera to stack, say I, Q, U and V, single pixel voltages while atmosphere is frozen since we have technology for camera multiplexing. • Need development of rapid polarization multiplexors and analyzers, with broad-band optical performance and rapid (faster than kHz) switching times. • Advancements in swift liquid crystal detectors (Meadowlark) seem to be moving in the right direction.

  6. Large Diameter Fabry-Perot Interferometers • Need for high throughput optical and IR Fabry-Perot development for polarimetry in large aperture telescopes. • There is a growing need for large etendue tunable Fabry-Perots.  The most fruitful development here is for large diameter interferometers. • Need l/200 flatness (gravity deformation) can make 100-150 mm, FPIs, but need 300 mm for ATST • Progress?

  7. Mid-IR Large Format Detector • Weak field measurements utilizing large Zeeman splitting • Development of 12 mm wavelength region large format detector

  8. Development of Custom Gratings • Development of generalized gratings with the possibility of arbitrary ruling direction and groove density in optical/IR gratings will open new opportunities • High resolution spectral imaging that minimize and simplify both thermal IR and UV instrumentation for solar spectropolarimetry.

  9. High speed parallel computation • For real-time image analysis and reconstruction • 32 cluster in BB can do “only” 1k by 1k pixel image reconstruction per minute.

  10. Fin!

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