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Our Environment. Problems and Solutions. Vocabulary Preview. hazardous = dangerous, causing hurt waste = trash, things we don’t need pollute = make dirty pollution = the dirt, smog, etc. in the air and water landfill = a place to put a lot of trash conserve = save, use less
Our Environment Problems and Solutions
Vocabulary Preview • hazardous = dangerous, causing hurt • waste = trash, things we don’t need • pollute = make dirty • pollution = the dirt, smog, etc. in the air and water • landfill = a place to put a lot of trash • conserve = save, use less • conservation = the effort to conserve • energy = power such as gas and electricity
Problem: Hazardous waste in the trash pollutes our soil and water
Solution: Separate Hazardous Waste • oil, paint, cleaners, batteries, and many other products are hazardous waste and should not go in the trash. No! Click here to find out what else is hazardous waste: http://www.purdue.edu/dp/envirosoft/housewaste/house/house.htm
Another Solution: Use other products and create less hazardous waste • Many household products are toxic. • You can use natural things to clean your house instead. • For example, instead of Windex, mix vinegar, warm water, and lemon juice to clean windows.
Problem: Too much trash! • All our trash has to go somewhere • It goes to dumps and landfills • We are running out of space to put our trash
Reduce • Reduce = Make smaller. • How can we reduce the amount of trash we make? • Buy products in the largest size. • Buy products without extra packaging. • If you can, recycle. If you can’t make less trash.
Reduce and/or Recycle If you buy individual juice boxes, you will create a lot of trash. If you buy the large plastic jug of juice, you can recycle it.
Reduce and/or Recycle The plastic bag in the middle will create a much smaller amount of trash. It also wastes less water. However, the plastic bag cannot be recycled. The Tide detergent on the left wastes some water and creates more trash, but it is a good choice IF you recycle it. The all detergent in the cardboard box will create less trash, and it can also be recycled.
Reduce • All of these containers waste space, water, and create more trash. • They also cost more. • The detergent you see in the picture costs about $361. A five-gallon tub of detergent is only $70.
Re=again Reuse=use again Don’t throw it away…use it again. Reuse Click here to find out more about ways to reuse: http://www.kab.org/kids/waste_intro.htm
Reduce and Reuse Buy items you can use many times. You will save money and make less trash. Instead of disposable diapers… Instead of disposable batteries… …use rechargeable batteries. …use cloth diapers.
Reduce and Reuse Instead of disposable plates, cups, towels, and silverware… …use washable napkins, towels, plates, cups, and silverware.
Reuse: Compost • When you compost, you don’t throw away leaves, grass clippings, and food scraps. Instead, you put them in a pile or bin and they will make a fertilizer for your plants.
Composting: Learn More! • Click here to learn more about composting: • http://www.kab.org/kids/compost_intro.htm
Learn more about Composting at the Fullerton Arboretum: Saturday, June 09, Home Composting Workshop I - Saturday, June 9 10:00 am – 11:30 am, at the Fullerton Arboretum. Learn how to start your own home composting system. Bleachers, $5/members, $7/person,. Free to residents of sponsoring cities: Brea, Buena Park, Fullerton, Orange and Santa Ana with proof of residency. Space is limited, call to reserve space: (714) 278-3579, press 0. Click here to visit the Fullerton Arboretum’s website: http://arboretum.fullerton.edu/ Composting: Learn More!
Recycle • Recycle = cycle again. • Recycled material, such as glass or paper, can make new products instead of filling up landfills • What can you recycle? • Newspapers • Glass bottles • Plastic bottles • Aluminum cans Click below to find out where to recycle: • Earth 911
Recycle • Pre-cycle: buy food in recyclable containers, like: • Cardboard boxes • Glass jars • Plastic jugs • Do not buy food in non-recyclable, non-biodegradable containers, like: • styrofoam
Know how to Recycle in your Community • BUY PRODUCTS IN CONTAINERS THAT YOU KNOW YOU WILL BE ABLE TO RECYCLE • Each city is different. • For more information, see “Recycling Fact Sheet” for your city. • Check the Earth 911 Reuse and Recycling Services listings to see what types of containers/packaging you should look for in your community. • Click here to find out more about recycling: • http://www.kab.org/kids/waste_intro.htm
Problem: Wasting Water • We use too much water. • This wastes energy and affects the quality of our drinking water.
Solution: Conserve water • Turn the water off when you brush your teeth. • Use your washing machine and dishwasher only when they are full. • Click below to see other ways to save water in your house. • Water Saving House Tour • 100 ways to save water
Problem: Air Pollution • Caused by things like factories, cars, oil refineries • Makes our air unhealthy to breathe
Solution: Use less energy • Carpool, take the bus or train, or walk • Turn off the lights when you are not in the room
Use Less Energy • Turn your refrigerator down. • Wash clothes in warm or cold. • Run the dishwasher only when full. • Use compact fluorescent light bulbs. • Set your thermostat to 68 in winter, 78 in summer. • See Energy Conservation Fact Sheet for more information.
Problem: Water Pollution • Trash, sewage, and chemicals pollute the water. • It hurts the animals in the water. • It can hurt people too.
Solutions • Don’t put hazardous waste into the trash. • Don’t pour chemicals down the sink or into the street sewer. • Never wash your driveway or patio with a water hose. Sweep it up instead.
More solutions • Make sure trash goes into the trashcan. • Don’t pour oil, paint, or other chemicals into the sewer.
Problem: Rain forest destruction • The rain forest in many countries is being cut down. • This is happening in Brazil, Indonesia, Zaire, Papua-New Guinea, Malaysia, Burma, the Philippines, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, and Venezuela
Problem: Rain forest destruction • As the world’s population grows, more people need land and wood. • Trees are cut down. • The animals who lived there die. • The native people who lived there have no home.
Solutions • There is no easy solution to this problem. • One thing you can do to save trees here is use less paper and recycle paper.
Problem: Oil drilling in wildlife areas • Companies destroy plants and animals to drill for oil. • Click below to learn about and see pictures of a wildlife refuge that is threatened. • Arctic Refuge
More Information • Click below to learn even more ways to help the environment. • 50 Ways to Help