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Faculty Seminar: Community-Engaged Scholarship (CES). Engaging with the Community, Creating Scholarly Products Steans Center Beck Research Initiative 05.09.13. Agenda. About this Faculty Seminar Series About Community-Engaged Scholarship
Faculty Seminar: Community-Engaged Scholarship (CES) Engaging with the Community, Creating Scholarly Products Steans Center Beck Research Initiative 05.09.13
Agenda • About this Faculty Seminar Series • About Community-Engaged Scholarship • From Service-Learning Teaching to Community-Engaged Scholarship • Funding Opportunities • Available Resources • Presentations Miles Harvey Naomi Steinberg • Discussion • Refreshments/Shmoozing
Purposes of This Faculty Seminar Series • Build faculty capacity to undertake community-engaged scholarship • Showcase DePaul faculty involved with community-engaged scholarship • Co-Sponsored by: • Steans Center for Community-based Service Learning • Beck Research Initiative
Distinctions: (1) Traditional vs. Community-Engaged Faculty Work(2) Community-Engaged Work vs. Community-Engaged Scholarship
Community-Engaged ScholarshipThree Essential Criteria Draws on Faculty Member’s Expertise
About Community-Engaged ScholarshipCES one part student or faculty community engagement + one part faculty scholarship derived therefrom ------------------------------------------------------- community-engaged scholarship Select Manifestations of CES • Scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) • Research on service-learning (stu, fac, comm) • Scholarship of engagement (CBR, Public Scholarship) • Scholarship on engagement
1. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) There’s a whole literature on this subject. In a nutshell, SoTL covers innovative teaching and studying (some aspect or model of) teaching Potential article topics: • a case study of service-learning teaching • a new service-learning model within a discipline • an interdisciplinary model • a reflection innovation • a self-journey (auto-ethnography)
1. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL):Sample Article Titles • Critical Community Service Learning: Combining Critical Classroom Pedagogy with Activist Community Placements • Points of Discomfort: Reflections on Power and Partnerships in International Service Learning • Student Perceptions of Community-based Research Partners and the Politics of Knowledge • Disrupting Borders: A Case Study in Engaged Scholarship What might be a focus of an article that you might write that relates directly to teaching a service-learning course and would qualify as an example of the scholarship of teaching and learning?
2. Research on Service-Learning: Possible Directions STUDENTS Academic Civic Multicultural FACULTY Motivation Impediments RESEARCH ON SERVICE-LEARNING COMMUNITIES Impacts Partnerships INSTITUTIONS SERVICE-LEARNING DISCIPLINES Comparing how different disciplines think about community involvement
2. Research on Service-Learning:Sample Article Titles • College Students’ Negotiation of Privilege in a Community-Based Violence Prevention Project • Service-Learning and Critical Emotion Studies: On the Perils of Empathy and the Politics of Compassion • Building Effective Community-University Partnerships: Are Universities Truly Ready? • Negotiating Border Crossing: Influences of Social Identity on Service-Learning Outcomes • University Students’ Views of a Public Service Graduation Requirement • Stability and Change in the Development of College Students’ Civic Attitudes, Knowledge, and Skill • What might be a focus of an article that you might write that addresses some aspect of research on service-learning?
3. Scholarship of Engagement Where a faculty member is invited to become involved in the community in a way that involves and benefits the community, taps the faculty member’s expertise, and leads to a scholarly product derived from the community experience Two popular forms of scholarship of engagement are: (a) community-based research – where a faculty member co-develops a research project that involves the community in the shaping of it, that is intended to benefit the community, and that also benefits the faculty member’s scholarship; and (b) public scholarship (Imagining America) – where a (humanities, art, or design) faculty member co-develops a product that contributes to the public good and yields artifacts of public and intellectual value.
Scholarship of EngagementSample Article Titles • Principles of Best Practice for Community-Based Research • A Case Study of a Community-Based Participatory Evaluation Research Project
3. Scholarship of Engagement:Example A business professor proficient in for-profit strategic planning is invited to work with a local nonprofit on their strategic plan (Professional Service). From the experience, she writes an article or a book about what does/doesn’t apply from for-profit strategic planning to nonprofit strategic planning. Describe a way you might become involved in the community such that it involves and benefits the community, taps your area of expertise, and culminates in a scholarly product or public artifact?
