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Manufacturing Contracts for RFQ CDR2: Rules, Procedures, and Main Contracts

This document provides information on the rules, procedures, and main contracts involved in the manufacturing process for RFQ CDR2. It covers topics such as purchasing procedures, tendering documents, contract follow-up strategy, and expertise needed for the main contracts.

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Manufacturing Contracts for RFQ CDR2: Rules, Procedures, and Main Contracts

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  1. Manufacturingcontracts for RFQ CDR2 RFQ| Vincent Hennion System engineering activities

  2. Pour personnaliser le pied de page et la date : « Insertion / En-tête et pied de page » Personnaliser la zone de de pied de page Cliquer sur appliquer partout Table of contents • Chapter 01 • Rules and purchasingprocedures @CEA P.04List of RFQ ContractsP.05 • Tendering documents file P.06 • Contractsfollow-up strategyP.07 • Chapter 02 • Focus on the 5 main contractsP.09 • Questions P.15 CEA Saclay/Irfu ESS RFQ CDR2| 8-9 Dec15

  3. Chapter 1 CEA Saclay/Irfu ESS RFQ CDR2| 8-9 Dec15

  4. Rules and purchasingprocedures • Fundamental rules • European directives and associated French laws applicable to the procurement procedures • The principles governing the public purchasing - equity, efficiency and transparency - from the first €uro • CEA Internal rules • Purchases below € 30,000 will be treated in connection with the IRFU budget group • Purchases over € 30,000 will be made with the purchasing department • Procedures • The simplifiedprocedure (not formalized) for purchases< € 207,000 • The formalizedprocedure for purchases > € 207,000 • Restricted call for tender (over 5 months) • Open call for tender (over 4 months) CEA Saclay/Irfu ESS RFQ CDR2| 8-9 Dec15

  5. List of RFQ Contracts • Contract 1: Copper raw material procurement • Contract 2: Ports, sections flanges and dummy plates • Contract 3: RFQ Cavity in copper • Contract 4: RF couplingloops • Contract 5: RF tuners • Contract 6: HIP (High Isostatic Pressing) • Contract 7: Helicoflexseals • Contract 8: Prototype RF tuner • Contract 9: RF test benchequipment • Contract 10: RFQ support • Contract 11: Finition milling of the entry/exit plates • Contract 12: Spares of bolts and nuts • Contract 13: Seals for test activities • Otherscontracts: Tools, … CEA Saclay/Irfu ESS RFQ CDR2| 8-9 Dec15

  6. Tendering documents file • Contract • Rules for the call for tender • Purchasing procedure • deadlines • deliverables • Technical and financial offer evaluation • Statement of work • Technical specifications of manufacturing, controlling, cleaning, packing… • Deliverables • Content of the manufacturing file • Drawings • 2D representation of the mechanical parts • nomenclatures • 3D mock-up • Catia V5 or Step file • others • Excel file of the coordinates of points of the modulation CEA PurchasingDepartment IRFU Engineering team and DO CEA Saclay/Irfu ESS RFQ CDR2| 8-9 Dec15

  7. Contractfollow-up strategy • Regular progress meeting (face to face or by teleconference) • Sensitization of the operators @manufacturer workshops • Mechanical behavior specificity of pure copper as raw material • Pure copper oxidation properties (degreasing) • Cleanliness (work with gloves) • Required tolerances for performances • Request of collaborative exchanges • Sensitization of the managers @manufacturer workshops • RFQ is an RF equipment before being a complex mechanical system • Processes qualification is a mandatory step to master RFQ manufacturing • Controls at intermediate steps are needed, due to the high value of the parts • Transparency and collaborative exchanges are mandatory to deal with technical issues and find solutions • Drawings • 2D drawings from CEA (functional requirements and needs) • 2D manufacturing and control drawings from the manufacturers to be checked by CEA • 3D mock-up • Catia V5 or Step file from CEA to help the manufacturer for the control CEA Saclay/Irfu ESS RFQ CDR2| 8-9 Dec15

  8. Chapter 2 CEA Saclay/Irfu ESS RFQ CDR2| 8-9 Dec15

  9. the 5 main contracts: needed expertise • Contract 1: Copper raw material procurement • Contract 2: ports, sections flanges and dummy plates • Machining of copper blocks and cylinders • Machining / Supply of flanges in SS • Cu/SS brazing • Machining and copper/copper brazing of the test cavity • Contract 3: RFQ Cavity in copper • Drilling, machining of vanes • Cu/Cu brazing of 5 sections • Contract 4: RF couplingloops • Machining and brazing of the ceramicwindow • Manufacturing of the water coolingloop • TiNcoatingcharacterization • Contract5: RF tuners • Machining of copper blocks and cylinders • Machining / Supply of flanges in SS • Cu/bellows assembly CEA Saclay/Irfu ESS RFQ CDR2| 8-9 Dec15

