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Physics at a 100 TeV Collider. Qi- Shu Yan (UCAS/CHEP,PKU). On behalf of MC working group for CEPC Monte Carlo Tools for Physics Beyond the Standard Model 18-23/May 2014, Deajeon,South Korea. Plan of this talk. 1) I ntroduction to a 100 TeV collider
Physics at a 100 TeV Collider Qi-Shu Yan (UCAS/CHEP,PKU) On behalf of MC working group for CEPC Monte Carlo Tools for Physics Beyond the Standard Model 18-23/May 2014, Deajeon,South Korea MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
Plan of this talk • 1) Introduction to a 100 TeV collider • 2) Physics in a 100 TeV Collider • 3) On-going MC works for a 100 TeV Collider • 3.1) Quartic gauge coupling • 3.2) B’ search with Top and W taggers • 3.3) Higgs triple coupling [a Higgspair toolkit] • 4) Conclusions CEPC: Circular Electron-Positron Collider, Super-Proton-proton Collider MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
Sources https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCPhysics/FutureHadroncollider http://indico.cern.ch/categoryDisplay.py?categId=525 • Sources: Snowmass reports • International Workshop on Future High Energy Circular Colliders http://indico.ihep.ac.cn/conferenceOtherViews.py?view=standard&confId=3813 • FCC Study kickoff meetings (Feb. 12-15,2014,CERN) https://indico.cern.ch/event/282344/ • BSM Physics opportunities at 100TeV (Feb. 10-11,2014,CERN) http://indico.cern.ch/event/284800/ • CFHEP Kickoff Meeting (Feb. 23-24, 2014, IHEP, Beijing) http://indico.ihep.ac.cn/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=4068 • Physics at a 100 TeV collision (SLAC) https://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=7633 MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
1) Introduction What is our future? Just before the restarting of LHC runII in 2015, please think about it. MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
1) Introduction Adv. In luminosity at Higgs production rate and upgradeability for a pp collider, Circular Collider plans have been revitalized. 1308.6176, TLEP MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
How to make the dream come true? 1) Introduction CERN base Grow individual plans in a parallel way When? Time scale? CHEP base A real 100 TeV collider 7/10/30 years? Where? SLAC base A synergy of global efforts of high energy community is dispensable. MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
From Y.F. Wang’s talk 240 GeV 1) Introduction Plan of Beijing base: CEPC 100 TeV We are not supposed to do something easy. “Great Ring”, quoted from D. Gross MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
1) Introduction One of potential sites in CEPC plan The starting point of the Great Wall 150 km 2 hours of flight between Seoul-Beijing MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
1) Introduction CFHEP, CAS is established to conduct the plan. The center may go into a new international Lab after 2015. ~3,000 particle physicists From XinChou Lou’s talk MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
1) Introduction 8 Subgroups to strengthen collaborations between th. and exp. working groupsand to form a strong and competitive regional high energy community MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
1) Introduction MC working group shall develop necessary MC tools and perform feasibility studies and provide important inputs for Detector Specifics and train workforce as well. We are matching forward! MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
2) Physics in a 100 TeV collider Snowmass QCD 1310.5180 Top factories, Higgs Factories, new mass range … MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
From M. L. Mangano’s talk 2) Physics in a 100 TeV collider MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
Detectors with good energy measurement and spatial resolution are needed. From M.L. Mangano’s talk on 16/Dec/2013, Beijing MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
2) Physics in a 100 TeV collider From Rojo’s talk t t scattering is possible at a 100 TeV collider in RS and composite models MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
2) Physics in a 100 TeV collider Electroweak Shower Collimated Weak Bosons Jesper’s talk & 1401.5238 From M.L. Mangano’s talk on 16/Dec/2013, Beijing MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
2) Physics in a 100 TeV collider See Andreas Weiler’s talk Andrea Wulzer’s talk !00 TeV collider is discovery machine New physics can be in a form of new Particles. Let’s find them by collisions. Snowmass:1311.0299 MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
2) Physics in a 100 TeV collider The reach of excited Quarks, Jake Anderson’ talk Tom Rizzo, 1403.5465 MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
New mass range 2) Physics in a 100 TeV collider Snowmass 1311.0299 Andreas Weiler’s talk MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
2) Physics in a 100 TeV collider Simplified SUSY model, Snowmass:1311.0299 MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
3.1) (a)Quartic gauge coupling Triple Gauge Couplings Quartic Gauge Couplings
3.1) (a)Quartic gauge coupling NonAbelian triple Gauge structure has been tested and confirmed!
3.1) (a)Quartic gauge coupling LHC is a good place to test (a)QGC of NonAbelian structure of SU(2)xU(1) and new physics!
