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Unlocking Success: Strategies for Can-Do School Culture Transformation

Dive into the four key components driving implementation strategies to enhance student achievement and foster a positive school culture. Learn how to combat the challenges of poverty and dysfunctional school responses through collective efforts. Explore the pivotal role of student and teacher expectations, credibility, and relationships in shaping a can-do mindset. Discover effective strategies for adults and students to drive success and create impactful experiences that inspire growth and resilience. Join the conversation on overcoming obstacles and shaping a brighter future through the wisdom of crowds.

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Unlocking Success: Strategies for Can-Do School Culture Transformation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Day 5 Presentations We are almost there!

  2. Feedback • What four pillar components support implementation of these strategies?

  3. Excel Specialists! Congrats! • Araminta Sorrell • Ryan Mattingly • Jennifer Huber

  4. Can Do School Culture STF Summer Institute 2012

  5. What Influences Student Achievement? Huge Analysis of 8,000 Studies Finds • Strongest Influence was Student Expectations-This was three times as powerful as teacher expectations • Second was Teacher Credibility in Eyes of Student- This was five times as powerful as matching teaching with student learning styles • Fifth was Teacher-Student relationships-This was three times as powerful as reducing class size

  6. Can Do School Culture Matters Because • Student’s belief that will succeed if they work at it and • Teacher’s belief that the adults in the school can collectively create the conditions needed for students to succeed • Are what ultimately drive school and student success

  7. The Enemy of Can Do School Culture is Poverty • It over-concentrates the neediest students in a sub-set of schools not designed for the educational challenge they face-which leads to adult burnout, disbelief, and a survivor/triage mentality • It teachers students that life is capricious. It is a high stress existence. Physical , emotional and mental stress all pull on the same energy reserves. This pushes students towards, absenteeism, low effort, poor behavior and limited expectations. It eats away at trust. • Dysfunctional School Responses then Make it Worse for Everyone

  8. Do Not Despair-Knowledge is Power-We Have Assets on Our Side • Humans at their Core are Smart and Adaptive • Learning something is Inherently Joyful and Exciting (though the learning process is not always so) • Shaped Experience can Change Behavior

  9. We Need Different Strategies for Adults and Students • For Adults-small, initial wins are important-to show that collective effort has positive impact • For Students, we need to create shaped experiences that show effort leads to success • Group Discussion-what are some challenges we will face/how can we overcome them?

  10. The Wisdom of Crowds • Assemble at tables with other members from your school or city (if you are by yourself, assemble with others). • Assemble an Action Plan-to create Shaped Experiences that show students that effort leads to success

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