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PROBING THE UNIVERSE AT 20 MINUTES AND 400 THOUSAND YEARS. Gary Steigman. The Ohio State University. OSU Physics Colloquium, November 21, 2006. The Universe is expanding and is filled with radiation. ~ 100 s after the Big Bang Primordial Nucleosynthesis.
PROBING THE UNIVERSE AT 20 MINUTES AND 400 THOUSAND YEARS Gary Steigman The Ohio State University OSU Physics Colloquium, November 21, 2006
The Universe is expanding and is filled with radiation
~ 100 s after the Big Bang Primordial Nucleosynthesis ~ 0.1 s after the Big Bang Neutrinos Decouple ~ 400 kyr after the Big Bang Relic Photons (CBR) are free
BBN & The CBR Provide Complementary Probes Of The Early Universe Do predictions and observations of the baryon density and the expansion rate agree at 20 minutes and at 400 kyr ?
Baryon Density Parameter Note : Baryons Nucleons nN /n ; 10 = 274Bh2 where : B B /c and : h H0 /100km/s/Mpc 0.7 H0-1 = 9.8 / h Gyr 14 Gyr
The Early, Hot, Dense Universe Is A Cosmic Nuclear Reactor BBN “begins” at T 70 keV (when n / p 1 / 7) Coulomb barriers and the absence of free neutrons end BBN at T 30 keV tBBN 424 min.
Evolution of Deuterium 10 More nucleons less D
Evolution of Helium - 4 All/most neutrons are incorporated in 4He n/p 1/7 Y 0.25 Y4He Mass Fraction 10 Y is neutron limited Y is VERY WEAKLY dependent on the nucleon abundance
BBN – Predicted Primordial Abundances BBN Abundances ofD, 3He, 7Li are RATE (Density) LIMITED 7Li 7Be D, 3He, 7Li are potential BARYOMETERS
DEUTERIUM --- TheBaryometerOf Choice • As the Universe evolves,D is only DESTROYED • * Anywhere, Anytime : (D/H) t (D/H) P • * For Z << Z : (D/H) t (D/H) P (Deuterium Plateau) • (D/H) P is sensitive to the baryon density ( ) • H and D areseen in AbsorptionBUT … • * H and D spectra are identical H Interlopers? • * Unresolved velocity structure Errors in N(H) ?
D/H vs. Metallicity Real variations, systematic differences, statistical uncertainties ? Deuterium Plateau ? Low – Z / High – z QSOALS
D/H vs. HI Column Density D/H Correlated With N(H I) ?
D/H vs. H I Column Density NEW (2006)
D/H vs. H I Column Density D/H Correlated With N(H I) ?
D/H vs. Metallicity For Primordial D/H adopt the mean and the dispersion around the mean 105(D/H)P= 2.65± 0.25
CBR Temperature Anisotropy Spectrum (T2 vs. ) Encodes The Baryon Density Barger et al. (2003) Amplitudes of odd/even peaks depend on Bh2 Bh2 =0.018, 0.023, 0.028 CBR (WMAP) constrains Bh2 The CBR is an early - Universe Baryometer
D/H vs. Metallicity The CBR is a good Deuteronometer ! BBN + WMAP
The Expansion Rate (H Hubble Parameter) provides a probe of Non-Standard Physics • S H / H (/)1/2 (1 + 7N /43)1/2 for : + N and N 3 + N • 4He is sensitive to S while D probes
4Heis an early– Universe Chronometer YP & yD 105 (D/H) 4.0 2.0 3.0 0.25 0.24 0.23 D&4HeIsoabundance Contours Kneller & Steigman (2004)
As O/H 0, Y 0 SBBN Prediction
BBN (D, 4He) For N ≈ 2.5±0.3 YP & yD 105 (D/H) 4.0 3.0 2.0 0.25 0.24 0.23
Non-Standard BBN (Example of Neff < 3) Late Decay of a Massive Particle Kawasaki,Kohri&Sugiyama & Low Reheat Temp. (TR MeV) Neff<3 Relic Neutrinos Not Fully (Re)Populated
CBR Temperature Anisotropy Spectrum Encodes the Radiation Density R(SorN) N =1, 2.75,5, 7 Peak locations vary with N Barger et al. (2003) CBR constrains N(S) The CBR is an early - Universe Chronometer
BBN (D & 4He) + CBR (WMAP) BBN & CBR Consistent ! CBR BBN Barger et al. (2003) Barger et al. (2003)
Joint BBN (D & 4He) & CBR Fit But, is Li Consistent ? N < 4 N> 1 Barger et al. (2003) Barger et al. (2003)
BBN and Primordial (Pop ) Lithium Li too low ? [Li]BBN12 + log(Li/H) 2.6 – 2.7 [Li]OBS 12 + log(Li/H) 2.1
Even for N 3 yLi 1010 (Li/H) • Y + DH • [Li] 2.60 0.07 (vs. [Li]OBS 2.1) 4.0 3.0 2.0 4.0 Li depleted/diluted in Pop stars ? Or, New Physics ?
Baryon Density () Determinations ? N< 3 ?
Observational Uncertainties Or New Physics? X ? 2σ ? 2σ ? N< 3 ?
N(S) Determinations BBN is a better Chronometer than the CBR V. Simha
SUMMARY • SBBN (N = 3) D/H & CBR • BBN (D & 4He) & CBR agree for : • 10 =6.1(Bh2= 0.022) & N = 2.5 (?) * 95% Ranges : 1.9 N 3.1 5.5 10 6.6 (B≈0.04 – 0.05)
SUCCESS BBN and the CBR Agree ! But, what’s up with Lithium ? CHALLENGE (The Theorist’s Mantra) More & Better Data Are Needed !