4. Scholarship on Engagement The study of some facet of campus-community engagement.
4. Scholarship on Engagement:Sample Article Titles • Institutionalizing Faculty Engagement at Research Universities: A Case Study • What influences Long-Term Service-Learning Sustainability: Lessons from a Study of Early Adopters • The Role of Incentives in Attracting Faculty to Engaged Scholarship • Investigating Faculty Learning in the Context of Community-Engaged Scholarship • Place-Building Theory: A Framework for Assessing, Advancing, and Critically Examining Community Engagement in Higher Education • Human Subjects Protection: A Source for Ethical Service-Learning Practice • University Leaders’ Use of Episodic Power to Support Faculty Community Engagement • Why the Civic Engagement Movement Cannot Achieve Democratic and Justice Aims What would be a topic you might consider investigating in a scholarly way that pertains to some facet of campus-community engagement?
Service-Learning Teaching as a Springboard for Four Community-Engaged Scholarship Manifestations Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Research on Service-Learning Teaching a Service-Learning Course Scholarship of Engagement Scholarship on Engagement
Funding Opportunities for CES • Beck Research Initiative Community-Based Research Fellowship • Steans Center Community-Based Research Fellowship • Public Service Council • Quality of Instruction Council
DePaul Resources Jeff Howard Director of Faculty Development, Steans Center Editor, Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (http://ginsberg.umich.edu/mjcsl/) Consultation around service-learning Consultation around community-engaged scholarship Howard Rosing Executive Director, Steans Center Consultation around service-learning and community-based research Beth Catlett Chair and Associate Professor, Women & Gender Studies Director, Beck Research Initiative Consultation around integrating community-based research into academic courses Marisol Morales Associate Director, Steans Center Consultation around service-learning, potential community partners
Resources on Community-Engaged Scholarship International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (www.researchslce.org) 2013 Conference in Omaha, NE (November 6-8) National Review Board for the Scholarship of Engagement Website www.scholarshipofengagement.org “New Times Demand New Scholarship” (www.compact.org/initiatives/research_universities/ Community Engaged Scholarship Toolkit Community-Campus Partnership for Health www.communityengagedscholarship.info/ www.ces4health.org Scholarship of Engagement Toolkit Campus Compact/TRUCEN (Stanton & Howard) www.compact.org/initiatives/civic-engagement-at-research-universities/trucen-overview/ Imagining America (esp. the tenure team initiative/report) http://www.imaginingamerica.org/ Engaged Scholarship: A Resource Guide (Comm. on Institutional Cooperation) http://www.research2.ecu.edu/Documents/Carnegie/Engagement%20Scholarship.pdf
Journals Devoted to Community-Engaged Scholarship • Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (www.ginsberg.umich.edu/mjcsl/) • Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement (http://openjournals.libs.uga.edu/index.php/jheoe/) • Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship (http://www.jces.ua.edu/) • Reflections (http://reflectionsjournal.net/) • Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement (http://epress.lib.uts.edu.au/ojs/index.php/ijcre) • International Journal for Service-Learning in Engineering: Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship (www.ijsle.org) • Partnership Perspectives (CCPH; http://depts.washington.edu/ccph/PP.html) • Journal for Civic Commitment (http://www.mesacc.edu/other/engagement/Journal/) • Journal for Research on Service-Learning and Teacher Education (http://educationprogram.duke.edu/ICSLTE) • Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education (jpshe.missouristate.edu) • International Undergraduate Journal for Service-Learning, Leadership, and Social Change • (www.columbiasc.edu/ServiceLearningLeadershipSocialChange/) • Public: A Journal of Imagining America (www.imaginingamerica.org) • International Journal of Research on Community Engagement and Service-Learning (http://journals.sfu.ca/iarslce/index.php/journal/index) • Comprehensive list of journals publishing community engaged scholarship: www.compact.org/resources/service-learning_resources/ • Journals often publishing community engaged scholarship: Metropolitan Universities (http://www.cumuonline.org/muj.aspx) Academic Exchange Quarterly (http://www.rapidintellect.com/AEQweb/)
Presentations Miles Harvey Assistant Professor English Naomi Steinberg Associate Professor Religious Studies