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Right to a healthy workplace. Tatiana Santos. 24/08/2014. ISTAS. ISTAS
Right to a healthy workplace Tatiana Santos 24/08/2014
ISTAS ISTAS (Union Institute of Work, Environment and Health) is a non-profit, self-managed trade union’s technical foundation wich main aim is to promote the improvement of working conditions, occupational health and safety and environmental protection.
Chemical risk dimension • 30 million of chemical substances in the world • Chemicals global production: • 1930: 1 million Tn • 2007: 400 millionTn • 2006 world chemical sales: 1641 billion € http://www.cefic.org/ • European market: • 103.800 chemicals • 30.000 chemicals usually used in the workplace
Deaths caused by dangerous substances International Labour Organization (ILO); • 2 million people die from occupational accidents or work-related diseases. • 160 million cases of occupational disease • 440.000 deaths caused by dangerous substances in the workplace • 10% of cancer deaths are due to occupational expositions. • 26,217deaths caused by dangerous substances (EU-15) • The latest information from year 2000
Trade Unions strategy Action principles • Act with an integrated view • Precautionary principle • Right of information and participation • To eliminate is the most effective action • More actions and less evaluations • Guarantee pollution control • Recognice the differences
Trade Unions intervention in enterprises • Know our rights • Know what we are using • Inform to your workmates • Risk elimination or control • Health and environment vigilance • Guarantee participation
TRADE UNION INTERVENTIONKnowing our righs Health Enviroment Participation Information Training
TRADE UNION INTERVENTION Knowing what we use “There is a general lack of knowledge about the properties and the uses of existing substances.” White Paper-Commission Strategy for a Future Chemicals Policy. COM (2001) 88 final, 27 February 2001.
TRADE UNION INTERVENTION Knowing what we use 100.000 substances in the EU ~75.000 a few (or non) toxicity data ~25.000 limited toxicity data 2500 HPVC (>1000 tn/year)
TRADE UNION INTERVENTION Knowing what we use Very high concern substances: 1500 carcinogens and mutagens 1500 toxics for reproduction 3000 sensitazers 1300 neurotoxics 1500 endocrine disrupters 400 PBT and/or POP
TRADE UNION INTERVENTION Eliminating the risk To avoid the risk is an employer obligation • Council Directive 89/391/EEC on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work. • Council Directive 98/24/EC on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks related to chemical agents at work. • Council Directive 90/394/EEC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens at work (Sixth individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)
TRADE UNION INTERVENTION Recognizing the differences • Biologic differences • Specific patologies • Maternity • Gender uniquality in public health • Habits • Double exposition: work + home • Social, cultural and psicological differences
ISTAS WORK: Online Tools: Risctox The data base allows to do consultations introducing the substance name or anyone of its identification numbers (CAS, CE/EINECS) in a general finder, or consulting the listings of risks or norm that is included.
ISTAS WORK: Online Tools: Risctox • Substance identification and classification
ISTAS WORK: Online Tools: Risctox • Specific risks
ISTAS WORK: Online Tools: Assess and compare what you use Insert your product:
ISTAS WORK: Online Tools: Assess and compare what you use Evaluate your product;
ISTAS WORK: Online Tools: Assess and compare what you use Choose between two products to compare;
ISTAS WORK: Promoting substitution Substitution of trichloroethylene: • Trichloroethylene is commonly use in asphalt quality control laboratories as a solvent. • It is an irritant, carcinogen, mutagen, endocrine disruptor and neurotoxic substance. • PBT, POP, air and water pollutant, climate change precursor, ozone depleyer, creator of troposferic ozone and hazardous for aquatic organisms.
ISTAS WORK: Promoting substitution Substitution of trichloroethylene: • ISTAS proposed the use of an incineration oven to avoid the use of trichloroethylene. • The success of this alternative made possible the substitution of trichloethylene in several spanish laboratories.
ISTAS WORK: Promoting substitution Improvements with the substitution of trichloroethylene: • Avoid the solvents use • Avoid the workers exposition • Reduction of the essays time • Elimination of residues management costs • Avoid the need of protection masks and gloves • Improvement in the workers security and health • Normative compliment • Reduction of risks costs • Growthin the enterprise image and labour relationship
REACH, for the Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of CHemicals.
Thank you!!!! Tatiana Santos ISTAS-CCOO