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SCHEDULING. Kshama Desai Bijal Shah Kishore Putta Kashyap Sheth. SCHEDULING. Scheduling manages CPU allocation among a group of ready processes and threads. Concept Of Scheduling: Based on mechanism of context switching. Requirement of shared resources by processes and threads.
SCHEDULING Kshama Desai Bijal Shah Kishore Putta Kashyap Sheth
SCHEDULING Scheduling manages CPU allocation among a group of ready processes and threads. Concept Of Scheduling: Based on mechanism of context switching. Requirement of shared resources by processes and threads.
Multiprogramming • Allows many processes to load and time-multiplexing of the threads. • Per CPU, a single thread executes at any given time. • Need for threads to perform concurrent I/O operations. • High CPU multiplexing rate gives the impression of concurrent execution of processes / threads.
Scheduling Policies and Mechanism • Scheduling Policy determines the thread to which the CPU should be allocated and its time of execution. • Scheduling mechanisms determine the way process manager multiplexes the CPU and the state of the thread. Thread Scheduling • Scheduler determines the transition of thread from the running state to the ready state.
Steps in Thread Scheduling • Wait in Ready list for CPU allocation. • On CPU allocation, state of the thread changes from ready to running state. • During execution, thread waits in resource manager’s pool on subsequent request for an unavailable resource (if needed). • After complete execution, it leaves the CPU, or returns to ready state.
Preemption / Yield • Simpler Processor Scheduling Model Done New Thread Ready List Scheduler CPU Job Job Ready Job Running Resource Manager Request Allocate Job Job Blocked Resources
Running Thread Ceases CPU use for following reasons: • Thread completes execution and leaves the system. • Thread requests an unavailable resource. State is changed to Blocked. On availability of resource, state is changed to Ready state. • Thread voluntarily decides to release CPU • System Preempts the thread by changing its state from Running to Ready
Scheduling Mechanisms Scheduler is implemented in the hardware as well as in the OS software. Scheduler implements 3 mechanisms: a) Enqueuer b) Context Switching c) Dispatch element . Sequence of Schedule Mechanism • Enqueuer mechanism places the process into Ready state and decides its priority. • Context switch element helps to remove a process from CPU and bring in a new process. • Dispatch element allocates CPU to the new incoming process.
CPU SHARING Two types of Schedulers: • Voluntary CPU sharing (Non-preemptive scheduler) • Involuntary CPU sharing (Preemptive scheduler) Voluntary CPU Sharing: • Hardware includes special yield machine instruction. • Address of the next instruction is saved in a designated memory location.
Disadvantage of yield instruction: • Failure of periodic access of a process to yield instruction blocks other processes from executing CPU, until the process exits or requests a resource. • Solution of this problem is if the system gives self-interrupt.
Involuntary CPU sharing • Incorporates interval timer device. • Interval of time is decided by the system programmer. • Internal timer invokes the scheduler periodically Advantage : Process executing in an infinite loop cannot block other processes from running (executing ) the CPU.
Performance Scheduler affects the performance of a multiprogrammed CPU to a great extent. Imbalanced process selection for CPU execution by a scheduler will lead to Starvation. This leads to the need for strategy selection of schedulers
Strategy Selection Criteria to select a scheduling strategy depends on the goals of the OS. • Scheduling algorithms for modern OS use internal priorities. • Involuntary CPU sharing have time quantum / timeslice length. Optimal schedule can be computed, provided there is no new entry in the ready list while prior present processes are being served.
Model For Scheduling Performance metrics to compare scheduling strategies: • Service Time • Wait time • Turnaround time. Process model and the metrics are used to compare the performance characteristics of each algorithm. The general model must fit each specific class of the OS environment. • Turnaround time is the most critical performance metric in batch multiprogrammed system. • Time sharing systems focus on single phase of thread execution.
Preemption / Yield Simpler Processor Scheduling Model Done New Thread Ready List Scheduler CPU Job Job Ready Job Running Resource Manager Request Allocate Job Job Blocked Resources
Types of Scheduling Methods • Non- Pre-emptive • Pre-emptive
Non-Preemptive • Non-Pre-emptive: • Once a process enters the running state, it is not removed from the processor until it has completed its service time. There are 4 Non-Pre-emptive strategies: • First Come First Serve (FCFS) • Shortest Job Next (SJN) • Priority Scheduling • Deadline Scheduling
Pre-emptive • Based on prioritize computation. • Process with highest priority should always be the one using the CPU. • If a process is currently using the CPU and a new processor with higher priority enters the ready list, the process on the processor should be removed and returned to the ready list until it is once again the highest priority process in the system.
