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Nursery Rhymes Listen to the Nursery Rhymes and then answer the questions. Created by Lynsey Robertson Images and sounds downloaded from http://www.snaithprimary.eril.net/rhyme25.htm. Can you Answer the Questions about the Nursery Rhyme?.
Nursery RhymesListen to the Nursery Rhymes and then answer the questions Created by Lynsey RobertsonImages and sounds downloaded from http://www.snaithprimary.eril.net/rhyme25.htm
Can you Answer the Questions about the Nursery Rhyme? Baa baaBlacksheepHave you any wool?Yes Sir, yes SirThree bags full. One for the MasterOne for the DameAnd ...One for the little boyWho lives down the lane. Do you think the sheep felt cold?What do you think they did with all that wool?Would you like to be bald?
Can you Answer the Questions about the Nursery Rhyme? Little Bo PeepHas lost her sheepAnd doesn't know where to find them.Leave them aloneand they'll come homeWagging their tails behind them. Why did she lose her sheep?Should she have continued to look for them?Did she cut the grass too short?
Can you Answer the Questions about the Nursery Rhyme? Doctor Foster went to GloucesterIn a shower of rain. He fell in a puddleRight up to his middle. And never went there again Do you think he should have waited until the rain had stopped? Did the children play a trick?Will the Doctor catch a cold?
Can you Answer the Questions about the Nursery Rhyme? Hickory, Dickory, DockThe mouse ran up the clock.The clock struck oneThe mouse ran down ...Hickory, Dickory, Dock What do you think the mouse was looking for? What would you do if you saw a mouse running up a clock? What noise might the clock have made when it struck one?
Can you Answer the Questions about the Nursery Rhyme? Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.All the King's horses And all the King's menCouldn't put Humpty together again. Was Humpty showing off?What number should Mrs Boot dial?Do eggs bounce?
Can you Answer the Questions about the Nursery Rhyme? Incey Wincey Spider climbed up the water spout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain. And Incey Wincey Spider went up the spout again. Why did Incey climb up the spout?What is it like up the spout?Do spiders get sunburn?
Can you Answer the Questions about the Nursery Rhyme? Mary, MaryQuite contrary...How does your garden grow?With silver bellsAnd cockle shellsAnd pretty maidsAll in a row .. What do flowers need to grow? What plants could Mary grow in her garden? Should Mary save water and wait for rain?
Can you Answer the Questions about the Nursery Rhyme? Here we go round the Mulberry bush, the Mulberry bush, the Mulberry bush Here we go round the Mulberry bush, on a cold and frosty morning.This is the way we ..... Will the children get dizzy? How many children do you need to make a circle?If the weather is cold and frosty what season might it be?
Can you Answer the Questions about the Nursery Rhyme? Rock a bye BabyOn the tree top.When the wind blowsThe cradle will rock. When the bough breaksThe cradle will fall.And down will come babyCradle and all. Do you think it is a good idea to put a baby in a tree? Why do you think they put the baby in a tree? Where do you think the best place is for a baby to sleep?
Can you Answer the Questions about the Nursery Rhyme? See Saw Majorie Daw,Johnny shall have a new Master.He shall have but a penny a day,Because he won't work any faster. What if someone is very heavy?Should they be holding the see saw? What could you buy with a penny?
Can you Answer the Questions about the Nursery Rhyme? The Sandman comesThe Sandman comes.He brings such pretty snow white sandFor every child throughout the landThe Sandman comes. What does the Sandman do?Where does he get the sand from?What happens if he runs out of sand?
Can you Answer the Questions about the Nursery Rhyme? The Farmer's in his DenThe Farmer's in his DenEe, ei, addioThe Farmer's in his Den.The Farmer wants a wifeThe Wife wants a childThe child wants a NurseThe Nurse wants a dogThe dog wants a bone. Why might the farmer want a wife?Do you think they are a happy family?To keep it going ... what could the bone want?
Can you Answer the Questions about the Nursery Rhyme? Three blind mice, Three blind mice.See how they run, see how they run.They all ran after the Farmer's wifeWho cut off their tail with a carving knife. You've never seen such a thing in your lifeAs three blind mice. Why did the mice run after the farmer’s wife? Was she right to cut off their tails? How should you treat animals?