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First look at MB stream FDR files and using GANGA. Craig Buttar 11 th March 2008. Details . Found files using dq2_ls Tried using GRID but 13.0.40 failed Running on lxplus to debug and get going Use dq2_get file to lxplus area
First look at MB stream FDR files and using GANGA Craig Buttar 11th March 2008
Details • Found files using dq2_ls • Tried using GRID but 13.0.40 failed • Running on lxplus to debug and get going • Use • dq2_get file to lxplus area • fdr08_run1.0003079.MinBias.merge.AOD.o1_r12_t1._0001.1 • Used Arthur’s AOD->ntuple code • Added vertex information with help from Kirill Prokofiev! • Following plots based on 100 events
No of tracks Pt dist NB pt>0.4GeV Eta Phi
No of vertices X-position Maybe some Extra vertices Y-position Z-position Vertex information from VxContainer This generates a vertex for all events, but for events without real vertex Vertex defaults to input beamspot vx=0, vy=0, vz=0 (see plots above!)
Added to ntuple Added to ntuple from AOD VxContainer nVtx: number of vertices; this is non-zero even for empty events VertexX(Y,Z): Vertex position for i-th vertex VertexEX(EY,EZ): error on position for i-th vertex (this may actually be cov(x,x) ie s2, will check!) VertexNTrks: number of tracks fitted to the i-th vertex From 13.2.0 there is also a vertex type assigned: primary, pileup, secondary, conversion,….. There will also be a dummy vertex Will need to take this into account in analysis code later.
Number of tracks fitted to vertex Number of tracks fitted to a vertex NB some vertices have zero tracks! ->empty events? Correlate with SCT hits, but these are hits not spacepoints! Can we get spacepoints in AOD from TrackContainer? No of SCT hits
Next step use GANGA Develop job script using tutorial Pitfalls Need to wrap up my area to do local compilation at remote site> source ganga> source release Output file in GANGA script = output file in joboptionsotherwise job runs but there is no output file Scotgrid is slow due to fair sharedo not require specific site 500 events successfully run on: Shef, infn, karlsruhe j = Job() j.name='ganga-test' j.application=Athena() j.application.prepare() j.application.option_file='/afs/cern.ch/user/c/cbuttar/testarea/' j.inputdata=DQ2Dataset() j.inputdata.dataset='fdr08_run1.0003079.MinBias.merge.AOD.o1_r12_t1' j.application.max_events='500' j.outputdata=ATLASOutputDataset() j.outputdata.outputdata=['test2.root'] #j.outputdata.location = '$HOME/testarea/' #j.outputdata.location = '$HOME/scratch0' # Uncomment if you'd like to submit to only specific sites j.backend=LCG() j.backend.requirements=AtlasLCGRequirements() #j.backend.requirements.sites= ['GLASGOW'] j.submit() Using GANGA eventually!
To Do • Use GRID to analyse more events • Look at MBTS • It is in the AOD so maybe info is there • Develop root based code to analyse ntuple • Ntuple of 100 events in my public area • Also MyClass.C and MyClass.h as skeleton for analysis • Good exercise to understand what is really in AOD