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Aerosol Self Nucleation

Aerosol Self Nucleation. Why are we interested? Contribute to natural aerosol concentrations global warming implications health implications serve as sites for the sorption of other gas phase compounds-toxic Usually they are very small pyrene (gas) .0007 m m viruses .002 -.06 m m

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Aerosol Self Nucleation

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  1. Aerosol Self Nucleation • Why are we interested? • Contribute to natural aerosol concentrations • global warming implications • health implications • serve as sites for the sorption of other gas phase compounds-toxic • Usually they are very small • pyrene (gas) .0007 mm • viruses .002 -.06 mm • if condensationnuclei start asclusters of 3-8 .001- .005 mm molecules

  2. If gases are coming together to form particles or clusters • level of gas saturation • amount of cluster growth • free energy of the system • surface tension • vapor pressure of the gas molecules

  3. Free energy and surface tension • What is surface tension • if a liquid has a meniscus surface we could define a force per unit length, gt , that the liquid surface moves from the flat surface of the liquid gt x l = force • force x distance = work • if the distance is dy • work = gtxlxdy • dy xl has the units of area • work/area = gt = surface tension • the free energy of the meniscus moving from position a to b or dy: • DG = DH -TDS ; DH = work + heat • DG = gt xDA + heat -TDS

  4. Free energy and surface tension • G = g t x dA + heat -TD S • often the free energy of just the surface is given as: • DGS = g t x DA • for a spherical liquid nuclei or small clusterD GS = 4pr2 xg t • for gas molecules forming a small cluster where Nl gas molecules -> oooo • the change in total free energy is the change in going from a pure vapor to a system that contains particle embryos • D GT = Gembryo system - Ggas vapor

  5. Free energy and surface tension • D GT = Gembryo system - Ggas vapor • let mg = chemical potential of the remaining gas, ml the liquid or embryo system; NT will be the tolal number of starting gas molecules and after embryo formation the Ng = # of gas molecules, so, Ng = NT - Nlwhere Nl the number of liquid embryo molecules • D GT = mg x Ng+ mlNl+ 4pr2 xg t - NTmg • Substituting NT= Ng + Nl • D GT = Nl {ml- mg} + 4pr2 xg t

  6. Free energy and surface tension • D GT = Nl {ml- mg} + 4pr2 xg t • the number of molecules in a liquid cluster, Nl , is the volume of the cluster divided by the volume of one molecule, vl • where Nl = 4/3 p r 3 / vl • D GT = 4/3 p r 3 / vl{ml- mg} + 4pr2 xg t • the Gibbs Duhem equation describes the change in chemical potential with vapor pressure • dm = v dp; since vg>>> vl • d {ml- mg} = vg dP • {ml- mg} = -kT ln P/Po

  7. Free energy and and saturation • {ml- mg} = -kT ln P/Po • defineP/Po as the saturation ratio S • D GT = 4/3 p r 3 / vl{ml- mg} + 4pr2 xg t • D GT = -4/3 p r 3 / vl{kT ln S} +4pr2 g t • A plot of D GT vs particle diameter for different saturation ratios >1,shows it to go thru a maximum and then fall; this max is called the critical diameter (or radius rc) • differentiating and solving for rc • rc= 2gt vl/(kT ln S); • ln S = 2gt Mw/(RTr rc); molar units(Kelvin equation) what happens to vapor pressure over a particle as r decreases and why?? • ln P/Po= 2gt Mw/(RTr rc);

  8. An expression for cluster #, Nl • If we go back toDGT = -4/3 p r3c/ vl{kT ln S} +4pr2 g t • and take the derivative with respect tor3c, and set this equal to zero, one gets: • 4p r2c/ vl{kT ln S}=8prg t • mulyiplying both sides by r/3 we get something that looks like the cluster #Nl where Nl = 4/3 p r 3 / vlsincerc= 2gt vl /(kT ln S) • substituting we obtain a valve for Nl , the number of molecules in a cluster with a radius of rcand as function of saturation

  9. Estimate cluster rc and the cluster #, Nl • substituting molar values in the Nl expression one obtains: • rc = 2gt Mw/(RTr ln S ); • critical #s (Nl) and rc for 3 organics • saturation ratio 2 3 4 5 • acetone (# Nl) 265 67 33 21(rc in nm) 2.0 1.3 1.0 .8 • benzene (# Nl) 706 177 88 56(rc in nm) 3.0 1.8 1.5 1.3 • styrene (# Nl) 1647 413 202 132(rc in nm) 4.2 2.7 2.1 1.8

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