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Flood Risk Management Update Stephanie Bray 12/10/2013

Flood Risk Management Update Stephanie Bray 12/10/2013. Federal Interagency Floodplain Management Task Force Membership. Federal Interagency Floodplain Management Task Force. Current Activities EO 11988 survey on effectiveness of implementation

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Flood Risk Management Update Stephanie Bray 12/10/2013

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  1. Flood Risk Management UpdateStephanie Bray12/10/2013

  2. Federal Interagency Floodplain Management Task Force Membership

  3. Federal Interagency Floodplain Management Task Force • Current Activities • EO 11988 survey on effectiveness of implementation • Enhancing technical assistance available to coastal communities • Understanding costs and losses due to flood events

  4. PPD-8 Components National Preparedness Goal National Preparedness System National Planning Frameworks Prevention Protection Mitigation Response Recovery Federal Interagency Operational Plans

  5. Mitigation Framework Leadership Group • Federal Flood Risk Reduction Standard under development • Interagency team of subject matter experts participating in development • Effort will build off of the efforts of the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force and the President’s Climate Action Plan

  6. Silver Jackets Delivering Inter-Agency Flood Risk Management Partners • State-Led ( Voice of our Customers ) • States set priorities for Interagency Federal support • States can invite partners Feds cannot • Interagency Method of Delivery ( MOD ) • Collaboration across agencies / levels of government • Leverage resources: talent, data, funding • Improve flood risk communication: • unified interagency message • Continuous, not project-specific • Strategic Life-Cycle Risk Mgmt • Watershed Perspective • State teams facilitate regional, state-to-state FRM

  7. Silver Jackets Interagency Projects Other State • Forty-one (41) FRM and LS Projects • FY11-13 • Twenty-five (25) States completing projects • $3.7M USACE investment leveraged $4M from partners • Nineteen (19) Nonstructural Projects • FY13-14 • Nineteen (19) States completing projects • $2M USACE leveraged against $1M from partners • Demonstrate Benefits of Interagency Approach • Use existing authorities of multiple agencies • Leverage resources among Fed, State, Local, Tribal • Evaluate Outcomes, quantitatively and qualitatively Assess Risk Local NOAA Distribution of FRM and LS Project Partner Leveraging Raise Awareness FEMA NWS USGS Prompt Action Reduce/ ManageRisk

  8. Flood Risk Management – Silver Jackets Workshops • 2013 Flood Risk Management – Silver Jackets Webinar Week a huge success • Over 400 people registered • Approximately 150 participated at any given time • 2014 Flood Risk Management – Silver Jackets Workshop in planning process • Anticipated August 19-21, 2014 in Southbridge, MA

  9. Characterizing National Flood Risk • Characterize national flood risk for policy-oriented purposes, internally within USACE and then externally with partners • Demonstrate specific USACE contribution to achieved flood risk reduction • Characterize future flood risks • Characterize national and regional risk

  10. Questions?

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