3.1) Quartic gauge coupling S1 means only mZ with cut, S2 means same sign same flavor Feasibility study@LHC for (a)QGC via tri-lepton channel Pileup mitigates the significance to a certain degree. H. Qu, Y. Wen, D. Yang, QY, Q. Li, Y. Mao
3.1) Quartic gauge coupling lv+4j @8TeV LHC 20fb-1cut method no PileUp, 0.099 sigma, PileUp20, 0.085 sigma,BDT no PileUp, 0.14sigma, PileUp20, 0.11sigmalv+l'v+2j (OS OF) @8TeV LHC 20fb-1cut method no PileUp, 0.21 sigma, PileUp20, 0.16 sigma,BDT no PileUp, 0.26sigma, PileUp20, 0.20sigmallvv+2J (SS) @8TeV LHC 20fb-1cut method no PileUp, 0.81 sigma, PileUp 20, 0.69 sigma,BDT no PileUp, 0.90sigma, PileUp 20, 0.79sigmallvv+2J (SS) @14TeV LHC 100fb-1 cut method no PileUp, 1.55 sigma, PileUp20, 1.12 sigma,BDT no PileUp, 1.76sigma, PileUp20, 1.51sigma
3.1) Quartic gauge coupling H. Qu, Y. Wen, D. Yang, QY, Q. Li, Y. Mao MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
3.2) B’ search Andrea Wulzer’s talk Simone, Matsedonskyi,Rattazzi,Wulzer, 1211.5663 A first Top partner Hunter’s Guide MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
3.2) B’ search Fully Hadronic channel is usually challenging due to huge SM background and high combinatorics Taggers for boosted object could play a role to distinguish signal and background if b’ is heavy. MatteoCacciaro’s talk on jet, Brock Tweedie’s talk on Jetsubstructure, Joe Juknevich’s for a top tagger
3.2) B’ search B’ signal search @LHC 14TeV with HEPtop and W taggers S. Yang, J. Jiang, QY, X. Zhao, 1405.2514
3.2) B’ search 2 TeV b’ might be reachable. B’ signal search @LHC 14TeV with top and w taggers S. Yang, J. Jiang, QY, X. Zhao, 1405.2514
3.2) B’ search 7-8 TeV b’ might be reachable for 100 TeV with fully hadronic Mode Work ongoing From M.L. Mangano’s talk on 16/Dec/2013, Beijing
3.2) B’ search SS modes, … SS modes, … The fully hadronic mode Further analysis is ongoing. Single production signal, Pileup mitigation, top and W taggers at high Pt region, granularity of detectorsas a benchmark for detector specifics,… MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
Background events not important at 14 TeV are significant at 100 TeV S. Yang, J. Jiang, QY, X. Zhao, works ongoing MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
3.3) Higgs triple coupling Nice theoretical works J. Baglio, et.al. 1212.5581 D.Y. Shao, C.S. Li, H.T. Li, J. Wang, 1301.1245
3.3) Higgs triple coupling Florian, Mazzitelli, 1309.6594 Ling, et.al., 1401.7754 (USTC, HeiFei) MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
3.3) Higgs triple coupling A Higgpair toolkit for multiHiggs production starts to work The first fully exclusive accurate prediction for Higgs pair production plus one jet with MLM matching Q. Li, QY, X. Zhao, 1312.3830, P.Maierhofer, A. papaefstathiou 1401.0007, R. Frederix. S. Frixione. F. Maltoni, O. Mattelaer, P. Torrielli, E. Vryonidou, M. Zaro, 1401.7340
3.3) Higgs triple coupling See Marco’s talk for aMC, Nicolas’s talk for Gosam Comparison of aMC and Gosam Q. Li, QY, Z. Zhao, X. Zhao, Extensions to new Higgs, ongoing Higgspair toolkit future plan: UFO for BSM, NNLO(MEPS@NLO), … Silvan’s talk for Sherpa Claude’s talk for FeyRules MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23
3.3) Higgs triple coupling Higgs pair signal search @LHC 14TeV, ongoing works Q. Li, QY, Z. Zhao, X. Zhao
3.3) Higgs triple coupling From M.L. Mangano’s talk, 16/Dec/2013, Beijing A gain in significance for HH is obvious! More detailed analysis extended for 100 TeV is ongoing Pileup contamination/Jet pruning, lepton tagging efficiency, etc….
4. Conclusions • “The great ring” offers us great opportunities for precision measurement and discovery of new physics • Room for your contributions, ideas, … • New opportunities for MC development: high precision (NLO/NNLO), discoveries of DM, computing technology, Higgs factory… Mihailo’s talk for madDM K.C. Kong, ZhenyuHan,D. Kim’s talk J.Lee’s talk for CPsuperH Kazaki’s talk for Atom Jamie’s talk for CheckMate Wolfgang’s talk for Whizard Alexander’s CalcHep Stephen’s talk for Pythia Benjamin’s talk for Madanalysis Soo-hyeon Nam’s talk for HTCaaS David’s talk for Herwig MC4BSM-2014, Daejeon, May 18-23