First Come First Serve (FCFS) • Processes are assigned the CPU in the order they request it. • If a running process blocks, the first process on the queue is run the next. When this blocked process becomes ready, like a newly arrived job, it is put on the end of the queue.
i t(pi) i t(pi) 0 350 1 125 2 475 3 250 4 75 0 350 475 950 1200 1275 P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 FCFS Example • Example load
FCFS Example • Turnaround Time Average of finishing times: TTRnd(P0) = t(P0) = 350 TTRnd(P1) = t(P1) + TTRnd(P0) = 125 + 350 = 475 TTRnd(P2) = t(P2) + TTRnd(P1) = 475 + 475 = 950 TTRnd(P3) = t(P3) + TTRnd(P2) = 250 + 950 = 1200 TTRnd(P4) = t(P4) + TTRnd(P3) = 75 + 950 = 1275 Average turnaround time: TTRnd= (350 + 475 + 950 + 1200 + 1275)/5 = 4250/5 = 850
FCFS Example • Wait Time Average time in wait before first run: From the Gantt chart: W(P0) = 0 W(P1) = TTRnd(P0) = 350 W(P2) = TTRnd(P1) = 475 W(P3) = TTRnd(P2) = 950 W(P4) = TTRnd(P3) = 1200 Average wait time: W = (0 + 350 + 475 + 950 + 1200)/5 = 2975/5 = 595
Advantages and Disadvantages of FCFS • Advantages • Easy to understand and easy to program • It is fair • Requires only single linked list to keep track of all ready processes • Disadvantages • Does not perform well in real systems • Ignores the service time request and all other criteria that may influence the performance with respect to the turnaround or waiting time.
Shortest Job Next (SJN) • Here each process is associated with its length. • The ready queue is maintained in the order of increasing job lengths. • When current process is done, pick the one at the head of the queue and run it.
i t(pi) i t(pi) 0 350 1 125 2 475 3 250 4 75 0 75 200 450 800 1275 P4 P3 P0 P2 P1 SJN Example • Example load Average turnaround time: TTRnd = (800 + 200 + 1275 + 450 + 75)/5= 2800/5 = 560 Average wait time: W = (450 + 74 + 800 + 200 + 0)/5 = 1525/5 = 305
Advantages and Disadvantages of SJN • Advantages • Minimizes wait time • Disadvantages • Long running threads may starve NOTE: • It requires prior knowledge of service time • Optimal only when all the jobs are available simultaneously.
Priority Scheduling • Each process is assigned a priority and the runnable process with highest priority is allowed to run. • Priorities can be assigned statically or dynamically • With static priority, starvation is possible • Dynamic (internal) priority solves the problem of starvation
i t(pi) Priority i t(pi) Priority 0 350 5 1 125 2 2 475 3 3 250 1 4 75 4 0 250 375 850 925 1275 P3 P2 P4 P0 P1 Priority Scheduling • Example load: Average turnaround time: TTRnd = (1275 + 375 + 850 + 250 + 925)/5= 3675/5 = 735 Average wait time: W = (925 + 250 + 375 + 0 + 850)/5 = 2400/5 = 480
Deadline Scheduling • For hard real-time systems, process must finish by a certain time • Turnaround time and wait times are irrelevant • We need to know maximum service time for each process • Deadline must be met for each period in a process’s life
i t(pi) Deadline i t(pi) Deadline 0 350 575 1 125 550 2 475 1050 3 250 (none) 4 75 200 Deadline Scheduling Example • Example load 0 75 200 550 1025 1275 P4 P0 P2 P3 P1
Round Robin • Most widely used scheduling algorithm • It tries to be fair by equally distributing the processing time among all the processes • When the process uses up its quantum, it is put on the end of the ready list
How to choose the length of the quantum? • Setting the quantum length too short causes many process switches and lowers the CPU efficiency • Setting the quantum length too long may cause poor response to short interactive requests • Solution: • Around 20-50 msec is a reasonable compromise.
Multiple-Level Queues • It is an extension of priority scheduling • The ready queue is partitioned into separate queues; • Foreground • Background • Scheduling must be done between the queues • It uses 2 strategies of scheduling; • One to select the queue • Another to select the process in the queue such as Round Robin
LINUX Scheduling Mechanism • Linux threads are kernel threads hence scheduling is based on threads. • It is based on time-sharing techniques. • Each thread has a scheduling priority • Default value is 20, but can be altered using the nice (value) system call to a value of 20-value • Value must be in the range -20 to +19, hence the range of priority is between 1 and 40 • Quality of service is proportional to priority. • The scheduler keeps track of what processes are doing and adjust the priorities periodically, i.e., the priorities are dynamic
Windows NT Scheduling Mechanism • Windows NT is a pre-emptive multithreading OS. • Even here the unit of scheduling is thread. • It uses 32 numerical thread priorities from 1 to 31 (0 being reserved for system use). • 16 to 31 for use by time critical operations • 1 to 15 (dynamic priorities) for program threads of typical applications.
References • Nutt, Gary. Operating Systems. Third Edition, Pearson Education Inc, 2004. • Tanenbaum, Andrew. Modern Operating Systems, Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt. Ltd. • http://www.windowsitpro.com/Article/ArticleID/302/302.html