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Whales from the Deep. Define: . Humpback – a type of whale. Trivia Fact: . http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/php/search.php?search=search&keywords=whale&show_title=none&search=Search. How did we do?. Marine – of or relating to the sea . Extinction – the state of An entire species no longer
Define: Humpback – a type of whale
Trivia Fact: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/php/search.php?search=search&keywords=whale&show_title=none&search=Search
How did we do? Marine – of or relating to the sea Extinction – the state of An entire species no longer Existing or living.
Environment – the conditions or influences that affect growth And development of living things. Intellect – intelligence or understanding
Complex – complicated or hard To understand Dominance – leadership Or control
Background Knowledge Scientists conduct experiments, gather data, and analyze it. Their analysis, or results, are based on scientific principles but can be interpreted in different ways. Modern technology is enabling scientists to learn more about whales, but in the end their data is a matter of interpretation. What does that mean? 2 min
Browse Open your OCR books to page. 420 Scan the pages of this story. Pay attention to titles, captions, and bold words. Anything to add to the concept/question board? 8 min
Purpose Why are reading this story? How does it meet our goals for the unit? How does it fit into the Communication Unit? 2 min
Selection Vocabulary • Let’s complete a vocabulary map for a few of our new words.
Sound Spelling Card Review • Name if card • Sound of card • Spelling of card Practice all the cards together. Try this puzzle out…..
Listening/Speaking/Viewing Media – different ways of communicating information to the public. Some examples are: television movies newspaper CD-ROMS internet billboards radio encyclopedia magazines flyers/handouts 30 min
Different types of media are useful for different types of information and different types of audiences. Who can help explain? Which type of media would you use for: • Whales washed up on the beach during the night • An interview with a whale watcher • Information about going on a whale watch • In-depth information on sea mammals
Endangered Species • What does endangered mean? • What animals are in danger of becoming extinct? • How can we protect such animals? • To find out more write a letter to: Office of Endangered Species Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Department of the Interior Washington, D.C. 20240
Sample Letter School Name/Address Office of Endangered Species Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Department of the Interior Washington, D.C. 20240 To whom it may concern. My name is…………………………………………………………………………blah blah. Send me information please. Sincerely, My name