  10. Contract 1: copperrawmaterial • Forging process • Isotropic and homogeneous pure copper, with grain size <500µm • 3D hot forged copper, at 800-800-400°C • 5mm scalping on each facet • Thermal treatment • Annealing under vacuum (400°C / 1 hour / 10-5 mbar) • Slow cooling under vacuum • Test plates sampling • Test plates sampledfrom the extremity of each bar • 20mm thick • Purchased quantity: forged bars and blocks for 5+1 sections, spares for ports • Option for 1 more section and additional spares for ports CEA Saclay/Irfu ESS RFQ CDR2| 8-9 Dec15

  11. Contract 2: ports, section flanges • Contract phasing • Step 1: qualification of a SS/Cu brazing process without metallic coating; verification on representative ports, validation after Cu/Cu brazing on the manufactured test cavity • Step 2: extension of this process to larger quantities: process industrialization • Step 3: manufacturing of the series (for the whole RFQ) • Main technical acceptance criteria • Satisfactory vacuum leak test of the brazed joint • Satisfactory dimensional criteria (geometry, parallelism…) after brazing • Manufacturing and control file • Shipment of the equipped test cavity • Shipment of the ports, sections flanges, and dummy entry/exit plates • No Option CEA Saclay/Irfu ESS RFQ CDR2| 8-9 Dec15

  12. Contract 3: RFQ cavity • Contract phasing • Step 1: qualification of deep drilling and precision milling processes on pure copper; verification on representative parts, including a section 1 minor vane modulations (@full scale) • Step 2: qualification of a Cu/Cu brazing process on pure copper ; verification on representative parts • Step 3: validation of these processes for the manufacturing of the 1st section • Step 4: manufacturing and control of the other 4 sections of the RFQ • Main technical acceptance criteria • Satisfactory vacuum leak test and He pressure test • Satisfactory dimensional criteria (geometry, surface quality…) before and after brazing • Satisfactory RF tuning test (Bead-pull) • Manufacturing and control file • Shipment of all the sections • Option for one more section CEA Saclay/Irfu ESS RFQ CDR2| 8-9 Dec15

  13. Contract 4: RF couplingloop • Contract phasing • Step 1: qualification of the RF window manufacturing process including Ceramic/Cu brazing; verification and validation on a representative dummy RF window, including a LLRF test • Step 2: qualification of the water cooling loop manufacturing process; verification on representative parts which may be the subassembly of the 1st RF coupling loop • Step 3: qualification of the TiN coating process by characterization measurement on samples (stoichiometry, thickness, homogeneity) • Step 4: manufacturing and control of 3 RF coupling loops • Main technical acceptance criteria • Satisfactory dimensional criteria (geometry, RF surface quality…) • Satisfactory vacuum leak test and pressure test of the concerned parts of the loop • Satisfactory LLRF tests of the RF windows • Manufacturing and control file • Shipment of the 3 RF coupling loops • Option for one more RF coupling loop CEA Saclay/Irfu ESS RFQ CDR2| 8-9 Dec15

  14. Contract 5: RF tuners • Contract phasing • Step 1: qualification of the manufacturing processes including bellows/Cu assembly; verification and validation on representative dummy parts and one full prototype • Step 2: extension of this process to larger quantities: process industrialization • Step 3: manufacturing of the series (for the whole RFQ) • Main technical acceptance criteria • Satisfactory dimensional criteria (geometry, RF surface quality, adjustment flexibility…) • Satisfactory vacuum leak test and pressure test of the concerned parts • Satisfactory tests on the prototype • Manufacturing and control file • Shipment of the 60+5 RF tuners • Option for up to 12 more RF tuners CEA Saclay/Irfu ESS RFQ CDR2| 8-9 Dec15

  15. Thankyou for your attention! QUESTIONS? Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives Centre de Saclay| 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex T. +33 (0)1 69 08 xx xx| F. +33 (0)1 69 08 99 89 Etablissement public à caractère industriel et commercial | RCS Paris B 775 685 019 DSM Irfu CEA Saclay/Irfu ESS RFQ CDR2| 8-9 Dec15

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