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SURVEY RESULTS. Philippines Development Forum. 2011 PDF SURVEY RESULTS. PDF 2011 SURVEY RESULTS. OVERVIEW 115 out of 300 participants submitted responses (response rate of 38%) The breakdown of the respondents are as follows:. PDF 2011 SURVEY RESULTS. MAIN FINDINGS

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  1. SURVEY RESULTS Philippines Development Forum 2011 PDF SURVEY RESULTS

  2. PDF 2011SURVEY RESULTS OVERVIEW • 115 out of 300 participants submitted responses (response rate of 38%) • The breakdown of the respondents are as follows:

  3. PDF 2011SURVEY RESULTS MAIN FINDINGS • Most of the respondents had a positive assessment of the PDF 2011. • They found the PDF as an effective mechanism for policy dialogue among the development community. • They found the theme of the event and the presentations relevant to the development agenda of the country. • Most of the respondents supported the suggestion to realign the PDG working groups to the new cabinet clusters.

  4. PDF 2011SURVEY RESULTS MAIN FINDINGS • Most of the respondents want the next PDF to happen one year from the last PDF (February/March 2012). • Though they had positive assessment on the event, respondents made specific comments on the follow-up discussions after the PDF, and noted the need to have a monitoring and evaluation mechanism for PDF WGs. • Respondents strongly suggested to have advanced copies of the material beforehand in order to properly formulate their comments at the PDF. • They appreciated the team’s effort in preparing for the event in such a short span of time though they suggested to have a more advanced notice next time.

  5. PDF 2011SURVEY RESULTS SPECIFIC FINDINGS Most of the respondents agreed that the PDF is an effective mechanism for policy dialogue among the Government, development partners, and other stakeholders. * Respondents were asked to provide a rating on a scale of 1-6 to signify their level of agreement/disagreement for each statement ** Totals may not reach 115 as some respondents had no answers to some questions

  6. PDF 2011SURVEY RESULTS Most agreed that the theme “Implementing President Aquino’s Social Contract to Achieve Inclusive Growth”, was relevant and appropriate. COMMENTS / SUGGESTIONS: “ There must be convergence of inclusive growth with other themes in all the PDF working groups.” – Bilateral partner “Too broad, not relevant to the corruption banner.”—CSO Representative

  7. PDF 2011SURVEY RESULTS Most agreed that the objective of PDF 2011, (to present and discuss the highlights of the Philippine Development Plan and the development priorities of the administration according to the three Cabinet Cluster themes) was met.

  8. PDF 2011SURVEY RESULTS Most agreed that the all-plenary format of this year’s PDF was appropriate to present broad messages and serve as a take-off point for the working groups to continue the dialogue at the working level for the next twelve months. COMMENTS / SUGGESTIONS: “Great start for a democratic consultation on development!” – Civil Society Representative “Candidness should be the rule.” – Government Representative “Focused and informative.” – Anonymous Respondent

  9. PDF 2011SURVEY RESULTS Most agreed that the administration’s plans to restructure the working groups to align with the Government’s cluster themes is appropriate and should be supported. COMMENTS / SUGGESTIONS: “WGs need be clear on the TOR, value addition to existing structures, ensure no overlap.” – Anonymous Respondent “The cluster set-up was not discussed beforehand.”— Representative from Government

  10. PDF 2011SURVEY RESULTS Most agreed that the inclusion of representatives from other groups of stakeholders (Congress, academe, CSOs, local government, and business sector) continues to be critical to the PDF’s objective of facilitating a multi-stakeholder dialogue on the country’s development agenda. COMMENTS / SUGGESTIONS: “Invite more representatives from the leagues; private sector and financial institutions; Indigenous Peoples; Trade Unions; youth organizations; as well as representatives from the agriculture and education sector.” – Civil Society Representative and a Development Partner

  11. PDF 2011SURVEY RESULTS Most agreed that the next PDF meeting should be held a year after, e.g. March 2012. OTHER SUGGESTIONS: • Before the next SONA • Every six months • Every 18 months • Every year to review and monitor the agreed workplan

  12. PDF 2011SURVEY RESULTS COMMENTS ON THE TOPICS DISCUSSED • There is an obvious evasion in using the words “reproductive health” in the human development cluster. • More emphasis on education and security, population and reproductive health rights. • Consider cross-sectional implications of Disaster Risk and Climate Change and explore opportunities of green growth. • More discussion on the HD cluster since the sustainable rural development group expressed some concerns about being clustered here.

  13. PDF 2011SURVEY RESULTS COMMENTS ON THE PROPOSED CABINET CLUSTER SET-UP • Adopt the clusters at the Cabinet level and transform existing PDF WGs into sub-working groups. • Cluster too big, might be difficult to manage, this is ok for follow-up meetings but not for the main PDF. • More analysis on how existing PDF structures can be more seamlessly integrated into government cluster configuration. • Suggest an additional cluster on sustainable development issues. • Work planning session for the different clusters to come up with their respective work plans to be circulated among their members. • There should be a subgroup on the Rule of Law and Access to Justice under the Governance and Security cluster.

  14. PDF 2011SURVEY RESULTS COMMENTS ON THE FORMAT/PROCESS • Discourage expressions of support as they don't encourage substantive dialogue. • Revert back to the old format to allow more in-depth discussions. • More participation from NGOs and CSOs to add more flavor to the discussions. • Presentations should be standardized. • Put donors where they should be, i.e., in the background, supporting local initiatives.

  15. PDF 2011SURVEY RESULTS COMMENTS ON THE FORMAT/PROCESS • I got the impression that the event was in a hurry. • Good job in restricting boring statements by donors. • To avoid wasting time, comments/suggestions should be submitted before the forum proper. • The host may facilitate regional/sectoral consultations before the PDF to resolve minor or medium level bottlenecks/gaps even before reaching the level of agency/department heads.

  16. PDF 2011SURVEY RESULTS COMMENTS ON POST PDF DISCUSSIONS • Hold the PDF after the publication of PDP to engage in more concrete discussions on the work plan of the different working groups. • Provide mechanisms for inputs/comments outside plenary discussions. • Improve knowledge management and e-discussions using web-based information technologies. • Activation of task forces, publication of goals and indicators. • Close monitoring by cluster is crucial as against updating of progress towards the next PDF. • Follow up actions to develop design and monitoring framework with measurable indicators and clear budgeted activities to achieve its targets. • Develop a mechanism to ensure all questions are responded to.

  17. PDF 2011SURVEY RESULTS COMMENTS ON LOGISTICS • It would have helped if we had all government presentations in advance. • More time to interact next time, perhaps a 2-day event. • Excellent venue though prefer to hold not on a weekend. • Advance notice of at least two months before the next PDF. • Sound/video quality not as good as the economic year-end report. • Early announcement of the President's attendance would have attracted bigger participation.

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