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Join us for a comprehensive update on GridPix technology, recent test beam results, and future plans. Hear from leading experts and discuss the latest advancements in the field. Lunch provided. Farewell session at 4:00 PM.
Tentative program 10:00 welcome, coffee 10:30 personal introductions 10:45 The status of GridPix: Harry 11:00 Interest and possibilities in Barcelona: Thorsten, Enric, Manuel 11:15 The status of IZM-4: Yevgen 12:00 Recent test beam results: Wilco, Rolf 12:15 Avalanche gap height measurements: Fred 12:30 lunch 13:30 The status of GridPix in Bonn: Jochen 13:45 The all-ceramic InGrid: Hong Wah 14:30 Discussion: activities in Barcelona planning IZM-4: assistance, other solutions; TimePix wafer logistics plans for the all-ceramic GridPix 15:30 ==> 16:00: Farewell
GridPix: Production and R&D HvdG, Nikhef GridPix Workshop, Jan 28, 2013 Nikhef
2010: some good chips with 4”‘chipsquare’ process 2010: Total failure GridPix production @ SMC, Edinburgh 2010: IZM-1: problem Al deposit, some OK 2011: IZM-2: cavities in SRN potection layer 2012: IZM-3: some perfect chips, but many (new) problems All individual steps, at IZM and MESA+, for 8” productions have been successfully realised After testbeam in November 2012, new problems occured
ATLAS Gossip/GridPix panel (2009): • “show, in three years: price, robustness, radiation hardness” • ATLAS/Nikhef Update program (request 5 MEuro) • includes LVL1 trigger • does NOT include Gossip for pixel Vertex detector • What can we do? • Inventarisation of problems • plan for IZM-4
R&D for next generation GridPix chips: • an all-ceramic GridPix • double discharge protection • homogeneous thermal expansion • no outgassing
Groups of users ILC/CLIC Very large state-of-the art TPCs Nikhef, Bonn, Saclay, Freiburg Tracker ATLAS LVL1/TRT Nikhef, CERN, Moscow ATLAS Pixel Nikhef Vertex Tracker NA61, LHeC WIMP/DBD CAST, Nikhef, CERN, ETH, XENON, Darwin, Zeplin Photon Detector ECAP/Univ. of Erlangen (mini) TPC PSI, MIT/LNS, HIP(Helsinki)